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Makeout Session

Posted on Wed Apr 15th, 2015 @ 11:14pm by Petty Officer 2nd Class Amelia Takethen

Mission: Temporal Kickback
Location: Sensor Pod Lab 4 Control - Deck B

Ven was on a break and it had been a while since he had seen Amelia, so he decided to track her down and suprised her with a visit.

"Computer, location of crewman Takethen please." He called out.

"Crewman Takethen is on deck B, Sensor Lab 4 Control." the computer replied.

Ven quickly made his way to the Lab. When he got there he was able to sneak in with out Amelia hearing him and up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear "Surprise."

Giggling a little and leaning into him, Amelia rested her hands on his. "Hey hon. What brings you up here to the pod?"

"You..." Ven said quietly as he held her tighter as she leaned back into him. "I talked to the captain about helping you transfer over to op's." He said quietly into her ear, his lips perpously brushing aginst it.

"Oh?" This was a surprise to Amelia. Turning to face him, she rested her hands on his shoulders, a curious smile on her face. "What did she say?"

"She said it was a good idea and I get to submit my own performance evaluations based 9n the work we have done together. She said once we fix your review you may submit the request and she would approve it." Ven explained. "She thinks you would be better in the shuttle bay. So, what are you you doing in the pod?"

That was excellent news indeed. Maybe she could get somewhere and work in peace. Motioning to the console she had been concentrating on, Amelia explained. "I was looking over the pod power systems. It was a nightmare getting them all working right in the first place and I wanted to make sure they were all still ok."

"Well...are they?" He asked, but Amelia could tell Ven really didn't care as his eyes started to travel down along her body. She was his only distraction, the only one who could pull his mind away from the jumble of projects and repairs that awaited him.

"Well enough. I'd like to run a manual check of a few of the junctions, but everything so far looks just fine." Amelia replied, looking back into his eyes and noticing how they were wandering. "So... Anything I can help you with?"

Ven's eyes moved back up to hers and he grinned at her. "You already did. I just wanted to see you...oh no! Wait, there was something else." Ven pulled himself from Amelia and pulled a gadget out of his tool belt.

"Check this out. I'm making a portable replicator!" He held it out for her to look at. It was rough, and still needed a lot of work. BUT he was proud of it and wanted her to be the first to see it.

Taking the fascinating device, Amelia looked it over carefully. "What kind of things does it replicate? And how are you powering it? is it pulling raw materials from the ship or generating them on its own?"

I striped a power supply from an old phaser rifle. The material is the one down fall right now. It can only hold a small amount and when that used up it need to recharge." Ven explained to her.

"Ingenious," Amelia said, looking it over a bit more before handing it back.

The grin on Ven's face exploded into a huge smile, "You really think so?" Amelia's compliments ment everything to Ven and he knew what a compliment that was, coming from her.

"Mmhmm. It is. I've seen a portable marshmellon generator but that could only do like a dozen at a time and that's all it could do." Amelia said with a wide grin. "This seems infinitely more useful and practical."

"I have been thinking of some kind of transporter unit inside. Maybe when the raw matter gets low it can just beam more from a larger container. Something that could be in a backpack." Now Ven was just thinking out loud.

"Or replacement canisters. You could carry extras in a belt pouch." Amelia offered, helping in the brainstorming.

"Oh!" Ven said. "I could make it feel more like a wepon. Slap the clip in the bottom and POW!" Ven pretended to fire the thing. "Pancakes!" He said with a chuckle.

Amelia giggled happily, leaning against Ven.

Ven set the device off to the side and slid his arms around her again. "You got time for a break?" He asked.

"Up to you. I got off duty an hour ago." Amelia said, draping her arms around his neck lightly.

"Wanna..." Ven blushed lightly and bit his lower lip as he meekly looked Amelia in the eyes, "seek off and make out in an access port with me?"

"What if that's too far away, though?" Amelia said, her best pout on her face.

"Are you trying to say you wanna stay right here?" But Ven didn't give her much of a chance to answer as he pressed his lips aginst Amelias. Little tingles ran through Ven's body at the contact causing him to shiver aginst her, he loved feeling her skin on his. Even if it was just them holding hands, her touch excited Ven on a level he had never experienced with anyone else.

As they kissed, Ven's arms tightened around her waist pulling her against him. After a few moments Ven slowly broke the kiss. "Amelia," Ven said softly gazing into her eyes. "I love you."

Responding in kind to the kiss, Amelia melted against Ven as he finally said those words. "I love you, too." she replied, her antenna taking on a somewhat submissive position as she gazed lovingly into his eyes.

Ven grinned at Amelia, he had known how she felt ever since she perposed to him. But he needed more time. But not any longer, he knew he loved her and he knew that he needed her in his life. No other woman had ever caught Ven's attention and to be honest he had never caught the attention of a girl before. Not untill Amelia anyways.

"Thank you." He said to her. "You could not be more perfect to me."

Resting against him, Amelia softly purred a bit. "Thank you. I can't imagine life without you. I know we've hardly known each other, but i know for certain that you complete me."


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