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Taking Charge - Truth Be Known

Posted on Fri Jan 24th, 2020 @ 2:02pm by Kodria Mizu & Lieutenant Commander Sonak & Lieutenant JG V'lera
Edited on on Fri Jan 24th, 2020 @ 2:04pm

Mission: Neutral Zone Neutrality
Location: USS Hera
Timeline: 2397

V'lera, after having a full day, decided to feed Surak and then head to the gym. She had a lot on her mind usually a nice long stationary bike ride did the trick. It took her long to find the gym. She did have a few rough turns and lost her way a couple of times but she was still learning the ship.

Once inside the gym area she dropped her bag and looked around. There were not many people there and she made a mental note that this was the sweet time slot where there were not many people.

She found a bike and began her routine. Her mind started turning things over again. Perhaps after the work out she would send a message to Sonak. She needed help and he was the most qualified person to help her....or at least give her advice.

And as if on cue, the door slid open at the far end and admitted the chief science officer of the Hera. Instead of his usual science blue and black uniform, he was dressed in a peculiarly Vulcan attire; high pointed soft boots, ample silky black knee length pants and a V cut silvery shirt that left his lean, wiry arms bare. In his hands, he carried a long lenght of double flat leathery white belts ending with small silvery metal balls.

His long stride sent him straight to a glass-walled section of the gym where an elevated circular fighting mat stood; the combat mat, where ancient disciplines like Terran forms of wrestling, from Sumo to Greco Roman, and up to modern ambojitsu were usually practiced. There was no one there at the moment, which seem to suit him just fine.

''Computer,'' he said in his deep, flat voice; '' Adjust room gravity to 2G and ambient temperature to fifty degrees Celsius. Reduce oxygen content by twenty-five percent. Return to standard parameters if anyone else enters this area.''

Environemental modifications recorded and implemented,'' answered the disembodied female voice of the ship's computer. ''Enter when ready.''

He stepped on the platform and stood in the center, still for a long moment, the strange long double belt hanging limply in his hands like a dead headless snake.

Then it came alive.

With a sudden explosion of speed and power, the length of leather became as taunt as a seel rod as it twirled around him while he gyrated in a very precise pattern accross the circular area. it was both elegant and frightening at the same time, the white wighted belt becoming a blur of motion, filling the air with an ominous whistling. between his hands, the leather stretched and contracted, one moment swinging far and wide the whole length of the mat, the next spinning so close to his body it seemed to almost pass through him. It was a dance of both grace and power that lasted several uninterrupted minutes, lightning fast one moment, deceptively slow the next.

When Sonak finally stopped, he was sitting on the floor, the leather coiled around his arms, his breathing heaving slightly, the flimsiest sheen of sweat over his green-tinted skin. Vulcans usually didn't pant or sweat, by virtue of their evolution on a harsh hot and rocky planet. To have him pant and sweat even this little meant that the energy he had expended during this exercise would have possibly sent a human into a near coma.

Now he was sitting cross-legged, eyes close, as if asleep, as much a living incarnation of stillness as he had been one of furious activity a moment before.

V'lera finished on the machines. She decided she'd go home and rest but as she passed the small area where the matts were laid out and where many seemed to come for martial arts practice she noted the very person she was thinking about. She stood at the door debating weather to disturb him. He was clearly meditating. Perhaps she could figure things out herself. She was never good at asking for help. She avoided it. She had been just about to turn and leave when she was stopped in her tracks.

''Greetings, Lieutenant. May I be of service?''

Sonak's eyes were open and looking at her, his face his unchanging mask of pale jade, as bland and expressioneless as his deep, measured voice. The faint sheen of sweat had already evaporated from his body, leaving the faintest hint of sandalwood, and his breathing was as slow and regular as if he had done no exertion at all barely a moment before. he remained seated on the floor, his long, metal weighted double strap of white leather coiled at his crossed feet.

"I do not mean to disturb you. Perhaps I can make an appointment..."

He stood up, winding the weighted strap in his hands as he spoke.

''Appointments are not the usual way for a science officer to meet requests from shipmates. Besides, I just concluded my training regimen. If this is the proper moment for you, I can oblige.''

She was going to refuse but she needed his help. "That would be much appreciated. Thank you." She stepped aside to let him finish gathering things while she pondered a way to ask what she needed.

The Vulcan acknowledged with a small nod.

''I will get back in uniform and meet you at the time and place of your convenience.''

"I will do the same. Shall we meet in one for the location I will defer to you."

