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Starfleet- Boldly Going Into The Future

Posted on Thu Jan 2nd, 2020 @ 10:12am by Rear Admiral Farenia Meowlith & Captain Enalia Telvan & Kodria Mizu & Commander Rita Paris & Lieutenant Commander Mnhei'sahe Dox & Lieutenant Commander Sonak
Edited on on Sat Jan 11th, 2020 @ 2:14pm

Mission: Neutral Zone Neutrality
Location: USS Hera, Deck 11, Holodeck 2
Timeline: Earth Calendar December 31st, 2396 / Stardate 73999.9

Assembling in thew Holodeck meant more power could be more easily diverted to the transmission, which was utilizing a local naturally-occurring subspace corridor to manage the holographic call in realtime. But with the USS Hera parked in a stationary position relative to the rest of the universe, her considerable communications resources were, for the most part, concentrated on transmitting and rendering a thoroughly encrypted signal from their location back to Starfleet Command. The initial decor agreed upon was to be Admiral Meowlith's office, so as the call was being placed and connections made, the officers recently returned from a diplomatic endeavor to Mol Krun'chi were left to talk amongst themselves. Left alone, as it were, in the recreation of the Admiral's office on file from scans sent in advance.

"Any idea if there's a specific reason Starfleet wants the additional debriefing of all involved, Captain?" Paris braved the question. While many officers preferred to speak only when they knew what they were talking about, Rita Paris generally found that asking the questions and seeking answers tended to yield far more positive results. Besides, she never minded looking foolish if she was seeking the truth. In this instance, however, she was just curious, and she could be this bold with the Hera's mistress and commander with the senior staff. "Do you think it's a 'by the book' thing, because regulations do state that a debriefing occur post-mission. But you have our reports... so this doesn't seem to be the Admiral's usual modus operandi. Any idea what might make this one different, ma'am?"

The spotted Captain looked unusually straight-laced today for once as if all of her internal wires were aligned just like they were at the Tribunal. "With potentially galaxy moving happenings in our reports as well as a request to possibly disturb the Organians? I can only imagine the pressure from up top for her to take a more active role in this herself. As the Intel Command Mission Commander, I'd imagine this is the least she can do right now."

"Fair enough, Captain," Paris ceded easily, then addressed the other officers in the room. "Did everyone's individual reports back to their delegations go well?"

Standing at attention, Lieutenant Commander Mnhei’sahe Dox was doing her best to keep her near-perpetual anxiety in check as she maintained a professional posture and demeanor, answering Rita's question. "The meeting with the Romulan Senate was… well… it's hard to describe the tone other than to say tense, but I believe I was able to successfully express a functional overview of the key points of our meeting and… It seemed to end positively. They are still willing to move forward and I was able to get them to agree to your basic proposal regarding the new colony, Commander."

"Though I think that more than a few of the Senators are seeing this as an opportunity for… traditionally 'Romulan' politics." Dox added with a slightly cynical tone.

"The open hand to seal the deal while the poisoned dagger slips between the ribs?" Rita asked casually. Romulan politics, like any dealing with the Romulans, tended to come with a certain expectation of treachery and betrayal. It was a reputation the Star Empire had carefully cultivated throughout the galaxy, and had doggedly proven it at every available opportunity.

"While I wasn't privy to the details, that was the impression I got, unfortunately." Dox replied, letting out the slightest of sighs as her head sunk ever so slightly, lowering her guard just enough for the depression she felt towards her notorious heritage to be seen by her friends.

"At least they're relatively honest about it..." Enalia muttered right before the computer chirruped and began connecting the long-distance secure holocall.

=^=Please stand by while security protocols are engaged,=^= came the voice of the computer.

Sweeping her hands over her uniform. Rita Paris stood. Coming into the presence of one admiral and possibly more, she was prepared to come to attention- after all, protocol could be dismissed by a superior officer, but it was always best to be prepared to follow it. being on her feet just saved her the trouble of standing to do so, and made her look ready for the meeting. A career fleeter, always.

Sonak was standing right behind her left shoulder, hands at the small of his back at perfect Starfleet attention stance. Discipline was effortlessly second nature to him and four decades in Starfleet, some years even as an instructor at the Academy, had certainly imprinted themselves on his demeanor.

Following the cue from her superior officers, Dox straightened back up and waited at attention as well.

Enalia was the last to stand at attention, being the one to normally forego such formalities. Instead, she had to remind herself that she wasn't the highest-ranking officer in the room today- not even close.

