Season 2

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Something lurks deep in the corners of the galaxy. Will the crew of the USS Hera find it or will it find them?

Group Post Count: 472

Included Missions

Something Amiss

Post Count: 84

The Hera has finished being repaired from her near destruction during an encounter with pirates and has received her first assignment. Why does it include Top Secret Orders from Starfleet Command though?

Devotion of Time

Post Count: 42

Interim mission between rescuing Aewia and finding the location of a Romulan research facility.

Reman Z

Post Count: 50

The Hera investigates the Romulan deep space research station that's developing a deadly and malevolent virus. What they find is something that could change the course of history for the worse and wipe out all life as they know it.

Temporal Kickback

Post Count: 86

Because of Borg probe vessel 48379 the Hera is pulled into a temporal rift and thrown back in time to the 2240s near a planet called Axanar. Can they figure out how to get home before they get dragged into one of the most influential battles in Klingon-Federation history?

The New Sydney Fiasco

Post Count: 210

The Hera has returned but it's the wrong year. The ship is sent to New Sydney to both rendezvous with the office of Temporal Investigations and to take another captain into custody.