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Another layer of mysteries.

Posted on Fri Jan 17th, 2020 @ 2:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Thex sh'Zoarhi

Mission: Neutral Zone Neutrality
Location: Thex quarters
Timeline: 2397

Thex couldn't help, but smile as she sat down at her quarter's computer. With the help of the crew and the captain's pirate family, they had managed to locate one of the old computers she needed. It had taken a while to work up a jump gap to get it up and working again, but now she should at least be able get the thing working.

No wonder they ditched these as soon as they could.

Her daughter Tothye was held in a sling around her snoring slightly as she tried to put her tiny arms around Thex. The ship's chief engineer smiled as she used a hankie to wipe some snot from the little girl's nose before she left her to her sleep.

Flipping a few switches the ancient computer fired into life. Thex had a guide that Telvan had managed to find explaining how to work the thing. She picked up the memory cube which had been heavily converted to work with it and slid it into the drive. The machine began to purr as it read the files before commands began to pop up.

How very odd she though as what had been sent to her appeared on the screen. A few andorian imperial guards reports, official documents, some andorian government paychecks, university reports and nearly a hundred photo's.

Gee thavan did you really just send me your conspiracy files she thought to herself as she opened the first photos. What met her eyes made her stop. She recognized the group of andorians in the photo not that any Andorian wouldn't know who they were.

The black and white photo of the seven andorians in faded Laikan university jackets was known to all of her kind with a basic history. The Uzaveh expedition named after the creator god had tried to cross the andorian poles on foot.

They had never made it and had vanished in the massive ice sheets of the northern wastes. Even the Aenar hadn't found any trace of them and the seven had vanished into legend. There had always been some nutjobs of her people who had said something had happned to them mostly invloving the monsters that had been believed to live in the northern wastes.

Realy did all that to send me thirty-three photos that are.... Thex began to think for herself before she realized that there were nearly a hundred photo's in here. Were these all of them? But only thirty-three photos of them had ever been recovered from the expeditions camera.

Slowly flicking through the photos The could feel her antenna slump in puzzlement. Why would anyone want to cover up half of these? An image of a few of them in front of a mountain, several of them doing what students do, a few of the andorian wilderness and the sky light up like a firework from a comet screaming across the sky.

" because you could use them to track where they'd been." She said out loud to herself, but why would anyone cover this up.

With her curiosity more than peaked she continued looking through the photos.

More photos of the night sky and mountains of andorian before.....

Her blue eyes stared at what was on the screen.

The setting had changed. The setting was now under the ice with the camera was on its side with a crack running across the lense. One of the students was running past holding the bloody damaged remains of her arm close to her chest.

The next photo showed an andorian imperial guard operative following her a combat shogun firing after her.

What the hell was all of this.

Why the hell would the andorian government send it's military to kill a bunch of collage students?

With the photo's gone she looked through the files. Most of the imperial guard reports were useless as almost hall had been completely redacted.

A slight sound made her look down as her daughter stirred in her arms. What have you gotten us involved in thavan she thought to herself as she held her little one closer.


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