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Romulan Rescue

Posted on Mon Sep 16th, 2019 @ 8:46am by Rear Admiral Farenia Meowlith & Captain Enalia Telvan & Lieutenant Mona Gonadie & Alden Engstrom XIII & Az'Prel & Kodria Mizu & Baroness 2nd Class Schwein von Alcott & Baroness 3rd Class Sarika & Commander Rita Paris & Lieutenant Commander Thex sh'Zoarhi & Lieutenant Commander Sonak & Lieutenant Samuel Clemens XV & Ensign Varnok Jahal
Edited on on Sun Sep 22nd, 2019 @ 6:27pm

Mission: Family Detention
Location: USS Hera, Deck 4, Conference Room
Timeline: 2396

"Yes, Engstrom, I know that violating the space/time protocols are something to be avoided... well, I wasn't the one who was so damned insistent on beaming me at warp 9.2 onto a moving target, now was I? Yes, I'll file a complete report with the DTI. Yes, I'll include all of the relevant scans, including my full Medical workup. Yes, I'll include some of the native materials so they can be analyzed. Look, I've got a briefing to attend, so if you have more nagging, send me a list and I'll read it when I have time. Paris out," the comely commander snapped as she tapped closed the window on the PaDD that had sprung up with a surprise conversation from one Alden Engstrom the 13th, head of the Division of Temporal Investigations, who apparently considered her packing 74 days into one exaggerated beam-in his business. Which meant that he wanted data, and he wanted to know.

Which Rita would oblige him as best she could, but for now, there were far more pressing concerns.

The entire time she'd been gone, the one issue that had weighed on her, more than any other, was that the Doxes were missing- kidnapped by the Romulans. The Hera was racing to the Neutral zone, apparently trying to get out ahead of them, but Rita hadn't known she would come back a few seconds after she'd left- instead she had been plotting long-term strategies in her head for when she got back. The unexpected development of having lost no time and snapping back to the moment that she left had been a boon to her, one final gift of Kathoom, she supposed, and for it she was grateful. Now a number of strategies and possibilities were available, and she looked forward to discussing them with the brilliant and motivated crew of the USS Hera.

Striding into the briefing room to see that for a change she was the last one to arrive, Rita smirked a bit. Way to set the example, Commander.

"Are we all here, then? Good. Captain, shall we begin with the facts?" Paris asked as she took her seat.

Enalia nodded grimly as she punched up a list of data to hover over the conference table. "First off, as some of you may be aware, two of our crew have been kidnapped by the Tal'Shiar. They were on their way to Vulcan to pick up Commander paris and her party and stopped off at a restaurant that had been cleared and recommended by Baroness Nei'rrh and her crew. The Baroness has been interrogated and has been cleared of suspicion... But those involved in her crew have not been."

"Lieutenant Dox and Agent Dox are being taken to Romulus by two ships at we suspect warp eight. We also know from the cloaking profile that one of the ships is a D'deridex class. The other vessel is an unknown Romulan class with a slightly more compact profile. I suspect this is a trap to get us to bring the Hera itself and all our secrets right to them. Therefore, our rescue operations will not include the majority resources aboard."

The tension in the air as Az'Prel's jaw tightened could physically be heard y anyone sitting next to her. This was the first she had heard of this and even as a logician and a Vulcan, the rage that this news stirred in her over her newfound sister surprised even herself and it took several moments of breathing exercises to regain her calm.

As Enalia spoke, the cloaking profiles cycled up into the table's holographics. "We suspect that they plan on crossing the neutral zone near Galorndon Core. We will be meeting Baroness Nei'rrh's ship, who has kindly loaned it to us to restore her honor, at a smuggler's crossing in four days, transferring essential crew to her ship, and traveling to Romulus to conduct a rescue."

Sporting his new hollow pip added to his former pair of filled ones on his blue collar, Sonak pointed to the red band one light year across separating the frontiers of the Federation and that of the Romulan Star Empire.

''With the Treaty of the Neutral Zone in effect, it is clear that there is grounds for suspicion that the zone was violated in order to perpetrate their abduction. We are therefore justified to proceed with all legal authority and measures to apprehend whomever is responsible. Moreover, under Galactic Law, we are also justified to demand help and extradition from the Empire if the culprit succeeds in crossing the zone. Refusal would mean condoning the action, which under treaty stipulations is an act of war.''