That was when the connection was finalized and all the security protocols were engaged, as the holographics of both rooms synchronized. Before them, on the other side of the Rigellian oak desk, was Admiral Meowlith. To the right of the assembled Hera crew was the familiar observer, Lieutenant Ayamo Oulette, also at attention.

Rather than letting them sit back down, Farenia read from a PaDD first. "As per request by the Diplomatic Corps, Intel Command, Medical Command, Civil Engineering, Starfleet Command, and the Federation Council, this meeting will be recorded for future reference and posterity."

The Admiral then set the PaDD aside and surveyed those assembled. "Those present are myself, Captain Enalia Telvan, Commanding Officer of the USS Hera. Commander Rita Paris, First Officer of the USS Hera. Lieutenant Commander Sonak, Science Chief of the USS Hera. Lieutenant Commander Mnhei'sahe Dox, Flight Chief of the USS Hera. Lieutenant Ayamo Oulette, Intel Stenographer and Observer of the USS Persephone. Computer, enter their names and roles into the records."

As soon as the computer chirruped on her end, she continued with a nod. "At ease. Please, get a drink if you need it and have a seat." With a hint of a released deep breath, Farenia sat down in her own chair. "Once you're ready, we'll begin with what went wrong on the Ghost."

Sonak never partook of food or drink while on duty, most of all during a meeting with officers. It required no effort on his part. His Vulcan physiology and training as a monk of the Gol plateau allowed him to go without sustenance for even weeks on end. And his training as a Starfleet officer would not allow him to have his mouth full when a senior officer could question him or require his input.

And so, as expected, Sonak simply sat and waited, his gaze fixed on the admiral

For her part, Dox was entirely too nervous to even consider trying to do something as simple as hold a cup of coffee and instead simply changed her posture from 'attention' to military 'ease', which was still somewhat stiffer than not as she waited for Captain Telvan and Commander Paris to take their seats before taking the remaining one herself only when she was sure that the superior officers had done so. The nerves, thankfully, weren't being overtly projected thanks to weeks of grilling from the Tal'Shiar and then Starfleet Intelligence helping her refine her so-called 'poker-face'. Although the memory of those experiences was still fresh enough to make this debriefing feel a little too familiar and a little too uncomfortable.

What went wrong on the Ghost? was an ominous beginning, and that's when Paris noticed that seated behind Admiral Meowlith were a number of additional officers. While she did not recognize any of them, and they appeared to be somewhat at the edge of the Admiral's office holographics which left them somewhat in shadow, this was definitely a sign that the meeting was to be more than just a briefing for the Admiral. This looked more like a meeting of the Corps Diplomatique, or a court-martial. Taking her seat and nodding at Dox to do the same, Paris smoothed out her skirt as she did so, crossing her legs at the knees and waiting to hear what was to be said. If their mission was considered a failure by Starfleet, she'd listen, take it in, hear what was to be put forth and THEN react- not before. Anxiety served no purpose here, although she was curious just where this was going.

As Enalia sat back down, she did her level best not to show the emotion boiling up inside of her. "By what went wrong, I assume you're referring to the exposure of a Tal'Shiar secondary persona that was hidden within the psyche of a member of Starfleet Intel, thus turning them into an unwitting sleeper agent."

With a slight nod from the Admiral, Enalia continued. "The secondary persona made itself known, the rest of the team and the command crew of the mission vessel dealt with it, and the crewmember in question has been cleared of all lingering effects of the foreign persona. However, the fact that this person was even assigned to the mission rather than someone from the Diplomatic Corps, as well as other events, suggests that there are further sleeper agents in Starfleet. Worse yet, it hints at the possibility of a willing agent in the admiralty, moving these sleeper agents into positions that would benefit the Tal'Shiar."

Sonak then looked at his captain before speaking, so that it would be a report to her rather than himself speaking out of turn during a senior officers talk.

''It is just as logical, captain, to assume that it could also only be a string of unwilling agents like Lieutenant Oulette, built to coordinate foreign influence through post-hypnotic keywords and behaviors. Starfleet and possibly the whole Federation political structure might need a psycho evaluation ahead of schedule to verify both hypotheses.''

While she herself had considered the idea some time ago, Admiral Meowlith had a bit of a show to put on first. "Bold words, Captain. Let us hope that they aren't true, and that those in the admiralty are faithful to their oaths. For now, let us proceed with this... debriefing. It has been requested that justification for several decisions be made."