''An hour then. As I am uncognizant of what you exactly ask of me, it would be more logical for you to determine the best whereabouts for this meeting.''

"Perhaps the observation lounge," she said opting for some privacy.

''The observation lounge, one hour, '' he acknowledged, nodded to her then walked out to the showering area.

V'lera went back to her quarters, showered, changed back into her uniform and was even able to get a cup of tea before heading to the observation lounge. She was the first to arrive and sat down to watch the stars. She almost smiled but held it back. Watching the stars was something that had always given her a sense of calm. It made her feel less alone.

Exactly one hour after they had set up their meeting, Sonak arrived wearing his customary uniform and came straight to her.

''I am fully available for you, Lieutenant.''

She was momentarily surprised as if she'd forgotten he was coming. She'd been lost in though. "Thank you sir." She recovered. "I have two issues I wished to speak to you about." She motioned for him to sit. "The more...urgent... of the two is professional."

He complied and sat at an angle from her, his hands joined in his lap. Although he could feel the echoes of her thoughts, he made no effort to perceive anything beyond what she would willingly convey with her words. So he remained silent and waited for her to speak her mind.

"I have recently come across a young ensign. She has had several roommates within the past few months and none lasted long. I spoke with her a few times after which she agreed to allow me to look at her quarters. Her roommates, with whom I spoke, indicated that she was somewhat messy. She is a collector of high quality historical replicas." The truth of it was that the woman was a hoarder. High quality replica's but a hoarder nonetheless. "I believe that her artifact replicas are quite...fascinating and have convinced her to allow you, if you are willing, to look at them. I was hoping that you would be open to perhaps allowing some science office space to create a display for her...perhaps allow her to see that she can part with objects."

Sonak thought for a very brief moment before answering.

''I am not an Historian so my... looking at it... might not be very useful. I would suggest having our xenohistory department make a survey and estimate would be more appropriate. But I have no qualm in agreeing to your request if you deem the effort relevant.''

he made a pause before continuing, as if again looking inward for a brief moment.

''As for allocating space for display, this is more the perview of the ship's management department. That being said, I recall that Commander Paris, she who is my wife, complained about the spartan nature of my department. The Ensign be willing, her artifacts could be displayed across the science deck, wherever appropriate. A rotation of pieces could also be scheduled so that she does not feel parted with her own belongings but instead benefiting her crewmates with her personal contribution.''

"Thank you Commander. I asked you because the young Ensign was weary of having anyone come in to look at her items....and for the fact that you are Vulcan. You would not...have an emotional response to seeing her quarters. Right now anything but detached neutrality would be harmful." She studied him. "Would you be willing to come down yourself to look at the items?"

''I am currently at your disposal,'' he prepeated his tone unchanging.

She gave a nod. "Perhaps a neutral first meeting. She is completing her shift soon. I was to meet with her for tea. Would you join us?"

''Considering the premisce you provided, it would seems to be the best course of action, '' he agreed again.

She was glad he seemed to forget that she had told him there were two things she wished to speak to him about. She was glad she had something that could fill the time. She was second guessing her personal conversation. She wished to ask him for help yet asking for help, at least for herself, was a foreign concept for her. "We should go." They had some time but the longer they stayed the more there was a chance that she'd ask him to help her.

Sonak rose and fell in step with her. He didn't need his reawakening enhanced telepathy to perceive that there was something else on her mind; it was plain in her slightly distant eyes, her rigid face, her deliberate movements, her forcibly neutered voice. Living with Humans for so long and now intimately with one of them, sharing her thoughts with his on a regular basis, his understanding of emotions was beyond most Vulcans could ever fathom.

One thing he knew was that, given time, if anything worried her and she felt he could provide any help, she would eventually tell him. There was a logic in emotions and he was learning to understand it. And that implied letting emotions follow their own course.

He walked beside her, silent, hands in back, not looking at her but visibly open to anything she would want to say; just as he followed her despite being right at her left side.

Feeling relieved that he said nothing as they walked a ways she broke the silence. "Have you been to Vulcan recently?" She mentally chided herself for asking.

If he perceived her reaction, his deep but monocord voice did not hint at it.

''My wife and I recently went to Vulcan at her request. She wanted to experience directly the distinctiveness of my homeworld. Miss Az'Prel also came with us during this shore leave, as she only knew the Vulcan of her original Mirror Universe; a quite... different Vulcan, to say the least.''

His grey eyes met hers.

''What about you, if I may inquire?''