He paused to let that sink in before continuing.

''The Star Empire is in no shape at the moment to face a war with the Federation. It would simply mean the end of their civilization, especially with the Klingon Empire watching and ready to pounce on them at the first opportunity. We should therefore not only ask for permission to pursue the culprit through the zone, but for the Empire to assist us, especially if they do not allow Starfleet personnel and resources to enter their territory.''

With those facts presented, Sonak now looked to his commanding officer.

''It is logical to assume that, if this is indeed the Tal Shiar, that it it is not operating under Praetorian authority. Would it be under orders from the throne, it would destroy everything the two governments tried to build for the last three decades... along with what is left of the Empire. Thus, there are three possibilities; that this may be a rogue unit making a stand against official imperial policy; or this may be an impersonator aiming at shifting the blame on the Empire... someone who would profit from a conflict between us and the Rihansuu people; or this may be something strictly personal regarding our abducted crewmates... something worth risking a galactic war for it.''

"Commander Sonak raises a host of valid points, Captain," Paris ceded. It was interesting to her how easily she had gotten used to operating in the shadows that the simplicities and straightforward nature of galactic law somehow had not occurred to her to bring it up, but leave it to the master logician to see the situation clearly and without the hindrance of personal entanglements to point out the realities of the Star Empire and the Federation's legal standings with one another. "Will we be coordinating our efforts with the Romulan government in order to undertake this mission, and will we seeking to affirm that this is indeed a rogue element and not an official operation of their government, to give us stable grounds from which to operate?"

The buxom captain just sat there dumbstruck for a moment, the thought not having occurred to her. "We've operated in the shadows for so long, it never occurred to me... We can't directly give away that the Hera exists or that they're assigned to us, but if we coordinate through the USS Persephone and Captain Naraan to work that angle, saying that they're assigned to them... That might work and tell us at least a bit more. It might also tip our hand to those that kidnapped them so we'll have to be careful."

"On top of that, while a legal angle might get us Lieutenant Dox back... after she's been interrogated or reprogrammed for months... that legal status would not apply to Agent Dox, who in their eyes is an escaped traitor and would either be executed or spend the rest of her life in prison."

"That point, logically and emotionally, is not something I am willing to compromise on. They are both valued members of this crew, and I personally owe my life and family to both of them." Enalia's seriousness was on par with when she was on the floor of the Tribunal at this moment, and her gaze could almost kill a mugato. "We will pursue legal options only for informational and research purposes, but the rescue mission commences."

''Acknowledged, Captain,'' Sonak replied. ''I would then suggest to keep in mind the implications I delineated as... negotiating leverage, if such opportunity presents itself. A more... 'direct' approach, also entice the risk of provoking ourselves the very war hanging in the balance; which might still be their goal. And just as importantly for us, such action might risk losing them both.''

He was advising caution and planning. As the captain was committed to what he had called a direct action, the worst thing they would do would be to charge in half-cocked. That was what this briefing was for; a great part of what had made Starfleet successful even against overwhelming odds in dire situations like this one.

"With a secret operation, we also give Starfleet and the Federation something else. Plausible deniability. Especially with the Hera staying on this side of the border." Enalia finally lightened up just a bit at that point and gave a hint of her lopsided grin to Sonak. "With luck, we're dealing with an element their government will label as rogue, our government will claim we're pirates, and neither will invest in an obviously costly war that will destroy both and both sides walk away while saving face and we get our people back."

''Agreed, Captain,'' the Vulcan answered. ''And no starship or crew are better suited for such a task.''

Breathing an internal sigh of relief, Paris relaxed. She'd been prepared to play the diplomat, but it had been unnecessary- Sonak's logic was as always unassailable, but Enalia's tactics were sound, thus his words served as warning, and all was well. Once again she marvelled at the amazing individuals who surrounded her in her travels, appreciating all of their strengths and characteristics which made them all so uniquely suited to their positions. She'd missed this, and she was glad to be back amongst them again.

The spotted captain then pulled up a list of names. "We have until we arrive at the neutral zone crossing to get any useful information out of these people. Some are innocent, but at least one is the operative that sold our people out. They were the only ones that knew the Dox's would be at that restaurant beforehand."

She then went silent, hoping she made sense as her eyes went around the room, making contact with each person there.

