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Mothers Be Good To Your Daughters

Posted on Tue Apr 23rd, 2019 @ 8:45am by Jaeih Dox-t'Aan & Commander Rita Paris

Mission: Detours
Location: USS Hera, deck 8, VIP Quarters #15
Timeline: 2396

With the recent arrival of Jaeih Dox aboard the USS Hera, with the distinct possibility of a long stay, there were problems. The woman was to be relied on to help swing a vote with the Romulan faction of the Artan family Baronesses, which meant that she needed to be kept motivated to do so. While she fervently wished that no one aboard would be involved, there was an inevitability to the looming Tribunal, which would pit the captain against the family matriarch, her own mother, who was attempting to manipulate and control her daughter ‘for the good of the family’.

When it came to familial manipulations, Commander Rita Paris was all too familiar, and in truth, she had little tolerance for it.

But the situation was what it was, and she had to make the best of it. Which meant establishing a better relationship with the elder Dox. Jaeih Dox had laid bare the truth and admitted everything to her daughter, the Hera’s own Lieutenant Mnhei’sahe Dox, so it was clear that she was trying to rebuild those relationships. Rita herself had counseled Dox to work on the relationship, even when it had gone so disastrously the last time.

Now it seemed the elder Dox seemed to labor under the belief that Paris loathed her, an overreaction to her one-word condemnation of her behavior with her daughter in their last encounter. It had hurt Mnhei’sahe deeply to be so disappointed by her mother, and that had brought cold fury to Paris, who was, she realized, surprisingly protective of the shipmate she’d come to view as a sister. Of course, defending those she saw in need of it was just part of who she was. But in the case of the elder Dox, it had raised a cold fury in her that she later recognized as the selfsame disappointment that she used to feel with her own father as time and again he refused to embrace a healthy relationship with his career-oriented and determined daughter.

Given the Tribunal, her rebuilding efforts and the fact that she might be a more permanent fixture on the USS Hera, that meant that Rita had to find a way to mend fences with the woman.

Approaching the door of the VIP quarters #15, where Liebmann and Kurtzberg currently stood guard, Paris inspected her security force, all arrayed at doorways down the hall, and nodded in satisfaction. Since assuming control of the department she had taken an active hand in Security, and it pleased her to see spotless uniforms, eyes intent and observant and none of the earmarks of the former Security chief in her new Security force. Approaching the door, she called out.

“Computer, unseal hatch of VIP quarters number 15. Authorization Paris, R, LTCDR 867-5309.”
=^= What is your Father’s name? =^= the computer asked solicitously as the security question drawn from her own personnel file.

“Clifford Paris, Commander, Starfleet, retired,” Paris responded, as the version of her father from this reality had never been busted for manslaughter in relation to his own daughter. Thus he had retired with his rank… the same one she currently held, at a much younger age than he had ever achieved it, she noted smugly. The computer chirruped its acknowledgment, and the door slid open to allow her entry.

Stepping into the spacious but sterile quarters, Paris called out. “Mrs. Dox? It’s Rita Paris. Have you a moment?”

"One moment, Commander." The elder Romulan's voice came from the bedroom. Inside the room, Jaeih Dox was hanging up a series of freshly replicated shirts in her closet that otherwise had little more than a handful of dark gray Starfleet Intel uniform tunics. She had been expecting a visit from the Hera's First officer and had been dreading the eventuality. Taking a moment, to compose herself, she stepped out into the main chamber of her quarters, straightening out her gray uniform top.

"My apologies. I was... getting settled in a bit, I suppose." The stern-faced woman stood with her hands behind her back. "How may I help you, Commander?"

The phrase brought a wry smile to the face of the human commander, as it was the same one that Lieutenant Dox tended to greet her with when she entered the young Romulan’s office on business. In this case, she opened her arms, palms out, and ventured into the conversation.

