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Olympian Slumber Prep

Posted on Sat Apr 27th, 2019 @ 11:08pm by Hera & Lieutenant Commander Thex sh'Zoarhi

Mission: Detours
Location: Hera's Quarters
Timeline: 2396

Hera was draped over her fainting couch as usual, reading a book and suddenly she realized her eyes were drooping and she'd read the same page three times without actually reading it. For the first time since being reborn into this universe, she was getting tired, likely due to overextending herself in sickbay, previously. Setting her book aside, she decided to inspect the bedroom to see what kind of amenities there were to sleep in.

Upon entering the bedroom though, she found the controls for the lighting unresponsive and even the computer couldn't turn them on. It made sense since she'd never had need of the slumber area or the lavatory before.

"Computer, please inform whomever is authorized to repair the accoutrements of my quarters that parts of it are non-functional and require repair." As the computer chirruped and relayed her message, Hera slipped into one of the larger chairs and yawned, bringing the back of one hand to her mouth.

Down in her personal office, Thex received the message. Grabbing her tool kit she handed control of engineering to Ensign Briaar Gavarus before heading up the turbolift to the guest quarters.

Outside of the goddess quarters were two of her usual guards of amazons who nodded as Thex gave her authorization code to enter before one of the questions she had given the computer was spoke. " What did you wish to..." It began before she cut the computer off. " I'm proud of you."

With that, the doors slid open and she stepped inside giving the goddess a warm smile. " Hello, Hera. What appears to be the problem." She politely asked.

"There's no power in my bedroom. I've never used it or the lavatory, so I guess I never noticed." Hera replied, looking bleary eyed and sleepy as she stood and motioned towards the darkened doorway. "I was hoping to look over the bed and see if I could sleep a bit. I've not slept since Mount Olympus, you see..." Trying to keep from rambling, she crossed her arms, but with one hand touching her forehead.

" Probably a problem in the light switch. They sometimes jam if not used in quite a while. Shouldn't be that hard to fix." The andorian said as she placed her tool kit down and after pulling a few tools that she'd need. As she got to work she looked over at goddess. She truly looked shattered. " I hope you don't mind me saying, but you look shattered. I don't think I've seen you like this. "

"Yeah, I'm a bit drained. The Fates called me to sickbay the other night and I used up a bit too much of what I had left to save the firstborn child of this vessel." Hera had to stifle another yawn as she slipped back onto her fainting couch.

" I heard about that. Changing fate to save a life must have taken a lot out of you. " Thex said as she removed the light switch and started to do a little tinkering. " Was it always like this or is it due to the lack of worshipers?" She politely inquired.

"With a horde of worshipers, I was able to perform miracles like that at will..." Hera nodded her head, either from weariness or from thought, who could say. "But that kind of power... Ruling with fear and... Stuff... It warps the energy you take in and bends your own will to the expectations of the people, turning you into a tyrant. I think I prefer the kind old grandmother I've become. If you want some sweets, there are some in the kitchen, by the way. I made some tarts and cookies."

" Thanks, I'll have to get some when I'm finished with this. " Thex said as she continued her work. She had to swap a few things in the light circuit to get it working again. " If you don't mind may i ask you something?" She said as she checked the voice recognition module.

"Of course. Anything for you, dear heart," Hera replied with a kind smile.

" Well." the andorian began before she turned to look at the Greek goddess. This was a question you'd want to ask face to face even if it did sound insane in her head. " Well me and my quad are trying to have some kids of our own, but with all the problems of our species, we could use any help we could get. Would it be possible to get a blessing or something when your feeling better?" The andorian said softly trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.

The matronly goddess smiled motherly. "My dear, if I bless you any more than you already are, you might have triplets or more. I'll do my best to be there for their birth though."

" Oh, that's........" Thex said as her brain began to say something before it realized what had been said. " What no I can't be pregnant. I'd have felt something by now, wouldn't I? " She said feeling slight disbelief.

Hera shook her head as she tried to stifle another yawn. "Not if it was your most recent attempt. I won't pretend to understand Andorian mating... But you're glowing and my eyes are never wrong. Perhaps you should go see Asa after you're done here."

" I will you can be sure off that. " Thex said as she finished off the lights. Now it physically turned on with the touch of the button. " Do you want to try the voice module?" she asked.

"This may sound weird coming from me, but I feel strange talking to the air like that to some unknown entity," Hera replied.

" Don't worry I was startled by it the first time I found voice recognition," Thex said slightly chuckling to herself at a goddess finding something unusual.

Getting up, Hera headed into the bedroom to inspect it now that it was lit. "These are rather nice sleeping accommodations. I don't suppose I could get an addition to them though? If it's not to much trouble." She motioned with her hands around the bed as she described what she wanted. "A post at each corner with sheer drapes around the bed in the same type of fabric as my shawls that pools on the floor? For privacy. And a small wooden table at the foot of the bed outside of those drapes for offerings... If anyone should feel so inclined... And pictures..."

" I could put in a request for you get some additions. I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed." Thex said making a few notes on a padd she had in a pocket.

"Thank you, my friend," Hera replied, placing one hand on Thex's shoulder as she smiled softly. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

A few thoughts began to jump into the andorians head, but quickly faded. She didn't want spoilers. " Just promise me if you need to change the fate of any of them you'll warn me first okay? " She said with a grin.

"I promise. That sort of thing happens rarely and I don't think I have it in me to do it again if I had to anyway." Hera smiled and motioned towards the kitchenette. "Now how about you grab some of those tarts and cookies? There are a few travel containers in the shelves so just help yourself, ok?"

" I will. Would you like me to bring any for yourself?" Thex said looking back over her shoulder.

The matronly goddess shook her head sadly. "No thank you. I had to replicate all the ingredients so they do nothing for me and just turn to ash in my mouth after the initial flavor. You help yourself though."

"Oh not being able to taste your baked good must be unpleasant. " Thex said as she filled one of the containers. " is there anything else you need right now?" She asked the greek goddess.

Hera shook her head again. "No, that's all. Thank you again for all your help and everything that you do for this wonderful vessel."

" Thanks." Thex said as she headed for the door. " Call me again if you need help with anything else."

The matronly goddess barely heard her as she was already stretching out on the bed and dozing off for the first time since Mount Olympus. "Don't forget... Cookies..."

Thex smiled as she left the room after answering her the security question. Stopping to give the two guards a cookie she paused for a second. We're they getting taller or was she getting shorter?


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