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Why we Fight

Posted on Tue Mar 19th, 2019 @ 8:01am by Captain Enalia Telvan & Lieutenant Commander Thex sh'Zoarhi
Edited on on Tue Mar 19th, 2019 @ 8:04am

Mission: Gaia Reborn
Location: Holodeck 2

A smile was on the andorians face as her small orion dancing troop left the holodeck. With the threat of having to take on a being as powerful as gaia on the horizon, she need breaks like this take her mind off it.

The chief engineer sat on the edge of the stage for a while holding the pendant with her mates hair in her hand. Things had been going so well recently. She hoped this wasn't the end. Things had started to go well now and the thought of it ending her was troubling her. No matter what she could do it was nagging away at the back of her head.

Hearing the door open she looked up to see the ship's captain. " Oh hello, captain. Sorry if you were booked for the holodeck just been thinking." She said honestly.

"No, it's ok. I wouldn't be here if you weren't. I hope you don't mind if I join you." Barely waiting for a nod of affirmation, Enalia sat down next to her friend on the edge of the stage. "Sorry if I was interrupting something."

" No just thinking. Ever since my bonding ceremony I've been feeling worries and the whole prospect of facing Gaia hasn't helped. I guess it's a part of being married the constant worrying about your loved ones." The engineer replied with a slight grin.

"I know what you mean," Enalia replied, patting her friend's shoulder. "Seems to be a part of married life though. My first few missions after I married Maica I was so worried about anything happening to the ship... She can't evacuate like everyone else, after all. But these are the risks we take having family aboard with us and I think that's what makes us stronger in the end. Knowing that we're not alone both at work and at the end of the day."

" I'm sure it does Enalia. " the andorian replied as she let out a sigh. " You know i could never imagine myself here. About to go up against a titan of all things. They sure didn't cover that in the recruitment vids."

The spotted woman chuckled softly at that admission. "We do a lot of things they don't warn you about, don't they? We've survived worse though. We'll pull through this just fine. We've got the best crew in the fleet, after all."

" Indeed. We have a great crew, a great ship and a fantastic captain." the andorian responded with a smile.

"Speaking of fantastic..." Enalia pulled out a small PaDD and handed it off to Thex. "The Captain of the Amaterasu is about half Andorian and I took a few liberties. It turns out that for a Miranda class, there are a couple male bond pairs aboard, if you'd like to give them a call."

The andorian responded with a grin as she took the padd and had a look at it. " Thanks, captain I'll do that. Life does seem to be going my way at the moment. Maybe Hera's presence is doing something. "

"She does seem to have that effect on the crew. Pregnancy rates are through the roof." Enalia chuckled softly.

" Oh, i know. The amount of training my anear having to do is extraordinary. Are quarters are full of books and padds to keep track of all of it." The andorian replied with a chuckle.

Enalia nodded along in agreement. "Yeah, we've had to make a few policy changes and start converting space for child care and the like. I just hope we're not endangering them unjustly, being on this ship."

" Don't have to remind me captain it's my boys rebuilding one of the deck. " The andorian replied with a grin. " I am wondering about that. Our ship has encountered things that i wouldn't want my kids to see."

"Yes it has... But I think because of that we'll fight harder." Enalia turned to look at her blue friend with a twinkle in her eye. "What do you think?"

" Yeah. I know if someone threatened my zygote's they be eating their meals with a straw at the very least. " The andorian responded.

"See there? Plus security is better trained now. I think we'll be fine." Enalia grinned and got up from her perch. "Well, I have dinner waiting for me. See you in the morning."

" See you later Enalia." Thex said as she stood up and followed the captain from the holodeck stopping only to close the program.


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