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TRIBUNAL Part 2 - Parliamentary Procedure

Posted on Thu Jun 13th, 2019 @ 8:52am by Captain Enalia Telvan & Petty Officer 2nd Class Ila Dedjoy & Death & Az'Prel & Kodria Mizu & Hera & Baroness 2nd Class Schwein von Alcott & Baroness 3rd Class Sarika & Commander Rita Paris & Lieutenant Commander Thex sh'Zoarhi & Lieutenant Commander Mnhei'sahe Dox & Lieutenant Commander Sonak & Lieutenant Asa Dael & Lieutenant Samuel Clemens XV & Lieutenant JG Rena Pacci & Petty Officer 2nd Class 'Big Ethel' Jablonski & Petty Officer 3rd Class S'Rina Wil'I'Ams & Petty Officer 3rd Class V'Nus Wil'I'Ams & Jaeih Dox-t'Aan
Edited on on Mon Jul 1st, 2019 @ 11:17am

Mission: Fractured Fairy Tales
Location: Artan Family orbital Fortress Trial Hall
Timeline: 2396, Tribunal Part 2
Tags: Tribunal 2

Continued from Tribunal - Opening Ceremony...

The dignified and staid Captain Magnus raised his gavel and slammed it down twice. "I hereby call this, the third tribunal of the Artan Family to order. If there are any objections or grievances, let them now be aired." The pirate lord, known to be tough but fair, eyed the assembled crews and Baronesses of the Tribunal. Letting the gravity of that proclamation settle in, he paused for a moment before proceeding.

"Then we shall proceed as laid out in the articles of Artan law. First as she who is the accused, Arenara Artan, will be allowed to make opening arguments and present evidence. Then the accuser and challenger, Enalia Telvan will be allowed to do so. Then it will be an open floor for anyone with pertinent evidence to present it. After that, both parties will be allowed to present closing arguments before this council will make a final determination." Captain Magnus half-turned, to confer with his own crew.

"Here's to parliamentary procedure... time for some law and order," Rita Paris muttered.

For all this time, Sonak had been silent, acutely observing and studying this peculiar culture at work, his xenoscience interest peaked with the bewildering display of intertwined ancient mores and modern behaviors in one of the rather few humanoid matriarchal societies observed in the galaxy. His wife's remark made his eyebrow arch up slightly.

''It is a fact that parliamentary procedure, a cornerstone of democratic societies, requires much time and complex structures. Allowing for opposing points of view to be heard and debated peacefully, if even hotly, before implementing a solution, one best suited to the situation and all persons involved, is not an easy process. Hence why it is so much more common to encounter autocratic rules in so many cultures throughout the known galaxy. Authoritarian regimes get results quickly and efficiently, only because they serve but a very small elite to the detriment of the majority.''

His gaze went to the assembly.

''It is most interesting to observe how this community handles it's version of democratic rule and law, while they still adopt the trappings of autocratic aristocracy, and individualistic anarchist tendencies. I think there was once a place on your Earth called Tortuga that worked in much similar ways.''

He stopped his voiced musings when he heard the head magistrate speak.

Meanwhile Asa was trying to dismiss the feeling that someone was staring at them from just out of sight. Of course there were numerous eyes on the assembled party, but Asa had a persistent feeling of dread they hoped was only their own nerves and not an inkling of things to come. Wishing they had the ability to scan the assemblage without being noticed, the doctor sat back to noting each face along with how they moved and how much attention they seemed to be paying. One never knew when knowing that an enemy had a slight limp or that a delegate had been asleep during the speeches might come in handy. The sound of the magistrate's voice also caused them to return attention to the proceedings at hand.

"I would remind those present that only the Royal family and the Baronesses may object at any time and that procedure must be followed for such objections. Now then..." Magnus then motioned to the Queen Regent's side of the round hall. "Queen Artan? If you would be so kind as to present your opening arguments and evidence, your grace."

Rising from the large and ornate throne she'd had crafted for herself decades ago, Queen Arenara Artan drew herself up to her full height, her purple and crimson livery flowing about her, the Dalmatian mink cape trailing behind her as she came to stand at the railing of her balcony. Looking out over the assemblage, she moved with the surety born of a lifetime of rulership, and nodded with satisfaction at the ruling houses that flew the Artan banner. When she spoke, her voice was clear and strong, ringing out across the great hall.