“I think it would behoove you and I to speak, Mrs. Dox,” Paris began. “I feel there may be some misconceptions between us, and perhaps clearing the air might help. Would you mind terribly if we sat down? Standing seems rather formal, and this is not an official visit.”

"By... all means." Jaeih was slightly on guard, not quite knowing what to expect, but was actively working to push past her own predilection towards being on defense. These people were, for all intents and purposes, her daughter's family and she wanted to make a concerted effort to be a better person for her daughter. She held out her hand and gestured wildly to the room. There was a small, two-person dining table, a couch and chair combo that could be used, but her gesture indicated that where they sat was the Commander's choice.

"Please. Have a seat. Can I get you anything?" Letting Paris choose where she wanted to sit was a minor way of letting the Commander know that she was not going to be combatitive that she hoped was taken as such.

Moving to take a seat at the dining table would sit them across from one another, which Paris preferred, as it was direct. Moving in to take a seat, she held up a hand. “No thank you, ma’am, I appreciate the offer, though. So,” Cocking her head slightly, Paris offered a half-smile. “I’m not exactly sure if you don’t like me, if I have somehow made an enemy of you, or if you are laboring under the misconception that I dislike you. So I’ll start.”

“I myself have… issues… with parental trust. My own father was a maniacal psychopath who was involved in a number of unbelievable deeds over the years in the supposed interest of safeguarding me, which disintegrated me on one occasion, poisoned me, got me shot… you get the idea,” Paris waved away the remainder of the summary. “In short, I am somewhat… defensive of your daughter. She is a fine officer of whom I am very proud, and she has made great strides on the Hera. When there was a chance for reconciliation with you, she was very hopeful, and when those hopes were dashed, I was… angry.”

Sighing heavily, Paris clasped her hands together before her, interlacing her fingers as she spoke. “I read your report, and I have spoken with Miss Dox. It seems that you have realized your stratagem is unsuccessful and are trying something new, which takes considerable bravery, and I applaud you for it. No, that is not sarcasm,” she added with a wry smile. “You are here to help the captain in a morass of a situation that I wish were not what it is, yet it is. As we will need your help, I felt it prudent to insure there is no miscommunication between us.”

“I would like to believe that your motives are pure, and given how you prepared your daughter for life, I believe what you have told us is the truth. I believe that there is nothing more important to you than your daughter’s safety, and I can respect that. I believe you have made choices you regret- but who hasn’t?” Paris nodded slowly. “I would like for us to proceed in a positive direction, Mrs. Dox. I feel it is very important for Mnhei’sahe, and I believe it is very important for the captain as well. Both are very dear to me, and I cannot afford for you to be distracted because you distrust me or feel as though I will act against your best interests. We will be walking a tightrope in this affair, and I need you focused on the goal. This is far too important for a variable such as this to exist when it could have been cleared up by frank and open discussion.”

“So I am here for that purpose. I assume, given your training, that you can tell any number of facts about me… not the least of which is my capacity for falsehood. So, please, Mrs. Dox… let’s talk. Let us mend this fence and move forward, for the Captain’s sake, for your daughter’s sake… and for your sake.” Paris sat back at that, her truth laid bare and presented to the elder Romulan who could now consider how to digest the facts presented.

"As I said before, I actually have no idea what kind of a liar you are, Commander, because I don't believe you've ever lied once in my presence. So, from how you worded that, I would assume you don't consider it one of your skills." The elder Romulan commented someone flatly, but with a growing relaxation. It was clear she was working through what she felt about what was said before responding fully.

"You were angry with me, and for good reason. Not a day has gone by that I haven't regretted almost everything I've said and done when it comes to the raising of my daughter. And... in the wake of Mnhei'sahe's and my last conversation on Earth... I have to admit that in my bitterness I found that I blamed you for what I now know was my mistakes. That was yet another failure on my part which I would apologize for."

