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Vulcan Science Academy Tour

Posted on Tue Aug 27th, 2019 @ 1:19pm by Commander Rita Paris & Lieutenant Commander Sonak & Az'Prel

Mission: Family Detention
Location: Vulcan Science Academy, Vulcan
Timeline: 2396, late summer
Tags: Vulcan Pilgrimage V

Checking her reflection one more time, Rita debated trimming her hair before going out.

She was already dressed, and ready to go- if she cut her hair she would have to get undressed, shower and get dressed all over again. Instead she pulled out some fibrous hair creme from her makleup bag, unscrewed the lid of the jar, scooped some out, worked it between her hands, then worked it through her shortish blonde hair with deft practiced strokes of her fingers. Left to it's own devices it would hang down in her eyes, giving her a rakish look if she kept it there, but it tended to fall in her eyes more often than not and irritate her. thus today she's just seep it up and over to the side in a graceful swoop, a reasonably timeless style, fortunately for her. Of course, the majority of her interactions today would be with Vulcans. who were not particularly swayed one way or another by the fashionably of one's hairstyle.

Fortunately, Rita understood this, but it was immaterial to her decision-making process as she dressed and styled to suit her own esthetic. Thus she stood dressed in her classic 2268 issue command gold uniform with the two woven solid gold braids on the cuff... braids which she was willing to admit to herself that she was proud of seeing there. Every promotion she had worked her butt off for it and then questioned herself and second guessed it. But not this time... this time, it had been the right time. This time she'd been ready to step into the Commander's boots, and she'd done well.

Mistakes were made- the flash of a brilliant silhouette appeared in her mind, even as she frowned to banish it. But she had grown, and learned, and adapted. There were always possibilities, and she took them. The universe continued to give them to her, so she continued striving to do the right thing.

In the bathroom Sonak was finishing his sonic shower. She had gone first because she needed more time to get ready than he, and he could use the few spare moments to achieve the results of hours of meditation, his incredibly disciplined mind decompiling incredibly efficiently. Smiling, she shook her head. She skimmed the surface of his intellect, taking in parts as he shared them with her and enjoying his logic exercises, comparisons, philosophical debates, quantum mechanics, helioseismology, thousands of subjects of which his knowledge was surprisingly comprehensive. Yet he could find satisfaction in playing tour guide to his human wife, seeing what was now his world for the first time. In helping a refugee of a universe gone mad reconnect with a world where the philosophy she rebelled to study her entire life holds sway, and founded a mighty civilization.

In all of the universe, of all of the wonders she had seen and the phenomenon she had encountered, none was more amazing to Rita Paris than Sonak of Vulcan.

Casually, she reached for him. Knowing he was close, hearing him in proximity, being able to visualize him helped somewhat, but at the same time, it was irrelevant. Focus and calm were the keys to exercising telepathic discipline, filtered through learning and understanding of the telepathic principles. In her case, as she herself possessed no telepathy, she was merely calling for him through their ling, as if tugging upon a fishing line to catch his attention. But the attention of a kolinahr was considerable, and even engaged simultaneously in a dozen separate mental task in addition to the physical act of getting dressed, still he could hear her.

I thought to wear my uniform as it clearly advertises my status as an anachronism, rather than attempting to blend in as we did amongst the pilgrims at the shrine. There, to blend in was to show respect, and for practicality to shield me from the harsh daytime sun. But this is appropriate for this venture, is it not, my husband?

You will intrigue them, came the clear thought of Sonak; as will Az'Prel. And to a scientific mind, being intrigued is like food to a starving selhat. They will discreetly search for the reason why her Vulcan mind is yet subtly different from the norm, and why you dress in century past fashion. They will identify you both through Starfleet records and become even more than intrigued; it will fascinate them. Studies and reflections about quantum mechanics and the multiverse will begin, and some will in all probability wish to have some exchanges with you both. Az'Prel and you will be most welcomed for your unique experiences and outlook. You will be recognized as significant contributors to the Academy.

Then Sonak emerged in his modern kolinarh garb, black tight-fighting leggings and short soft boots and ample matching tunic with long, large sleeves, ancient symbols in gold on the wide open collar. Around his hips was his anh woon, tightly belted with twin silvery weights on each side, and his combadge was subtly hidden at the back of his collar as if it was one of the runes adorning his clothing. He was thus ready for their new journey on his newfound home planet.

While she was aware of them and their existence, and their significance, through their bond, still Rita had never actually seen Sonak wear the distinctive ceremonial tunic that was his right as an accomplished master of logic, purged of all emotion- a Kolonahr. Seeing him wearing it, here of all places, brought a wide smile to her face as she crossed the room to run her fingers over his lapel, straightening that which needed no straightening, reveling in the tactile sensation as well as the visual impression and the memory of him in that moment that she would forever remember.

