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Posted on Tue Mar 3rd, 2015 @ 12:04am by Captain Enalia Telvan & Commander Angelica Fairchild & Staff Warrant Officer Nexi

Mission: Reman Z
Location: Shuttlebay
Timeline: After the away team returns

They lost way too many people this day. She didn't want to lose any more and she just hoped at the very least Nexi wasn't one of the casualties. Not that she wished for any of the team to not return... She was just extra worried over Aewia at the moment. Sighing heavily, she headed towards the decon area the Selune was going to be set down in.

It was only a few minutes before the heavily damaged arrow class runabout settled to the deck under the power of tractor beams, the decon team erecting a level 10 force field around the area as soon as it touched the deck and the tractors were off. As the decon team professionally went about their duties, stripping the 3 remaining members of the team and immediately destroying the suits as the members were moved to a holding area, Enalia could only wait. Nexi, Angel, and Richard were the only survivors, Her heart sank as the decon team entered the shuttle to perform a baryon sweep of the entire interior. She realized the CMO wasn't going to climb out of the shuttle. Her heart sank more so at the thought of the 2 missing security guards.

After a few more minutes and all medical scanners popping up negative on any form of contamination, Enalia was waiting for them at the end of their decon gauntlet, a grim expression on her face. "Welcome home. I don't want to see any of you back on duty for at least 24 hours."

"You won't hear any complaints from me about that," Nexi replied with her signature smirk, but the truth was she didn't know what to do about the loss of their teammates. She had never really been much of a team player before nor had she ever lost someone while on a job. Oh sure, she'd had people die while on a job, but it was usually someone she didn't care if they lived or died. It wasn't like she cared for the Doctor or the Security officers, but it wasn't like she wanted them dead either, and their deaths didn't sit well with her.

"Me neither." Angelica wasn't normally so quiet, but having lost the doctor and two of her own people on this away mission, she wasn't up for much talking. Her stomach still protested even the gentle motion of the Hera, and the last thing she was thinking about was working anyway. She just wanted a shower and a nap.

Motioning all 3 towards a turbolift, Enalia muttered to herself. "I just hope Starfleet is happy..."

"Well, we didn't exactly get what we came for, but at least they can't use it now that the station went boom," Nexi said as she followed Enalia. And she had to admit, it was pretty satisfying to know that 'Bonnie-kin' bastard died a painful death a la singularity explosion. But knowing those tight-assed 'Fleeter Brass, nothing would make them happy...

"I don't much care if they're happy." And Angelica really didn't care... not after watching two people get eaten by those... things.

"I know I'm not happy... Nor am I looking forward to reading your reports... And I really want someone to figure out how they beamed me right off the bridge like that." Enalia said sourly, leading the small troupe into the waiting turbolift.

"How do you think I feel about writing it?" Angelica shuddered slightly, still rattled from the things they'd seen on that station.

"Probably worse once you find out I'll need it on my desk by morning." Enalia grumbled. "There are admirals waiting on the outcome of this mission."

"By morning?" Angelica made a distressed noise similar to a groan. "You'll have it then."

"Wait, you mean I gotta do officer-y things like writing reports?" Nexi asked.

Enalia shook her head. "For now, it would be nice but not required. She led the mission so I need hers."

"Mission report: Shit happened, it was fucked up, end of story," Nexi dictated as though she were writing a report. "By the way, did Aewia behave herself while I was gone?"

"No idea," Enalia's expression sank grimly. "As soon as your shuttle launched, I was beamed right off the bridge and spent the entire time escaping our pirate friends. We have another cloaking shuttle now but I have yet to get back to the bridge."

"Wait, what?!" Nexi's expression darkened as she took in Enalia's words. Those pirate fuckers had the gall to beam people off the Hera?! Oh, they would not live to regret that choice... "Where are they now?" Nexi asked seriously.

"When we escaped they were skirting the minefield. The logs are in that Ferengi shuttle near your ship and the bridge probably knows more." Enalia replied. "On top of losing our CMO, our ACMO will be on medical rest and recovery for some time as well. The EMH might have to take over Aewia's care for a while..."

Nexi didn't much like the sound of that! Aewia deserved better than an EMH. But she had more important things to deal with, like taking care of this pirate menace before they could try something like this again. "I'll deal with them," Nexi said, turning on her heels to head back to the shuttlebay. "When I'm done with them, you won't ever have to worry about running into them again."

"Try to at least get some rest maybe? And please be careful." Enalia pleaded. She didn't want Aewia to lose the last of her family, especially after that mission.

"The longer I wait, the more chances they have of trying again; I won't give them that chance," Nexi replied with murder in her eyes. There was no rest in this sort of business, nor being careful... "If I'm not back in 8 hours, assume I've failed and go on without me."

"We should be meeting the USS Bacon about then. Be safe and be quick." Enalia said.

Nexi offered a nod in response, then stormed off, but there was nothing safe or quick about what she had planned for Azrhianna and the crew of the Raptor...

"That girl's trouble. I think I like her." Angelica sighed, shaking her head. "Well. I have a report to write and a very important date with my bed..."

"You and me both..." Enalia grumbled, heading off in her own quest to find some rest.


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