The words were now coming more freely as she spoke. She crossed her hands in front of her on the table and looked up at Rita's face, trying to avoid interpretation of her expression. Trying to overcome a lifetime of guarded thinking and carefully chosen lies in favor of a bald truth that was legitimately frightening for the former Tal'Shiar agent.

"Yes, I have believed that you have since harbored animosity for me since then. And I would not blame you for that in any way. I understand how important you are to Mnhei'sahe and that is important to me. I am... I am trying, Commander. I am trying to be the person my daughter deserved. I can never be the mother she wanted me to be... that chance is long gone. But I am trying to at least make some things right." Jaeih's body language and face went slightly softer as she spoke, hints of legitimate vulnerability leaking through the carefully practiced facade that had been steadily cracking since she came on board.

"I... do not know how to do this. I don't know if I can do this, Commander." Her voice was now betraying her inner fears rather plainly. "I know that I do not deserve the forgiveness Mnhei'sahe seems willing time and again to hold out for me. But I rather selfishly crave it regardless."

"As for your fears that I may be distracted in my purpose by concerns over your feelings toward me, have no fear. Above all else, when I look into your eyes I see a woman who cares deeply for my daughter. Even if you loathed me, that would not supersede that fact in my mind. But... I am relieved to hear you say that this isn't the case." Jaeih replied, nodding slightly.

“So much of my life, all I ever hoped for was that my father might realize that his daughter was someone to be proud of… a Starfleet officer who would carry on the family tradition. That maybe he might see the error of his ways, and come around to being the man I had grown up believing him to be,” Rita Paris admitted.

The elder Dox knitted her eyebrows and frowned slightly as she listened

“There was a time when I would have given anything for that. In you, I see that opportunity for Mnhei’sahe… and I will admit, I want that for her, very badly. To have a good relationship with you. For her to know that you are proud of the woman that she’s become. That you could move forward together and build a good relationship. I will admit, I want that very much for her… what I never had and never will.” Paris offered a sad smile at the reflection her words had brought about. “Because it’s still possible for her… but it’s up to you.”

“I don’t hate you, Mrs. Dox. If anything, I am hopeful for you. Hopeful that you can be the mother she needs now, here. That you can be better than you were, and better than you yourself believe you can be. That’s my hope for everyone, ma’am. I’ve tried to teach it to your daughter, and I will help you as much as I am able.” The chin of the Starfleet officer dimpled as she fought back an emotional tide of her own. “I need your help, Mrs. Dox. I have to protect them both, and the ship and the crew, and this situation is complex and dangerous and so very much of it is variables I can neither predict nor control, and… I refuse to fail them. I can’t. I just can’t.”

“So I very much need your help, Jaeih Dox,” Paris ended, hands open and palms up on the table. “Please.”

Her trained hessitance failed her as she watched Rita Paris bare her concerns. Her own hands were still folded on the table, but slowly she uncrossed her fingers and put them into Rita's. The guarded Romulan was in uncharted territory for her and her training told her to withdraw and lock back down but she fought it viciously.

"I have known your Captain since she was a sixteen year old girl named Enalia Artan. I worked with her mother for years until I felt that her goals no longer aligned with my own and severed that relationship."

Rita could feel a tension lock up through the Romulan woman's hands as she shut her eyes for a moment. "I have feared Mnhei'sahe becoming like her grandmother her entire life. I have equally feared her becoming... Like me. Know that if I can help you keep Enalia from walking her Mother's path in any way, I will."

"I know that so long as you and Miss Gonadie are in her life, you will protect Mnhei'sahe from that fate. But I will do my part." Jaeih replied with no reservation in her voice. "What is it you need of me, Commander?"

"We're launching an undercover Starfleet operation. Mrs. Dox, you are a very deadly woman in a great number of ways. I have one volunteer for the mission, and she could use a partner who could keep up with her. How do you feel about being... a 'quadruple agent'? I know that sounds crazy-" Paris held up her hands in surrender. "But hear me out! It could work, and I think you and Az'Prel can pull it off. I honestly do."