"You know who I am," she began, "And you know my deeds. You've shared in the plunder from my spoils, and eaten hearty at my table. I have led this family now for nearly 50 years, and I've steered us through good times and bad, attacks upon us and revenges gained." She paused for some piratical chortling, from quite a few corners of the hall. "You know who I am, and you know my word is bond."

"So heed me while I take a moment to explain why we're all here today. Why my willful and stubborn daughter, who turned her back on the family business brought us here. She who turned her back on piracy, and all of you. Who refuses to marry flesh and blood, dallying with holograms who can never even generate genetic material to sire an inheritor for the Artan family lineage. All I asked was that she sire an heir, to carry on the family line. To keep our traditions alive," the pirate queen's voice rose at that, and there were cheers from the hall, as well as polite applause.

"Traditions like scouring the spaceways clean of slavers and pirates. To free those oppressed in chains. To make the galaxy a better place to raise our families. But she turned her back on all of us, to join Starfleet, to look down on we pirates. Though it breaks her mother's heart, still do I not interfere and let my willful princess have her way. Yet still does the family need an heir." Looking out over the assemblage, the pirate queen changed the tempo, pacing in the relatively small space.

"I asked, I cajoled, I entreated my daughter to produce offspring, but over and over she refuses. Now, I will admit," The queen half-turned, as if being conspiratorial. "I would not be so desperate were she wed to an actual biological life form. Nature often finds a way, as well some of us know." Shooting a glance toward Captain Magnus, she continued.

"Entreat I do, but still she refuses. So I asked her for at least some of her genetic material, so that I could find a donor and welcome the next generation. To be brought up here, amongst all of us, in the bosom of our family. Steeped in our traditions, and trained from birth how to lead this family to the next generation of greatness." At that, she scoffed.

"But no. The high and mighty Captain Enalia Telvan has no time for traditions or family or piracy. Oh, she'll be happy to take her leave of the family station and enjoy the fruits of our labors. But she's just too good to let herself contribute to the family, even if it's just half the genetic code for a future generation. No no, that would impugn upon her rights as a Federation citizen, and she just cannot have that." Shaking her head as she paced, the dramatic pirate queen chuckled to herself.

"So here we are, my friends, captains, lord and ladies. My daughter the selfish, my daughter the snob, my daughter who is just too good to be associated with anything that smacks of piracy and tradition, except when it suits her. She comes before you today to plead her case, to tell us all of how violated she feels to have this asked of her, how upset it makes her, how it fills her with the self-righteousness that only Starfleet can instill. Your part-time princess has come to tell you how being asked to pull her share is so very unfair to her, and how you should make her feel better. Who cares about the Artan family line? Who cares about tradition? Who cares about all of this," Arenara waved her arm dramatically, as if to encompass the entire gathering. "When it might inconvenience one Starfleet Captain named Enalia Telvan.”

“Let it all end, let the line die here, because she went and got both her father and her sister killed, so now it's just she and me. Since she betrayed us all to piss off to Starfeet, then there's only me. I hoped for at least a legitimate grandchild and to not have to try to carry a child to term at my age," she paused to see if there would be a laugh there, but no one dared. "So that's what's really at stake here today, and there sits the architect. All of you who are losing money sitting here in port for all of this? Look at her. Itchy formal uniforms? She called the Tribunal, not I. It all sounds a bit ridiculous, like someone should just grow up and face some responsibility for a change, does it not?" Arenara Artan whirled to fix her daughter with a piercing gaze.

"Because from where I'm standing, that's exactly what this looks like. This entire situation has but one author, and there she sits." Pointing to her daughter, a sardonic smile settled onto the thin lips of the aged privateer.

"Now, that is my primary grievance. But since I've reluctantly agreed to this Tribunal, a number of calamities have befallen myself and my crew. There was an assassination attempt on my second in command and my chief scientist, from a mysterious poison whose origins seemed to be the signature of an assassin long dead. I can't prove it was my daughter, but the timing certainly seems suspicious." Queen Artan traced her finger along the railing as she spoke, dramatizing her point.