Farenia then looked down at the PaDD before her. "First off is the decision to assign Lieutenant Ayamo Oulette to the mission. As that was Admiral Forsyth's decision and is not currently present, I will move on to the next point. The decision to use a third party vessel, while I agree with the decision, has been questioned by an 'Admiral Forsyth'. Captain, do you stand by the justification used in your report?"

"I do," replied Captain Telvan without emotion or hesitation. "Furthermore, in hindsight, I believe it to have been the best course of action and the only viable one for keeping the colony safe."

"Noted and logged." Farenia was definitely in official mode now. "Next is the decision to engage Riov Dalia Rendal's vessel in the middle of a minefield and a nebula simultaneously while not knowing the full capabilities of her vessel. Please explain."

"With my crew's and my own experience with mines and nebulas, I felt that while it may have been a trap, it gave us an edge that the enemy would not expect. It stripped them of the use of their cloak, while giving us the edge of greater sensor range as well as the potential of better weaponry skills. Few train regularly in those conditions. Fewer still have fought in them. We have done both."

"Noted and logged," Farenia replied again. "At the end of the battle, you were betrayed by one of your own intel agents. A Cardassian that transferred in by the recommendation of..." Here she paused a moment and looked over another PaDD for a moment. "Ah yes... Admiral Forsythe... Would you care to explain what went wrong there?"

"We are still attempting to sort through the psyche of the person in question, but the actions that were taken during the battle as well as immediately thereafter are in my official report. To summarize, he was another sleeper agent, activated, assaulted several crewmembers, and dumped a large portion of protomatter research data, which Riov Rendal was able to recover and escape with."

"Noted and logged." Farenia paused a moment, looking over the PaDD before her before looking up to Commander Paris. "As mission commander of the diplomatic mission, it was your duty to ensure the safety and security of the colony at all costs. Why then, did you allow the sleeper agent to return to duty after the incident previously discussed?"

"Lieutenant Commander Sonak is a powerful telepath, as has been noted both in his service jacket as well as amongst the Masters of Gol," Rita started out strong with her argument, as much of it hinged on Sonak and the assembled audience understanding just whom it was they were discussing, and why his word should be taken in this matter. "It was they who verified his qualification to be Kolinahr. Thus, in psychic examination, with foreknowledge of the 'sleeper' persona, Mister Sonak was able to empower the Lieutenant to bulwark her own mind against future sublimation."

"As the mission team was both present and participating in said mind meld, what Lieutenant Commander Sonak observed, experienced and determined from the meld was shared amongst us all. I do not think, suspect, nor imagine that Lieutenant Oulette is fit for duty- I know it to be indisputable fact," Paris asserted, her eyes seeking out those of the officer who had been so eager to prove herself, and excited by the events she had witnessed. "I also know that the best therapy for her, once freed, was to be trusted with responsibility once more, and put back to work as a Starfleet officer. As the mission commander, her well-being, career, and duties were my responsibility. So it was my call to put her back on duty. The Lieutenant gave me no reason whatsoever to regret my decision, and her reports were detailed, thorough and overall exemplary."

Again, Farenia replied with a stoic "Noted and logged," before proceeding ahead, this time focussing on Commander Dox. "As a Baroness in the Artan Empire and being a direct blood relation to a sitting Romulan senator, some... I believe it was Admiral Forsyth... Claims that your involvement in this is a conflict of interest for you. Interestingly, it was also at Admiral Forsyth's insistence that you be assigned to the initial diplomatic mission before we knew that an Artan vessel would be involved for... cultural reasons, if memory serves. Would you care to explain why this was not a conflict of interest once the Artan Vessel was involved?"

"My familial relationship to Senator t'Rul was a key factor in this mission being proposed in the first place. Her motion in the Senate to decriminalize and offer support to the reunification colonies on a probationary level was dependent on her ability to trust that my interests were not in conflict, but rather the opposite." Dox replied, her anxiety quickly dissolving into a professional calm as she focused on the questions. Though, internally, that calm was partially being fueled by a rising pit of mild anger at, once again, feeling as if her loyalty was under fire.

"The Senator knew she could trust me to act in the best interests and safety of the colonists first and foremost and not the Imperium. To that end, it was decided, on my recommendation, that we employ the Artan ship for transport. The Artan government is not a member of the Federation but has strong working ties along with legal rights to travel in... Romulan space and with cloaking technology that is not in violation of the Treaty of Algeron in order to protect the location of the colony. The Artan government also has a well-documented history with the Reunification colonies that enabled them to act as intermediaries to set up contact in the first place." The Romulan pilot continued, keeping her attention focused on Admiral Meowlith, to whom Dox made the initial proposal to directly to use the Golden Ghost. That knowledge, along with the repeated mentions of Admiral Forsyth, let Dox know that there was more going on behind the scenes then she was aware of.

