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Major Update

Posted on Thu Aug 16th, 2018 @ 11:31am by Captain Enalia Telvan

The SWA custom version of nova, and thus the Hera, has been updated from 2.3.2.AZ1 to 2.5.1.AZ1. There are still some php issues because of so many incompatibilities with nova and php 7.2 but 2.3.2 just doesn't work on it. On the bright side, at least now the error logs aren't twice the size of the entire sim and we have some cool new features to play with! ^_^

As for the one bug that I can identify so far, it's just a warning saying that 7.3 isn't going to support something we're using so we need to fix it on every... single... page... load...

So yeah, I'll be working to fix that before I push it out to the rest of the SWA hosted sims. ^_^ My deadline is December so I should be able to get it done in time. I'll try to use the Hera's clone to troubleshoot this on so don't worry about service interruptions.



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Category: Website Update