"The Romulan refugee starbase 339-A was all but destroyed by two of the Starfleet officers under Captain Telvan's command," she continued, the sneer entering her voice as she mentioned Starfleet, adding up that many more emotional discreditations for the Fleet. "That resulted in the deaths of dozens, and the kidnapping of an innocent man, of whom the Federation seems to have no record. According to them, they don't have him. But they took the station, so..."

Leaving the point to hang, the Queen changed course, tacking into the wind. "We've also received reports of stolen records from the hidden Aehallh base, a Romulan records keeping station not far from here. The primary suspects are two more of Captain Telvan's Starfleet thugs, officers posing as guards. On top of that, my two closest allies in this matter, Baronesses Garan and Terethis, were almost poisoned by tainted Saurian brandy just yesterday on this very facility and my evidence points back to, once again, her officers." Pausing to fix the assemblage with a smirk, she cocked her head slightly, the great plume of her hat bobbing as she did so.

"It's almost as if Starfleet is desperate to find some way to avoid all of this, because when all is said and done, even they know Enalia's being unreasonable. Even they can see what a spoiled, petty child she's become, and they're desperately trying whatever schemes they can to make her look better. Hell's bells, I'd wager she'll even try to accuse me of misconduct and treachery next, just so that she can maintain her precious individuality... which is worth more to her than our entire family, all our traditions."

Leaning over the rail, the Queen fairly spat out the words. "She values herself more than this entire family. Her deeds speak for themselves, as she sits there in pristine Starfleet white, flanked by her obedient drones. That's the future she wants for the Artan fleet- she can say whatever she wants, but her colors make it clear where her allegiances lie. And it is quite clear to any with eyes and ears those allegiances are not with us."

With that said, the pirate queen of the Artans took her seat, resting her elbow on the armrest of her chair as her fingers supported her chin, and she shot Enalia a glance that silently challenged, quite clearly, 'your move'.

At the end of the Queen's opening speech, Magnus, cleared his throat and began speaking. "Next is the list of evidence presented by the Queen Regent. As I understand it, her Chief Scientist will be presenting the recordings and evidence we're about to watch. I recognize..." He had to glance down at a PaDD to make sure he got the name right. "Davo Mudd, Queen Regent's Chief Scientist."

“You gotta be kidding me… Mudd?!?” Rita whispered, clearly recognizing the name, but the Terran continued before she could elaborate.

Clemens knew the surname from basic Intel classes, and immediately set about pulling all relevant files for the previous records of any parties with that moniker from the copy of Fleet Intel records he'd copied locally. His scowl deepened as he noted the expensive accouterments the man with the weasel eyes wore. For a brief moment, he wondered if this grease stain had the capability of being anything as fierce as a lion. He resolved to keep track of him if at all possible. He made note of certain aspects of the room's construction as he continued sweeping it.

From the small balcony that Lieutenant Mnhei'sahe Dox occupied as one of the Captain's Baronesses to observe and eventually vote on the Tribunal itself, the Vulcan refugee Az'Prel, Dox and her mother Jaeih watched silently.

Looking over at Az'Prel, Jaeih could all but feel the anger simmering off of the normally emotionless Vulcan as they watched Mudd stand. The man was not just another survivor of her own doomed universe, but the father of Az'Prel's missing daughter. Jaeih shifted her glare to Mudd, narrowing her eyes with anger for what her newfound and unexpected friend must be going through in that impossible tense moment.

"Thank you, Captain Magnus," The well-groomed Terran said as he stood, the spotlight now focusing on him. The man was dressed in an unmistakable gold and black Terran Empire uniform, red piping along a few edges of a black bodysuit, replete with a crimson sash at his waist. While the symbol he wore on his breast may have been that of the Artan family, the mirror universe dagger clipped to his sash was unmistakable. Neither was the haughty attitude that he spoke with, nor the slight femininity that his motions revealed.

"First, I would like to thank you personally for this time to..." Mudd began, before Magnus cut him off.

"You're not here to make speeches, Mudd. You're here to present evidence." The way Magnus said the word 'evidence' almost seemed like he didn't believe that any of it would be real, but he allowed it to be seen, none the less.