“Traditional interrogation methods will be employed, I assume?” Paris inquired. Generally speaking, while Sonak was capable of mind melds and even range telepathy these days, he was loathe to do so with strangers, and certainly those who were unwilling. But she neither volunteered nor did she speak for the Kolinahr; instead, she pursued what she knew, and as always, asked questions.

"Actually, I leave that up to you." The spotted Captain motioned towards a mysterious green and orange plumed Miradonian man dressed in Artan livery that had been sitting calmly in the back of the room this whole time, who gave a slight flourish of his hand from his brow in greeting. "Baroness Marelith has loaned us her second to aid in the questioning. As a Miradonian, Bedo Fritterson has trained himself to higher levels of truth detection. His services were invaluable behind the scenes during the Tribunal and he's offered his services again for this."

"A living lie detector is never a bad thing, and combined with skills in interrogation, that should prove to be quite the boon," Paris offered, smiling and nodding down to the Miradonian male. "Mister Fritterson, welcome aboard- we look forward to meeting with you. I'll coordinate your efforts with our Intelligence department and see if we can't cook up a sound strategy that will net us the best possible results in the shortest possible time."

"Since the Hera and the bulk of personnel will be remaining on our side of the neutral Zone, what did you have in mind for the away team. ma'am? I know I'm not the best candidate for a Romulan incursion, but I'd very much like to go." That was as understated as Paris could make the statement that she was determined to go. But she knew next to nothing of Romulan culture, language, and she was, as Dox had once put it, 'the humanest Human to ever human'. If the captain ordered her to stay with the Hera, she'd cool her heels and remain on standby.

In truth, she felt personally obligated to rescue the Dox's. The mother and daughter meant a lot to her, and she felt responsible for them. if their roles were reversed Dox would be finding a way to blame herself for Rita's kidnapping and driving herself up the wall with guilt. In Rita's case she didn't believe this was her fault- but Dox was her protege, and her mother was yet another of her projects of helping people find their better selves. Both women had come so far and made so much progress, and had become a family with Ensign Gonadie. Rita would be well and truly damned if she would lose them to Romulan terrorists. It was simply not an option.

"At a minimum, myself, you, Sonak, Thex, Sam, Varnok, Az'Prel, and at least six of our security team trained in hand to hand combat. As for the language and culture, being associated with pirates, we have access to deep learning methods that the Federation tends to frown on. Pop the neuro-programming devices on, go to sleep, and wake up with all the knowledge you'll need... And a splitting migraine for a few days..." Enalia pulled up the devices on the holo-display next. "They were developed in the Klingon Empire during our first war with them. Surprisingly reliable and adaptable tech, considering they work cross-species like they do. Then again, the Orions put a lot of effort into it."

Sonak, visibly considering the facts presented all the while, then spoke.

''Plastic surgery is sufficiently advanced to alter all the non-Vulcanoids of the team; at least to the eye. But any scanning device will betray us, showing things like the wrong arrangements of organs, cardio-respiratory rhythm or body temperature. Any sensitive area in Romulan space will be under such scan. I suppose, being... familiar... with shall we say, covert operations, the Artan pirates have access to masking technology.''

"Light holographics, nanite injections, and sensor scramblers, yes... But we'll have to avoid anything more than a passive scan," confirmed Enalia with a slight nod of her head.

Sonak shifted his grey eyes to Rita.

''Commander, you will be satisfied to note that, in this mission, any use of transporters not specifically under our control should be avoided at all cost. Even the most advanced disguise system, anything short of Changeling genetic polymorphism, would fail against their subatomic bioscanners.''

He then looked back at his commanding officer.

''But technology has limits. Caution should be exercised at all times. The smallest cut or bruise, even a mere blush, would betray even to Romulan children the absence of copper in the blood of a non-Vulcanoid. A holographic disguise might cover this up on oneself; but not on anything one would touch or walk on. A thorough examination, like a genetic sweep of an area, will unmask us, or at least reveal that aliens were there.''

His tone became noticeably heavier.

''Romulans are notorious for their paranoid tendencies and thoroughness; and that was before Changelings were even known to exist. In this mission, time will be of the essence once we interact directly with the Empire. It is not a question of if, but of when we will be discovered.''

He paused before finishing.

''This will of course apply to our mode of transportation, and our equipment as well.''