"Az'Prel? A Vulcan, I take it?" Jaeih asked, leaning in intently with a serious focus on her face. "This sounds like you are pondering some level of covert infiltration mission if I'm correct."

"Why yes she is, and yes I am. It was something your daughter said, actually. This is a Starfleet operation, and we can still control some elements of the equation." Paris got up, then stood behind her chair, her hands on the back of the chair. "While we deal with the situation at the tribunal, you two free agents work your way through the Syndicate to find out who got paid who can finger Mommy Dearest, and get proof. Deliver it before the Tribunal's over, and you can end it. What do you say, Mrs. Dox? If you were to be responsible for the harmony of the Artan family of pirates with the Federation, as well as the rest of the galaxy... I really think they're going to call that time served."

"Call it a hunch. I know a Captain who'll put in a good word for you..."

"If we found evidence that Arenara was working against the prime code of law that the Artan family.js sworn to by siding with slavers, it could end the tribunal right there. Keeping you, Enalia, Mnhei'sahe and this crew safe. That is incentive enough for me, Commander." Jaeih stood up to meet Rita's eyes, though the posture was completely non-confrontational.

"However, if Arenara has been working with the Orion Syndicate then it's likely that her goal of corrupting the family has supporters amongst at.least some of the Baronesses. If we find proof, it may lead to any co-conspiritors. Knowing that will be invaluable in determining which will be likely to offer they're betrayal in the tribunal."

"That said, would I be correct in assuming you are also preparing for none of this to matter? If backed into a corner, I can assure you that Arenara will force open conflict. Regardless of the vote, she will take what she wants by force if she can." Jaeih added grimly.

"So I have been led to believe. Since I'm anticipating it, if all goes well, when she does force open conflict she'll have a rather unpleasant surprise. if not... well, I'm an old girl with a lot of tricks up her sleeve, Mrs. Dox." Paris paced around her chair, then sat back down. "Like the man said, I am a brilliant improvisational thinker. Meaning I'll figure it out in the moment- I always do."

"I'll keep them safe and moving forward here, but you and Az'Prel in the field could make all the difference. A ship is being prepared for you, and requisition whatever supplies you need. We should be ready soon," Paris rolled her eyes, looking for her schedule before fishing around in her top for her collapsible tablet. Snapping it open, she logged in and searched out the ETA on the creation of the ship she'd named Nihroi, which meant 'ask the question' in Romulan. "Would you prefer to deploy at the Artan fortress, or be away from us before then?"

"I will prepare a list of what I believe we will need to requisition for this purpose, Commander." Jaeih paused for the briefest of moments, thinking a bit more about Rita's last question.

"Leaving earlier will allow us to create a harder to trace path that does not lead back to the Hera, which would arouse suspicions and negate our abilities to infiltrate." Then, Jaeih stopped herself as she spoke, a thought occuring to her.

"Captain Telvan mentioned that her Mother may have specifically had the Orion's target the Romulan Baronesses ships so she could then seek out revenge on their behalf. Since Mnhei'sahe is a Baroness as well, that means she will have been registered as such with the Family which indicates Arenara knows that Enalia will be seeking my aid to sway the Romulans." Jaeih added, still standing and pacing slight.

Much like her own daughter, Jaeih clearly paced when she was deep in thought and she was clearly deep in thought. "She may anticipate my involvement, so we will need to create the illusion that I escaped from my custody as a cover. As an Intel ship, it's likely she does not know of my transfer here. A false report along subspace from Earth... appropriate phaser damage to this ship and..."

Jaeih picked up a small PaDD she had been doing basic ship research on to familiarize herself with the basics of the Hera's layout and operations on and called up a series of star charts. With a slight grin, she passed the PaDD to Rita as she sat back down.