Mudd seemed a bit flustered, yet continued. "Yes well... First, I would present to you security footage from Aehallh Station of the two suspected intruders."

Clicking something on his PaDD, security footage began to play in the center of the room showing two Romulan men leaving the records room of the station. Both had well defined forehead ridges and were obviously not Jaeih and Az'Prel.

As Mudd started to speak again, Sarika stood and pointed violently. "OBJECTION! My cybernetic eyes detect tampering in the feed of that data stream!"

The look of shock on both the Queen Regent's and Mudd's faces realizing that the one person that was able to see through their creative edits was now no longer under their control was priceless, but they quickly composed themselves.

It was Merelith that ran a scan on the datastream presented and confirmed it though. "If it pleases the court, I am able to confirm this. This is actual footage... But the time-stamp markers have all been changed. Also, the faces of the two have been obscured with other faces. If I run one of my reconstruction algorithms..." A moment later, the footage changed and the time-stamp was that of the day that Arenara supposedly met with someone on the station and the two men were obviously Trill, one of which was sitting at Arenarra's side. "And there we have it."

Magnus studied the unfiltered footage. "Thank you for your assistance, Baroness Merelith. Baroness Sarika, in light of this new unedited footage..."

"I now withdraw my objection, your honor," Sarika stated, returning to her seat.

Clearing his throat nervously, Mudd continued wtih a nervous glance at his PaDD. “My next piece of evidence is the testimonies of both Garan and Terethis, both whom were almost poisoned by tainted Saurian Brandy."

Before he even had a chance to play the footage, Merelith was the one to object. "OBJECTION! We have already traced the source of both bottles, as that trick was tried on two of the Princess's other supporters as well. One of Snodarss' shipments was hijacked by commandeered holo-maids from the Bloody Rose, delivered to one of your suites, tampered with, and distributed throughout the fortress, including to Garan, Terethis, myself, the common halls, and a few bottles back into the original case lot. The data logs of the holo-maids have been recorded and I submit them for study as counter evidence."

"Objection sustained," Captain Magnus declared, slamming his gavel with a hint of pleasure. "Mudd, your next piece of evidence, please?"

A bit more flustered, the Terran clicked at his PaDD before proceeding. "Then I present evidence of the attempted assassination of both myself and the Queen Regent's second in command." He then put up security footage of a tiny droid attacking the two in some sort of lab, using its contents against them.

Again came the loud "OBJECTION!" and finger pointing from Sarika. "That holographic recording is filled with holograms. Not a single person in it has a heat signature or fluctuating vital signs."

Schwein had flipped up her eye patch and was studying the holo-imagery as well. "Ja, wahrheit- das is holograms being recorded."

The six-armed Baroness Merelith ran a scan on the footage and also confirmed it. "It's true, your honor. This whole holovid is fake."

Almost gleefully, Magnus slammed his gavel down again. "This evidence is inadmissible then. One more like that, and I'll hold you in contempt of this Tribunal and have you clapped in irons!"

"Aye, sir." Mudd visibly gulped as he brought up the last of the footage. "The last is security footage of the Romulan Refugee station 339-A."

He then began playing back choice pieces of destruction, clearly showing Schwein in her armor and Jablonski in hers wrecking the station from multiple views. "If this is fake, I apologize. We obtained it from a man named... Ah... Beta... Zeta Jones. A survivor of the attack whom is now crippled for life and will now require extensive reconstructive work to his cybernetics due to the mistreatment he suffered at the hands of the invaders. They killed no less than two dozen of our own and kidnapped an innocent man."

Exchanging puzzled expressions, Petty Officer Jablonski shrugged and held her hands palms upward, then leaned in to whisper into Schwein’s ear. “Rubber bullets and tear gas, how did we kill two dozen people…?”

"EINSPRUCH! OBJECTION!" Schwein called out, also pointing dramatically, as was tradition. "I offer in counter evidence the sensor logs of mein own eye and mein comrade's suit to prove that we used non-lethal means and we only did so after first declaring our intentions and being attacked trying to dock and question a murder suspect. A man that is linked to the murder of a Starfleet officer aboard a Starfleet vessel! The act of which will bring into question the very pact that makes our privateer actions and profits admissible under the Federation!"