She gave a nod. "Prior to coming here. I had a meeting with T'Mira of the high command. She requested my presence. I spent some time on Mount Seleya as well. Vulcan is...a place where I feel grounded." She had left and never looked back except on the Holodeck but she had missed the planet. "It was the first time I had returned since leaving for the Academy."

''It is a fact that life as a Starfleet officer does not always favor much leisure time close to home,'' Sonak observed. ''It is even in some cases a central reason to join Starfleet.''

She gave a nod. "Yes. I.. left for the Academy to get away from Vulcan. But only for the purposes of a fresh start. I ... did not belong there, on Vulcan. I was never considered a true Vulcan." There was some pain behind her words that she tried to hide.

Sonak's eyebrow lifted slightly.

''Long are past the days when Vulcan was under the influence of a perverted government faction. After all, Vulcan is, among the founding members of the Federation, the one member who most advocates for tolerance; more than that, full openess to all sentient beings. In this century, no sane Vulcan would ever follow what Earthers have called the ''No True Scotsman'' fallacy. Even in the last century, Humans like Amanda Grayson and Doctor Miranda Jones or half Vulcans like Spock were treated with the respect any sentient being deserve, right there on the homeworld. Because of the IDIC philosophy embraced by Vulcan, you being Vulcan or not is irrelevant for any follower of Surak's teachings... as it should be. Anything else would highly... illogical.''

Her sugestions wer making him obviously curious. It was obvious in her words that something very odd had happened to her. But it was for her to reveal it or not. Even less for him to pry. So he did not ask questions, just showed that he was ready to listen... and to help if he could, and if she wished it.

"You are taking a very...naïve view of things. Not all Vulcans are accepting. Some make it appear that they follow the IDIC principle yet to do not. But, that being said it cannot be helped. All species have their prejudice and it is another factor that unites us. You are right some do embrace it but others do not. It is not something to assign an emotions to, it is just a fact." They entered the turbolift and it hummed to life ferrying its passengers to the new level.

This time his eyebrow did rose up.

''In six point one decades of conscious life, it is the first time anyone called me... naive, in two universes,'' Sonak said, his tone as flat as before. ''Interesting...''

He let a few seconds of silence settle the air in the turbolift cabin.

''It is a fact that I am not cognizant of each and every individual in existence, past or present, '' he admitted; ''but it is also a fact that neither ignorance nor emotion color my judgment. Not because of any achievement of my part; simply because I am Vulcan.''

He paused, aware that he was talking to an emotional being that would not interpret his words with only pure logic. Decades among such beings had taught him to modulate his words accordingly.

''Logic is as integral of what it is to be Vulcan as genetics. Prejudice is by definition most illogical; thus the very antithesis of Vulcan nature. I must therefore point out the error of your assertion. Prejudice is not at all any part of what unites Vulcans to others sentient species, as you state. It is, by it's total absence in the Vulcan heart, what fundamentally distinguishes Vulcans from all the rest. As a species, it is the very distinctiveness we bring to the combinations. More that that; prejudice is detrimental to unity even among Vulcans only. It takes no counsellor to understand that a Vulcan, as illogical in thought or behavior as you propose, might do fine in Human, Andorian, Tellarite or any other emotionally driven society; but among Vulcans, such individual would be a very obvious cripple, unable to function at all in Vulcan society.''

His steely grey eyes went to hers.

''If you would be cognizant of such an individual, I hypothesize that, given your professional credentials, you would have wanted to provide help to such an individual. If it was in your power to do so of course.''

She shrugged, "As a child I was no counselor. I did however assist with lensing out one such individual. He was sent, by the Vulcan High Command, to Rura Penthe. As for Vulcans on Earth I have met some that are the poster of IDIC and others that are not. They look down on Humans feel themselves superior to any race who they feel is crippled by lack of logic." There was no emotion to her words now. She did sound Vulcan. "It could be a case of what Human's call nature versus nurture. Their exposure to the race, mixed with curiosity, calls for them to take on some of humanity's more emotional qualities. As for your statement I would provide help to those individuals unless, of course, they are an Elder within the Vulcan Elders' Council."

The door opened and they walked towards the mess hall. "I still stand by my observation. You are quite naïve and I sense you see the best in people until they prove otherwise. It is...what humans call a charming quality."

Sonak shook his head.

''There is nothing positive in making presuppositions before facts are known. I assure you, I do not. And I am sorry to say this, but everything you just said is worse than illogical; it is wrong.''

His tone did not change despite the calm force of conviction of his words.