"If we leave as soon as possible, it is only two days on high warp to the K'reo'n Nebula on a circular course. Passing through the nebula will obliterate our ion trail making it impossible to track where we actually came from. And it suggests a trajectory opposite of the path the Hera would be on. It's an old smuggling trick I believe would be to our advantage to use here."

"I see you are already on the case, Mrs. Dox. Outstanding. I will send Miss Az'Prel for you to meet. She is..." Paris began to offer an explanation for the young woman she was preparing to send into harm's way, but thought better of it. "You'll have a few days in a very small starcraft to get to know one another. I will let her tell her tale, but suffice to say, as unbelievable as it sounds, she is, as a logical Vulcan, not prone to exaggeration."

"I look forward to meeting this woman, then." Jaeih replied, somewhat amused sounding. "As for being on the case, I consider myself a fairly well accomplished improvisational thinker as well when the need arises."

"Lastly... I wanted to touch on your clothing and comm badge. You are considered a civilian consultant, and you may dress how you wish," Paris indicated the charcoal grey Starfleet uniform she wore currently. "I had the computer replicate that badge for you, not out of exclusion, but because I was unwilling to simply brand you as Starfleet. While you have done our dirty work for a very long time, you worked for reunification, then were exiled for it... but according to your daughter, at heart, you love your home and have never betrayed it. That's why I offered you a different configuration than our own. It was intended as a compliment... I hope the message wasn't misinterpreted."

Considering her response carefully, Jaeih thought for a moment. "I love my home, Commander. I love my people. I found myself on a path that began because I believed I was acting in the best interest of Romulus. Over time, those ideals became more and more compromised until I realized I had become something horrible. I tried for years to make amends through supporting reunification. In supporting a goal I believed could purge the corruption that had infiltrated the Romulan heart, I perhaps..."

The pause was brief, but it was clear there was strong emotion welling up in the woman. "Perhaps because I hoped it could do the same for me. I want to see my home again one day, Commander. I want to see my home free which is only part of why I worked for reunification. Mnhei'sahe has... never set foot on the world she hails from. Never seen it's turquoise skies. I wish for a restored Romulus for her, Commander." Jaeih added with a touch of melancholy to her voice.

"And... yes. I initially believed this badge was meant as an insult, but I understand your intentions now. Thank you. And... Perhaps it is a fitting reminder of the dangers of repeating the mistakes of my past and a reminder once more of what I wanted to restore. If that makes sense."

"Not my intention... but if it can serve as a positive reminder to you, then all the better. So, secret mission, partner, ship... well being of your daughter..." Paris added, almost as an afterthought, although it was the focus of the entire discussion. "I think we've covered a lot of ground today. I appreciate that you are willing to trust me, Mrs. Dox. I know this is asking you to take a lot on faith, and a suspicious type might see this as one heck of a setup. But I think you believe me, and you understand, and this will give you a way to actively affect the situation instead of passively with just a plea, which, were I in your shoes, would make me crazy. Do we perhaps understand one another a bit better now?"

"I believe we do, Commander. And I am... pleased for the opportunity you have presented to me. Not just in regards to this mission, but for the opportunity to repair the damage I have done." Jaeih took on a slightly more positive tone.

"In spite of my reservations, when we first met I genuinely liked you, Commander. As such, I am quite gratified for the chance to perhaps start over with you as well. You are an exceptional individual, and I understand Mnhei'sahe's affections for you. So thank you again."

"You're welcome," Paris replied, clearly heartfelt and touched. "My own mother died when I was very young. I wish I could have known her... so I'm glad your daughter will get that chance. So be careful and come back in one piece, all right?"

Nodding with a somewhat professional demeanor, Jaeih replied. "I have... much worth coming back for thanks in large part to you, Commander. I will."

Extending her hand, Rita Paris offered the Romulan woman a handshake that was accepted. As they shook, she smiled.

"I believe you, Mrs. Dox."


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