This brought about a goodly amount of muttering and murmuring, as Schwein’s bold accusation rang out across the great hall.

Pulling out a poly-duranium lined PaDD, the Platinum haired pirate punched up the sensor logs and submitted them in full, allowing those assembled to study them as they saw fit. "Also, we found our suspect. They had undergone identity change operations, but they confessed to the crime, and admitted to whom he received the means of murder and attempted assassination on Baroness Dox!" Tapping again, she submitted the interrogation in the Hera's brig.

The Baroness Merelith immediately set out, scanning the submitted records, ensuring that they were clean and untampered with. It only took her a moment before she looked up. "Your honor, these records show no sign of tampering. They are legitimate and admissible as evidence."

At the end of both sensor feeds during the Starbase 339-A invasion, the death count total read at one. "Ah... Ethel... It seems we did lose one after all..." She rested a hand on her comrade's shoulder in sympathy, as the hulking petty officer looked devastated to have inadvertently caused the loss of a life in the pursuance of her duties.

Magnus then brought his gavel down. "As both members that took part in this have admitted to the destruction, and have provided the evidence of their own actions, and are apparently in the crew of the Baroness Schwein von Alcott, it is the judgement of this court that she and her crew are to make reparations to the Baroness Seinae Nei'rrh regardless of the outcome of this Tribunal."

He then slammed his gavel again before motioning towards Enalia's side of the hall. "Princess Enalia Telvan, It is now your turn to present your opening argument and any evidence you may have."

“You can do this, Enalia,” Rita Paris said in rapid hushed tones, trying to bolster her Captain’s spirits. “Speak from your heart, say what you know to be true, and prove to these people that you are still THEIR princess, as well as Starfleet. You are here literally fighting for them… you can do this. I believe in you.”

Clemens took special care to run a full structural scan of the area the Captain was about to utilize for her speechifying.

Enalia flashed her piratical smile for just a moment as reassurance. This was what she'd been practicing for. The Trill woman then stood, regal and matronly - a pillar of marble as the lighting focused on her. "Thank you, your honor."

"Ladies and Gentlebeings of the assembled Tribunal... my family. Since my mother's retirement, when I took command of the USS Hera and was able to dedicate a portion of my time to indirect management of the fleet, you have known my policies and my love of freedom."

"Many of you watched me grow up. Some of you knew me as crewmates before my time in Starfleet. Thus you know that I pride myself on certain values. Integrity. Excellence in all I do. Service to freedom of all. This is why I wear this uniform with pride. Not to sully the family name, or to spit in the face of tradition; but to bolster it with something new."

"To build upon our traditions, and take us into a new era. The days of Matriarchal lineages are coming to an end. If my mother is too blind to allow us the freedom to enter the future with our own passions and our own free will, then she has no place being in power."

"It is true that what finally resulted in this Tribunal is that she wanted a biological grandchild from my genetic code... My AUGMENTED genetic code. Of which she has no backup, because I destroyed it. She killed the doctor that performed the augmentation shortly after my sister was born. Shortly before I joined Starfleet, I destroyed the samples my mother had of both myself and my sister... just in case."

"But now she wants a new heir. One more to her liking. One that she can control, and train to be just like her and drive this family to its grave like she tried to do. Let us recall some of her titles for a moment. Some of her proudest moments in life."

"Scourge of Tortuga. She got that title by wiping out thirteen rogue pirate groups in one week. She lost half of her own fleet in the process. Devil of Getlik three. She took seven ships and bombarded a colony from orbit because they owed her money. The planet still hasn't recovered enough atmosphere to sustain life. Rat Whore Bitch. The Klingons gave you that one, didn't they? I could go on, but your kill count is higher than even I can believe at times and I'm your daughter."

"That being said, I'm here not just as the Artan Princess and the Daughter of Arenara Artan. I am here as a Starfleet Captain." Straightening her jacket, Enalia recomposed herself, the momentary emotion in her eyes becoming as of steel for the evidence she was going to drop.