"You look good in black... so commanding." For a moment, she struggled with what to say as she appreciated the sight of her handsome and accomplished partner in life, then she spoke quietly. "The temple... I wasn't worried because all I had to do was make the climb and be respectful. But this... I don't want to embarrass you today. You are very well respected here, and this is... well, this is kind of the smart kids club for the smartest kids. So hopefully I don't say anything dumb that reflects poorly on you. I don't want them to think you are taking advantage of some backwater hick and..."

Seeing the look in his steel-grey eyes that most would find unreadable, she rolled her own bright blue eyes. "I know, I know, I am she who is your wife, your 't'hy'la, your One, and you will forever stand by that choice, and I have my own strengths. It's just... This is Vulcan. The Science Academy. As amazing as you are to me, here, you're venerated and deeply respected, and I just... worry about reflecting poorly on you, that's all."

''Worry is a Human emotion,'' he reassured her. ''And while sometimes worry may have a logical assumption to justify it, it is not so here. Prejudice is not a trait Vulcans will succumb to; it is in an admission of failed logic and reasoning, establishing conclusions without the preliminary hypothesis, fact gathering and analysis demanded by rationality. Anyone at the Vulcan Academy, of all places, showing such an attitude would be dismissed outright from it's grounds.''

His eyes went straight into hers.

''But you proceed from false assumptions. Vulcans do not judge others by the company they keep. Each person is estimated on his or her own merits. And I am not venerated; this is an emotion long ago expunged from Vulcan, along with old superstitions. I am respected, yes, but not so much for what I have accomplished as for what I am doing as a science officer in Starfleet. The Place of Honor and the Old Quarter is where we look into the past. At the Academy, we look towards the future. And that future includes Humanity and all sentient races of this universe.''

He paused a moment before completing his thought.

''You are not entering as an accomplished researcher or a learned theorician, but as someone contributing in a different but equally important way to the advancement of knowledge; as a Starfleet officer. Thus, you earn respect as well; you risk your life to open the way to the stars. And, from the stars, comes knowledge.''

Trying and failing to repress a smile, Rita managed to keep it mostly close-lipped as she draped her arms up over his shoulders, her fingers running through the thick, dark hair on the back of his head. “Per aspera, ad astra, eh? You do always know just what to say, Sonak of Vulcan.” Shaking her head, she chuckled.

“I have to admit, I never thought we’d be standing here, preparing to go to the Science Academy to discuss extradimensional exploration, quantum movement in time and space and the nature of the multiverse, yet here we are… infinite diversity in infinite combinations indeed.” Turning her head to glance to Az’Prel’s room in the small quarters in which they were staying, she mused silently.

''Only if you so wish,'' Sonak reminded her. ''We are here to be away from duty and experience existence on my homeworld. Work may be part of it but only if you find it a valuable part of that experience. You may let the academicians do their own search.''

Do you suspect that Az’Prel may have some degree of anxiety over today? I would not wish to insult her by asking, but I have concerns that she may find the situation intimidating as do I, and she may also have some… misgivings? She is my friend, but I am uncertain if this is something I could discuss with her. Perhaps a few words of reassurance from you, as they do with me, could ease her mind and offer her more confidence to face the situation?

It was rude to speak telepathically, but this was a conversation she suspected would be insulting to the proudly self-sufficient freedom fighter, who was still learning how to accept the help of others. Which was entirely reasonable, given her background and the life she had led.

That is for her to decide. You are projecting your own feelings onto her because of your genuine and very human concern for her. But may I remind you that she is Vulcan; feelings will not dictate her decisions. And as a Vulcan, she is in no need of reassurance or greater confidence. But she might welcome good counsel from a friend and from another, different perspective; even if she may not be yet fully aware of it. And that, my wife, is what you are best suited for; especially for her.

That was when the Vulcan woman in question exited her small room wearing a stiff green warrior priestess outfit from her universe similar to the red ones of this universe on Mount Seleya. Though there were several places to strap weapons to her, none of the included sheathes were filled with blades. Neither did the metal on her boots or gauntlets come to sharpened edges. The silver runes on her headband, collar, and vestments were all well replicated, however, and all offered prayers for those about to pass on.

Assuming her normal stance with her hands straight at her sides, Az'Prel bowed her head to her traveling companions. "It was requested that I attire myself in traditional garb that I wore while on the Vulcan of my reality. I thought it logical to choose something that would pose an intellectual curiosity to those gathered as well as something starkly different from what is in this reality."