"Which means we'll only have one shot." The spotted captain pulled up the schematics of the small fightercraft they had liberated from Starbase 336. "Which is why we're taking these with us. Unfortunately, they'll need to be repainted in their original colors to blend in with the rest of the infiltration craft. The Banshee... I don't think paint will help it blend in. And that means we'll have to take Ensigns Gavarus and O'Dell as well. We'll also have access to Schwein's ship since she's currently at Asgard."

"The Banshee? Are we planning an assault, ma'am?" Paris asked. Bringing the flight crew of their experimental aircraft along only meant they were anticipating and preparing for a fight. Because the versatile and extremely valuable prototype that couldn't be allowed to fall into Romulan hands was an enormous liability to bring into Romulan space. As were, she considered, the two wild cards associated with it. But if they anticipated a space battle, that was still dubious logic to bring them along.

"You advise against it?" Enalia asked, pausing the meeting to confer on the subject. She knew how the R&D department was at times and reports of those two in particular had reached her desk so it wouldn't take much to talk her out of including them. "I admit that they're not the most... Ah... And then there's the cloaking system in the Banshee..."

''Which is illegal by the terms of the Treaty of Algeron,'' Sonak reminded them. ''Commander Paris has a valid point. Adding to that violation itself, if we are but merely identified as Federation citizens aboard a combat or even a simple scouting vessel within the Neutral Zone or Romulan Space, we would also be violating the Treaty of the Neutral Zone. Under such circumstances, there would be no deniability possible from the Federation. Posing as Romulans would simply compound the crime with undeniable intent of infiltration and spying, and opening accusations of attempting interference in Romulan affairs, up to and including seddition. Add to that risking all it's technologies falling into Romulan hands.''

Again he looked at Captain Telvan with his usual cold, steely gaze.

''The Empire may not be a formal enemy, as of now, but it certainly is not an ally, yet. Using such a craft, especially under such conditions, the risks would largely outweigh the benefits by a factor of four thousand seven hundred and fifty-three to one.''

"Ok... So in common..." Enalia picked up a PaDD and pretended to type something into it before dropping it on the table. "You're saying that that's the worst idea I've ever had. Duly noted. Consider it dropped then. We'll have to go in with those already on the roster and the cyclones as backup and transportation. Any other thoughts, comments, complaints, or questions?"

"The Banshee even having a cloaking device at all is a complaint, since it's on the table, ma'am," Paris added quietly. "Like it or not, it's the treaty. Your pirates can play fast and loose, and Mona can claim it belongs to the Miradonians all she likes, but installed in a Federation starship, it's a declaration of war waiting to happen. Respectfully, ma'am."

It was a very quiet room for a moment.

Enalia sighed heavily. "Yeah I was expecting this and already have the documents for that matter drafted. It'll be removed and locked away so we can decide what to do later."

"Thank you, Captain," Paris offered quietly. "I would have brought it up behind closed doors, but... it needed to be out in the open. The officers needed to know we aren't becoming Section 31, and becoming our own law in the shadows. So, now that we've covered that," Paris stood up. "What we need more than anything else right now is intelligence- I need to know likely locations where they are being taken, who took them, why and for what purpose. Mister Varnok, I want you in on the interrogation, I believe you have quite a bit to offer here."

"Mister Sonak, Chief Clemens, please get to work on that sensor spoofing technology, liaise with Baroness Sarika back there, I believe that's why she's here. Thex, keep her going- I know we're running hot, but we're racing destiny again, and you know how much she hates to loose. The sooner we get answers, the sooner we can plot a course and start making plans to get our people back. For now- analyze the data at hand, and let's do what we can to prepare." Pausing in the barking of orders, Paris placed a hand on the Captain's shoulder, and looked her in the eye.

You have to be the one to tell them we're going to get our people back, she said silently, all with a clasp and a glance that Enalia understood. Because command meant being that voice of confidence, and while the officers looked to the first officer for leadership, it was the Captain who commanded, and spoke with absolute authority.

For just a moment, as Enalia's eyes met Rita's, she felt weak and tired. With a nod from the first officer, she quickly composed herself though. "We're going to get our people back. We're going to do it by our own hands. And we're going to do it staying on the side of angels. If no one has anything else to discuss... dismissed."

"Let's go rescue our Romulans."


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