"As such, it is my duty to present evidence that Arenara Artan has colluded with the Orion Syndicate against Baroness Seinae Nei'rrh. Furthermore, we have proof that she attempted to assassinate Baroness Schwein von Alcott and Baroness Mnhei'sahe Dox, a Lieutenant aboard the USS Hera, the latter of which resulted in the murder of one of my officers. On top of that, significant espionage was performed in the cybernetics of our allies in this tribunal, as well as the near fatal poisoning of several of the Baronesses closest to my personage."

Enalia straightened up and motioned for Commander Paris to transfer the evidence.

Once again, Sam made certain that there were no unduly-stressed areas in the area his friend and Executive Officer was utilizing.

Standing, Rita didn’t bother introducing herself. Either they knew who she was or it didn’t matter to them, and either way, this had nothing to do with her. Instead she was here to serve as the member of the Captain’s crew to deliver the evidence and corroborate it with witnesses and evidence, so she dove right in.

"With the Pirates of the Crab Nebula program, when Baroness Sarika transferred the latest mod to Baroness von Alcott, both were infected with cyber espionage that would offer false input, falsified recording, and according to the USS Hera’s chief medical officer, 'a thing has been outlawed in every civilized system- a virus which overloads cybernetic components, then goes on to assault and overload the nerves connected to the device’, as you will see from the medical report.”

As she spoke, Paris tapped out the data backing up what she was saying, complete with sensor logs and trideo of snippets of the scenario. This was no speech- this was a multimedia presentation of evidence.

"When Baroness von Alcott offered to help the crew of the USS Hera learn swordplay by participating in her leisure program, which I understand is a standard game of 'capture the flag' amongst the Artan family, installing the program into a holodeck on the USS Hera then become deliberate sabotage of a Federation starship. Not by the Baroness von Alcott,” the curvaceous commander clarified, “who was the unwitting carrier, but by the author of the customized modified program who introduced it to her systems.”

“The holodeck safeties were shut off, and the numbers of opponents were plentiful. Had it only been the Baroness, she still might have fought her way through- she is Schwein von Alcott, after all.” The crusading commander paused at that, allowing time for some chuckling and muttering from those who knew Schwein by reputation or personal experience, who could attest to the supersoldier’s strength, stamina and skill. “Or at least she might have, save for the visual virus that spiked a needle into her brain and crippled her. How did that go?"

Tapping a button on her PaDD, the broadcast went out across the Tribunal, in an amplified voice unmistakable as that of the Queen Regent of the Artans. "I hope you enjoy the modifications to this, you fleeter swine. Not even you could survive this little trap."

"Does she wring her hands and twirl her mustache while she says things like that? One wonders," Paris paused to let that one settle in before moving on, pointedly ignoring the daggers being glared at her from the Queen Regent’s box. "Of course, we have verification of that vocal print as a match, as you can see. According to United Federation law, sending a program designed to kill someone by locking them in a holodeck and turning off the safeties is classified as attempted murder, unless it works."

“Objection," said the matriarch calmly.

"No proof of the source of the program modification nor the virus! This is a baseless accusation!” came the call from Captain Artan’s box, from the man known as Mudd.

"Don’t be so hasty! The proof is coming, so keep your pants on, Terran,” Paris dismissed, to a few more chuckles from the gallery even as Mudd himself looked a bit surprised to be called out.

“So, given that the virus does trace back to the Queen Mother, that officially racks up 6 counts of attempted murder; 4 of whom were Starfleet officers. But let's not dwell, we've got a lot more ground to cover. Baroness von Alcott, do you corroborate this story, and I believe the chain of evidence passes next to you for the cyberware espionage charge?"

Standing, the augmented human pirate straightened her jacket, looking none too pleased with what she had been hearing from her side of the court about the man named Mudd. "Ja, I confirm and submit my own cyber-logs and recordings of the events."

"What was supposed to be a fun and entertaining group training exercise, turned into a near lethal simulation," The platinum-tressed pirate eyed the crowd with her one organic eye. "With the anti-Borg virus in my cybernetics, I would not have made it through the extended program alone. Even if I had made it to the end goal of the bridge of the Bloody Rose, the simulation was programmed to end after several minutes by venting the bridge into space, after those taunting words were spoken from the relocated treasure chest."

"Such hospitality," Paris snarked.

Continued in Tribunal - Confessions...


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