''This should achieve that purpose quite efficiently,'' Sonak acknowledged. ''You will certainly be much solicitation by historians and physicists alike.''

"Well... we are the living experts in a few fields, whom a number of scientists and researchers are potentially quite excited to meet. I suppose we shouldn't keep them waiting?" Rita offered with a smile, then she gestured toward the door to get them all moving. "I'm guessing that we have ground transportation or trains.... subways? What constitutes Vulcan mass transit in the 24th century?"

Sonak looked straight at her.


Arriving at the Vulcan Science Academy via transporter was nowhere on the list of things Rita had planned today, yet here they were, and here they arrived. She still felt it, of course- time and again she'd had it explained to her how impossible that was in reality, but she knew better. Reality also told her how safe transporters were and how the statistical improbability of her being able to see, feel and perceive time differently during transport- to perceive at all- was an impossibility. But Rita Paris' career was a very long string of events and occurrences that should have been impossible, yet they still happened... to her, mostly.

Today she beamed in, and her knees did not wobble on reassembly, her hands did not shake when she took a few seconds to make sure that she was all there- at least she no longer felt she left something behind every time, which was of considerably greater comfort to her. Perspiration had broken out across her forehead and her palms were clammy, but she hadn't given voice to her terror and her discomfort. She had borne it silently, since an emotional outburst wasn't exactly the scene she wanted to make upon entering the hallowed halls of the greatest concentration of Academia in the universe.

The one concession to her weakness Rita was willing to make was stepping down from the pad, she leaned on the rock-steady shoulder of her husband while the mild vertigo passed. Hopefully the display of physical contact would not be too much of a faux pas.

No one here expects you to act like a Vulcan, came the reassuring thought of Sonak as he extended the time honored salute to the transporter technician before guiding the others into the welcoming main hall of the Vulcan Science Academy.

Then I certainly shan’t disappoint, for human ever shall I be, Rita replied in his mind as she blinked away the after-effects and followed her stoic scientist to take in the sight of the main hall.

It was a vast circular polished black stone hallway with doors all around labelled with sensor-linked plates switching from Vulcan to any language of the species approaching them, each naming the study conducted beyond it's engraved metallic sliding double panel. A large triangular moving stairway of the same metal allowed access to the higher levels and their own doorways, its point lowering to the circular basin of pure water circling its base. The entire architecture was modeled after the IDIC symbol, the stone expressing the long history of Vulcan wisdom and the modern metal alloy speaking of late 24th century knowledge, harmoniously blended as well to the eye as to thoughts.

''Basically, all departments of the Academy are the same, accounting only for the variations needed for each specific subject,'' Sonak explained. '' This is to say that, as would be logically assumed, there are much more ancient scrolls and tablets in the archeological department and much more state-of-the-art computers in the engineering section. All departments use as much current technology and time-honored traditional methods as is appropriate for each field of study. And alien methods are also integrated as best suited, even beyond the xenology department.''

He showed with his hand the doors encircling them and those above.

''That leaves only a question of what interest you most to see and you can assume the rest is more or less the same. The only exception is below grounds, where the Surak Chambers, the capital's school itself, is located.''

He waited for his two companions to voice what interested them first.

“Well I… suppose extradimensional studies and quantum resonances for me, given my own quantum field irregularities and the fact that we are otherdimensional in origin would be the correct answer for me?” Rita hazarded a guess, taking in the awe-inspiring vista of the Science Academy interior. She had expected for it to be impressive and a bit imposing, and it had not disappointed. While her moment of weakness and disorientation had passed, still she remained unconsciously close to Sonak.

Here in the very heart of Vulcan intellectualism, the human girl of the average mind might have felt a twinge more intimidated than usual, despite knowing that no one expected her to measure up to the locals intellectually. As her logical mate expressed, her talents and skills and strengths were elsewhere, and valued as such. But logic was not always a balm for feelings and anxieties, even for the bride of the kolinahr.

“Miss Az’Prel, is there some subject of study you would like to investigate while we’re here? As the man mentioned, this is the greatest repository of knowledge in the galaxy short of memory Alpha, so if you have a question, this would be the most logical place to attempt to find the answer?” Rita made a conscious effort not to waggle her fingers at passersby who were raising curious eyebrows at her and Az’Prel’s appearances, which were unique, even here. While it was her default to be friendly and disarm, again, the social rules were different here, and as a stranger in a strange land, she was striving to be respectful of her hosts. In the years to come she would need to serve as an example for younger generations, so she’d better get it down now, she decided.

