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Warm and Fuzzy

Posted on Tue Mar 31st, 2015 @ 10:57pm by Commander Angelica Fairchild

Mission: Temporal Kickback
Location: Security Office
Timeline: Following "Why the Fascination?"
Tags: Spring prompt, flop, dragon, fuzzy

Security crew already gathered in the training area gave Angelica a suspicious look as she practically waltzed in and flopped onto a bench to read through a few PaDDs before the Hera entered battle. Several quiet minutes passed before someone cleared their throat and a hail of snickers filled the room. Startled - and a bit confused - Angelica looked up from her reading to find a bunch of burly security types giggling like school girls. "What?" she finally demanded, wanting to know just what was so amusing.

"Nothing!" an ensign said quickly, looking like he might explode any minute if he kept holding in his laughter.

"Uh huh." Not quite believing him, Angelica went back to looking at the PaDD, only to hear the same rousing laughter the moment she looked away. "You lot better start explaining the joke or you'll be fighting fire-breathing dragons in the next training scenario."

There was more laughter and finally the same ensign mustered the courage to say quietly, "It's just we don't usually see you this... warm and fuzzy."

"Fuzzy? I'm not fuzzy, you nitwits." Angelica rolled her eyes at them.

"No, usually you're fierce and vicious," another officer piped up, prompting more snickers. "But... uh... well. You've kind of got a glow about you." There was a short pause and then a mischievous, "So who's the lucky guy?"

The gathered officers scattered as Angelica swatted at them all with the PaDD in her hand. "Get back to work, you nosy little buggers!"


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