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An Apple A Day...

Posted on Sun Jul 7th, 2019 @ 2:18pm by Lieutenant Asa Dael & Ensign Varnok Jahal

Mission: Fractured Fairy Tales
Location: Main Sick Bay
Timeline: 2396

Entering his quarters Varnok slumped down on his bed, sighed and looked around. Dimming the lights and setting the temperature more to his liking, he starting unpacking. The Ensign made quick work of organizing his uniforms and the few civilian clothes he had. Feeling around in his duffle bag he pulled out a small photo, looking down on the stoic faces of his parents for what seemed the thousandth time. Gently he sat it on the small credenza in his room One of the first things he did when he was assigned to the U.S.S. Varyss was download his parents' photos from their death reports as a reminder of where he came from.

Going back to the bag, the last thing he took out was an isoliner rod, the casing was worn from age and handling. It was his most cherished possession, a gift from his mother, 'Enigma Tales' by Shoggoth. He often thought maybe she knew where his path would take him. His love of puzzles and another life, this path would have led to the Obsidian Order. Looking down at the rod and running his thumb across its smooth exterior, he gently placed it in a place of reverence by his parents' photograph. Glancing around the tidy room, he picked up the PaDD looked at the next procedure he needed to complete. Ah ...medical, time to get cleared for duty. Quickly looking up the direct path to his destination and committing them to memory he set off to meet with Lieutenant Asa Dael.

Walking down the corridors the Cardassian strode purposely, nodding in greeting if anyone engaged him. Quickly arriving at the Sick Bay he straightened his uniform, walked in the door and looked towards the nearest nurse. “ Excuse me, I am Ensign Varnok reporting for medical clearance, can you please point me to Lieutenant Dael?”

The time-wisened face of Nurse Almera greeted him with a smile. The matronly woman quickly typed a message into a PaDD and replied, “Right this way, Ensign. They will see you in their office.”

He nodded and followed the seasoned nurse.

Once inside the glass-walled office, Varnok was greeted by an androgynous figure with close-cropped hair leaning over a large desk. They appeared to be arranging different PaDD’s showing images of infants in various poses. Standing up quickly and rubbing at their neck, Asa blushed crimson around the ears as they walked over to Ensign Varnok extending a hand in greeting.

“Sorry about that, you caught me working on a little arts and crafts project. We’ve had several deliveries on board lately, and I wanted to surprise the new families with scrapbooks. It would seem I’m vastly underqualified for the task, but enthusiasm before skill sometimes, right? I’m talking too much again, aren’t I? Sorry about that, still doing it. Anyway, Doctor Asa Dael, nice to meet you!”

Meandering diatribe finished, Asa stood smiling broadly with their hand extended, hoping they hadn’t made a complete fool of themself in front of the new crew member.

Varnok smiled widely back at the Doctor and gripped their hand in a hardy handshake. He found their awkwardness quite charming. He thought to himself he never felt so welcomed anywhere before. He replied warmly, "It is a pleasure to meet you. That is a fine endeavor for you to undertake for your patients.

Blush spreading from ears to toes now, Asa gave the best they could to the return handshake. “Thanks. Gotta care for body and soul, right? So, how can I help? We have your onboarding scans to do of course, but is there anything you are specifically concerned about you would like me to look at?”

Jarnok grinned again, "No Nothing In particular. Just my required medical scans to be cleared for duty" Looking down at his PaDD and back at the young Doctor "I see you are also the ships acting counselor, I will need my psych clearance as well." The tall young Cardassian Ensign heard an audible growl come form his stomach. Slightly embarrassed "Please forgive me, I have not had the opportunity to eat, since I arrived."

With a laugh, Asa pulled a meal-replacement bar from their desk and threw it to the young officer. "Here 'ya go, I swear by things some days. You eat, I'll scan."

On their way over to Jarnok, Asa poured him a glass of water and placed that on the table to his right, then set about completing the rudimentary scans. Content with what they were seeing, they nodded to themself and closed the tricorder. After a quick perusal of his chart, Asa pretended to read a moment more to allow the engisn a chance to eat if needed.

After a pause, they said, "You are fit as a fiddle physically. As for what's in the noggin, a few quick questions and you will be good to go. Can you please describe to me what you view to be your primary duties as a Starfleet Officer- not the job description, but what it means to you."

Thankful for the Doctor’s quick thinking Varnok polished off the meal replacement bar like a half-starved Targ. Taking a long drink of water the lithe Cardassian replied, ” I joined Starfleet to have purpose in my life….to make a difference in the universe.” He smiled wistfully towards the friendly face listening to him “ Mostly I wanted to belong….to feel part of something bigger than myself.”

Smiling at the similarities between the two of them, Asa nodded and said, "I can understand that all too well. What difficulties do you think you might face on the Hera, and how do you plan to overcome them?"

Taking another sip of water, Varnok replied, "I left my meeting with Commander Paris feeling encouraged. I am choosing to focus on the positive."

He thought for a moment then continued. "I am looking at my assignment to the Hera as a fresh start." Varnok smiled brilliantly at the young Doctor. "I will meet any challenges one at a time."

"Fresh starts can be long as we don't let our pasts define our present choices. If you find you are having a hard time with that, my door is always open. One last question and I'll let you run along, what coping techniques do you have in place for emotional stress? It's an important part of life aboard a Starship, and if you don't have any stress-coping plans, I'm happy to help you formulate one." Asa inquired.

"In the past, I have mediated or read, just quiet time to myself, it helps me refocus." the Cardassian Ensign replied. " If I find I need more than that, I will take you up on your offer." As he rose from his seat "Thank you Doctor for your time today. "

"Thank you for coming by, Ensign. Welcome aboard! I look forward to serving with you," Asa repllied, filing the report with command and smiling broadly.


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