"I believe I would find history and Vulcan archaeology fascinating," the Vulcan woman replied as she studied the grandiose architecture around them. "I must admit an interest in such things that I was never able to indulge fully. Indeed, I admit the comparisons between the contrasting differences and similarities in our histories has been a source of curiosity for me."

Sonak's hand went to several arches on their ground floor.

''The foundation of all our knowledge and civilization is of course here. This is the oldest part of the Academy, itself a monument to our past and the foundation of our growth. You will find here the largest museum on Vulcan, the main repository of all our ancient texts in the T'Pau Library and direct transporter access to several archeological sites open to the public.''

He then showed the stairway to Rita.

''The escalator leads all the way up to the latest addition to the Academy grounds, lodging the old Vulcan High Command and new Starfleet Archives with the T'Pol observatory and astronomical studies department; just below it is the Physics department, part of the Spock Science Studies Chair, with theoretical laboratories, holographic experimental simulators and direct computer interface to other research centers on the planet and offworld.''

"Wow... that is... as impressive as I would have expected," Rita responded with a wry smile, eyeing the escalator indicated and mentally plotting her course. "And what of you Sonak? As we two science tourists pursue and share our intellectual curiosities with others for mutual enlightenment, in what intellectual pursuit will you be engaging? Or will you be accompanying one of us?"

''It is my intention to go to the lower level and witness the education of our youth,'' the Kolinarh master answered. ''But if either of you require my presence, I can delay this visit.''

"I think we'll be alright," the curvaceous commander replied, eyeing the stairway to the heavens. "Shall we make plans to perhaps convene for a midday meal to compare experiences and decide on future courses of action, assuming we are not too deeply involved in projects?"

''There is a common area for sustenance at mid level of the central building,'' Sonak suggested. Traditional Vulcan servings and replicators are available.''

"Then let us reconvene at the appropriate meal time. A Professor S'Prol in the historical archives expressed desire to meet with me. They are the one that requested I dress in my current attire. I hope to have a lengthy discussion on the differences in the history of our two realities." With that, Az'Prel snapped to attention out of habit and rendered the Vulcan salute in a crisp, military style. There was a slight pause before she gave the words, however.

"Peace... And long life." It took her a moment to adjust her words over what she had been raised was correct of 'Live long and prosper,' especially since the Vulcans of her reality rarely wished peace to anyone.

''Live long ansd prosper,'' Sonak dutifully answered her, before giving a look to his wife reserved only to her and then heading towards the foot of the grand staircase to descend into the vast teaching area of the Science Academy.

The expression was subtle, but it meant the world to her, because she caught it, she understood it, and it spoke volumes to Rita when the kolinahr favored here with that subtle shift of expression. Thus she was bolstered for her meeting with the scientists of the extradimensional studies and quantum resonancing divisions of the Vulcan Science Academy.

What followed for the human explorer from a parallel dimension was a whirlwind morning of tests. Some were simply passive scans, some were more active scans. Some were comparative, to extrapolate against previous data gleaned from the experiments performed by Sonak and Doctor Dael aboard the Hera. Watching the footage of the transporter beam literally dragging her screaming across the floor was difficult for both her and the scientists to watch, but it was necessary in order for them to genuinely understand the scope of the phenomenon that she had manifested in her acting as an ‘anchor’ for the Kelvin universe’s attempt to collapse this one, in order to seek more stability for itself through her rather unique transporter malady.

There was considerable discussion of ‘unique biosignature attunement’ and ‘quantum field exaggeration resulting in catastrophic extradimensional energy drain’ along with 'extradimensional energy conduit via cyclonic wormhole formation'. The footage and scans of her trip through Starfleet Command were also rather extensively reviewed, as her effect on local transporter patterns were also analyzed as well, with copious notes and discussions sparked from the various phenomenon witnessed there alone.

By the time they got around to asking if they could transport her locally for a baseline for readings to compare them to, Rita’s usual level if transporter anxiety was actually quite elevated. But Sonak was nearby if anything went wrong, and he was far and away the greatest living expert on her condition. Additionally, the greatest scientific minds of the Federation resided within these halls- if something went awry, even without her heroic husband handy, there were plenty of brilliant minds to be bent to the task.

While it made her forehead break out in perspiration and her palms clammy, still she agreed to oblige them. Even studying her emotional and physical responses to the request were fascinating to the Vulcan scientists, which actually calmed her a bit, as it wasinteresting to her to see the logic of Vulcan at work without the dedication and care of her heroic husband's dedication to her overall well-being involved.

