
  • 19 Mission Posts

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Sat Jan 19th, 2019 @ 2:19am

Lieutenant Alex Sexton

Name Alex Sexton

Position Security Investigations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 40
Sexual Orientation Promiscuos
Character Type npc
Main Character (Seregon French)

Physical Appearance

Height 5.10
Weight 163 lbs
Hair Color Graying
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Alex is about 163 lbs in good physical shape for a 40 yr old Black American Male. He has been in star fleet back the same amount of time as French. He is her friend and took this assignment to make sure she is alright. He is Intel trained as well as Security and Command trained.
Specialized Equipment He can fly a fighter


Father Travis
Mother Martha
Sister(s) Play sister Seregon French

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is a good officer who has dedicated himself to helping his friend get over her loss and move on. He will go where life leads him. He and French are like Brother and Sister. Nothing romantic between them thus ar.
Strengths & Weaknesses Command is his strong suit.

His only weakness thus far has been his devotion to his friend French.
Ambitions to be a good officer and progress through the ranks.
Hobbies & Interests fast moving anything gets his blood pumping, he is also a very able pilot.