''I would propose that your own emotions affect your judgment, possibly your memory. First, your description of Vulcan behavior; It is anecdotical of well over two centuries ago, before the katra of Surak was recovered. It is not so today. Recall that, when comes the surge of reproductive hormones, the Vulcan male can die from the inner conflict between his biology and his logic. And recall that female Vulcans never experience such distress. After a near extinction event and thousands of years, logic is now nature to Vulcans. It takes a mental disorder like Bendi Syndrome to rip a Vulcan from his innate logic.Vulcans don't follow logic; they ARE logical.''

Sonak gave her a few seconds to process the data before adding to it.

''You are a consellor. You know it is difficult for some to cope with the specific outlook of Vulcans; because it is different, or because they don't agree with it. Thus, some feel a Vulcan's attitude annoying, sometimes even threatening. They would call Vulcans ''arrogant, '' ''smug'', ''self-important,'' because they find it difficult to reconcile their feelings with the absence of those in a people THEY would, wrongly, envy for it or, even more wrongly, fear to be superior because of it. I think you would call it projection.''

He looked at her to gauge her reaction.

''A Vulcan ''feeling superior'' is not only a contradiction in terms, it would factually demonstrate that he or she is not, because such assertion is illogical; and if you think logic is the basis of that assessment, it becomes worse than illogical; it is irrational. Such irrationality would make that Vulcan an obvious mental case and removed from any responsibility to be treated.''

He paused but he was not done yet.

''Second; having a Vulcan sent to Rura Penthe, let alone by the High Command, is utter nonsense. I do not say this as an insult to you; just as a statement of fact. Whatever made you beleive this can only be due to either a mistake on your part, or a deception from the part of someone else... or both.''

Sonak felt important to take the time to explain the facts.

''Criminals in the Federation are sent to a Federation penal colony for rehabilitation, not to die in a Klingon forced labor camp, which Rura Penthe is. It is not only against Vulcan principles, it is also against Federation law. Further, there is no extradition protocol between the Federation and the Klingon Empire; and which would be only valid for a citizen of the Empire, not a Federation citizen like all Vulcans are. Moreover, aside from not having that kind of authority, the Vulcan High Command would never send any individual, especially a Vulcan, to a sentence of death by forced labor, let alone in Klingon Space. Only Klingons, and in very exceptional cases, would do so, for prisonners of war and those condemned under their laws violated within their space; something the Federation AND Vulcan High Command would both strongly protest against.''

His eyes bore into hers.

''No fact, nor logic, support your claim. Whoever told this to you was either delusional or lying, plain and simple.''

She stopped in her tracks, a new light dawning in her eyes as she stared at him. It took her a moment before she could talk again.

''Lieutenant Commander Sonak; do you see what this could mean?''

The Vulcan nodded gravely.

''It is logical to assume that you may have been unknowingly compromised, as part of a clever subversive covert plan from parties yet unknown.''

She paled visibly at the idea, working hard to keep control of her Orion half.

''That Vulcan may have been in fact... Romulan...''

''A Romulan in a Klingon death camp, although highly unlikely, is much less so than a Vulcan,'' Sonak agreed. ''And the details you were given and provided do align with a cover story based on insufficient data a spying operation may be plagued with. However, there are other possibilities; this alleged Romulan might be himself manipulated by some other belligerent force to get to us.. through you; or he might be altered to look like a Vulcan. But at this point, this is just pointless speculation.''

''I must report this to Starfleet Command!''

The Vulcan nodded again.

''Indeed; an extensive debriefing with Starfleet Intelligence seems to be in order to help ascertain the truth behind your story... and all it may imply. Lieutenant, you may very well make the difference between a successful infiltration operation and saving Starfleet, if not the Federation, from covert malign influence.''

She straightened up, calm and composure once more asserting themselves on her greenish features.

''I shall do my duty to the best of my abilities, Sir.''

''Very well, Lieutenant; please report at once to the captain and explain the situation. She will ensure you get a transfer to Starfleet Intelligence without delay.''

He looked at her a moment before continuing.

''I am confident you shall serve most adequately in this new, important duty, as you were starting to do here. In the meantime, I will look to assist your friend with her... compulsion, as per your professional counsel.''

''Thank you Sir.''

''No, Lieutenant; thank YOU for bringing this up and thus possibly avert an insidious threat to the Federation.''

She almost smiled.

''We come to serve.''

He raised his hand in the Vulcan salute, to which she responded with her own. His voice was solemn and sincere.

''Your service Honors us.''


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