Although it was only a beam across the room, it still felt like it took minutes to her, as she felt herself disassemble and reassemble from matter to energy then back again. But it no longer made her want to scream in agony, and she no longer felt as though she left something behind any longer, so she simply endured the unpleasantness for the sake of science.

After all, one had to make sacrifices in order for science to advance. Rita Paris understood that, and for the pack of fascinated Vulcan researchers quizzing her and studying her unique condition today, the least she could do was offer them quantifiable data. After all, it would be rude to come to the heart of the Federation’s scientific research and deny them the opportunity to study a genuinely unique phenomenon firsthand.

Passing through the impressive stone arches on the ground floor, Az'Prel walked down the simple stone corridor. On the walls were ancient historical documents, framed and presented as she made her way to the first chamber.

But before she could indulge her own curiosity for the history of this Vulcan, much like her own but for the distinct differences in details, she had obligations to fulfill. In that first chamber was the department of Historical Studies. The room was a cavernous space where ancient stone architecture was juxtaposed with the most modern of technological innovations. Massive banks of computers that were repositories for all of Vulcan History on one wall across from sterilized shelves cataloging ancient scrolls and texts, protected from the elements and the ravages of time with shielding that occasionally gave off the faintest of blue ripples when the light hit them right.

Meeting her in the center of the room was a team of historians, all offering their classic Vulcan salutes and proper greetings. Basic introductions were made before the questions began. And the questions were as interesting to the historians as they were enlightening to the Vulcan from another reality. For in the questions, she too learned about the differences and ways her Vulcan diverged. Every rune and marking on her priestesses garb had a correlating version in this reality. And as they spoke, she began to understand how two versions of a world could be so alike and so different at the same time. And in spite of the vast differences enlightened in the day's questions and studies, one thing became increasingly clear to all involved. Vulcan's were Vulcans across space and time and the similarities far outweighed the differences.

As Sonak had stated, this was Vulcan, regardless of reality. And this was her home.

After she had satisfied the requests of the historians, she allowed herself an indulgence of her own and made her way to the T'Pau Library, not to read of the history of her people, but of the history of herself. Finding the writings and history of the priestess known as T'Prel. The priestess she had communed with the katra of on Mount Selaya. The priestess that was her in this world. In contemplative silence, she read all there was to know on the life that might have been hers as the hours passed.

Over those hours, she found through her research that she had dedicated her life to a lesser temple on Mount Seleya in quiet meditation and inner reflection on the meaning of emotional control and why Vulcans do so, exploring the reasons why Surak chose the path that he did. In so doing, she had come in contact with a young merchant named Davo Mudd whom she had a short lived affair with. Together they had a daughter but due to genetic complications, she passed on before her first birthday. Because of this, Davo left Vulcan and returned to Earth to continue his mercantile business in a new environment away from the memories he had made. T’Prel redoubled her duties to Mount Seleya after that, dedicating her life to guiding those that visited her shrine and purging all emotions from herself through the rites of kolinahr.

Sonak returned from his tour of the Vulcan Academy School for the Young most satisfied. The dark, foxhole-like computer cubicles surrounded by holographic computer sense-activated interfaces might be considerably more advanced than the push button and voice activated units of his own youth, yet the exact precision of data and the deepness of knowledge and wisdom imparted was still second to none.

Here, the students could even use virtual reality to perform experiments and experience safely any kind of historical, cultural or social situation, from the farthest reaches of known space to those of imagination. Sonak himself tested the system by experiencing life as a Borg drone on board the Cube that attacked Earth and sowed devastation at Wolf 359, decades ago. As he had expected, Borg perfection was not the epitome of a life of pure machine logic as some believed the Vulcans aspired to. It was nothing like the enlightenment and freedom of attaining Kolinahr, freeing oneself of the shackles of emotions. It was a complete denial of the self and of free will, thus of responsibility and purpose, an enslavement to the machine and the whole where everything was lost for the illusory quest for absolute, unfailing efficiency. It was the vapid, void existence of a cogwheel, bringing down sentience to that of a simple cell.

There was much to meditate upon this experience; but that would be for later. After discussing the subject with a class of students, at the request of the teachers wishing for them to meet a kolinahr master, he thanked them all for the opportunity and the enlightenment they had given to his own thoughts before ascending once more to the main hall. It was interesting what he had learned and experienced since coming back to his homeworld, one he had believed lost forever. It was fascinating for him to realize the scope of just how much he still had yet to learn and experience.

While he awaited the return of his two traveling companions, the kolinahr master from a universe that was no more, from a Vulcan that never was, sat on a bench facing a fountain and began a light meditation about the distinction one could, or could not make, between life and existence.


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