"My connections to the Romulan Senate and the Artan government were resources that enabled this mission to move forward. The use of the Golden Ghost was beneficial in establishing trust with the colony. The Ruling council of Mol Krun'chi already had a strong and trusting relationship with the Ghost and her commander, Maenek t'Liun. Being delivered by her allowed us to speak from a stronger position of trust by association. With these factors in mind, it was decided that In order to ensure no conflict of interests influence the proceedings, the representation of the Federation's interests were entrusted to Commander Paris' superior experience while Commander Sonak represented the Vulcan government's interests. This ensured a proper separation of governmental interests was maintained at all times."

Barely letting herself relax, Farenia gave the same "Noted and logged," response as before, this time pausing a moment before moving forward. This time she focussing on Commander Sonak. "In your records, I have read that you are a Master of Gol, a Kolinahr Master, and at one time carried the Katra of Ambassador Spock. It also says that you have crossed the dimensional threshold to seek out the woman you're married to and in so doing, return that Katra to this universe. Some would say that is highly illogical. Others would say that there is no logic without life. As much as I would love to discuss those things with you, there are other matters that bring us here today and I believe you to be uniquely qualified to answer the two questions I have for you."

At the mention of his actions being possibly deemed highly illogical, Sonak's eyebrow rose but he said nothing.

The Admiral paused a moment, almost for dramatic effect. "I understand the need for fair and impartial third party security and arbitration for a new reunification colony. However, the admiralty requires justification for your recommendation to contact the Organians. After all, they aren't the most sociable of races and it took a war on their doorsteps for them to even make contact the first time."

The Vulcan stood to speak, hands behind his back in proper Starfleet attention stance when addressing a senior officer.

''Admiral, the recommendation is but just that; a recommendation, self-justified by simple logic.''

He was immediately aware that it is that logic that currently needed to be spelled out for the record. And so he did.

''The Reunification project between some in the Romulan Star Empire and the Federation member world of Vulcan is currently approved officially by neither the Romulan Star Empire or the Federation. The Romulan Star Empire and the Federation may not be currently in open conflict, but there is no official diplomatic, cultural or commercial relationship established between the two governments; only one official line of communication, subspace frequency K, exists between them since the establishment of the Neutral Zone on stardate 1200.5, for the sole purpose of ensuring respect of the Treaty. In these conditions, the only option to negotiate a possible accord to allow the Reunification project to go ahead requires a neutral third party as a mediator.''

His steel-colored gaze never wavered as he spoke to the admiral.

''There is currently no equivalent spacefaring civilization within reasonable travel range that both governments would reasonably accept as a neutral party. As for those civilizations of a higher level than ours, only one ever showed any openness for contact and involvement with the affairs of the Federation and comparable cultures, while at the same time expressing a genuine respect for sentient life and desire for galactic peace, and all this without any direct interest in those same affairs; the Organians, who established the Organian Peace Treaty Zone between the Klingon Empire and the Federation on stardate 3199.5.''

He paused a brief moment before concluding.

''As for the Organians' willingness to indeed accept this role; only on Organia itself can this be answered, Admiral.''

"My second question is about why we are here today." Now the Admiral was starting to get to the heart of why they were really there. "I assume you've reviewed all of the pertinent reports and data prior. What conclusion would you make about the true purpose of this meeting and do you believe there is enough evidence to launch an investigation into anyone or anything and why?"

Sonak's right eyebrow rose slightly.

''The obvious purpose of this meeting is to answer questions the admiral has about the endeavor itself and those who were involved. As for evidence, it is the very purpose of an investigation to gather any; and such an investigation would be justified if those questions still lack a satisfactory answer. Anything else at this point would be speculation. As I am sure you are well aware, Admiral, Vulcans do not speculate.''

He stayed up, waiting for the admiral to either end the exchange or pursue it further.

Perhaps it was the still lingering anger at being all but interrogated as a potential spy for two weeks by Starfleet Admirals still twisting in her stomach or just irritation at the verbal chess match being played, but it seemed obvious to Dox that Admiral Meowlith was fishing for a logical justification to start an investigation into what and who, to her, seemed very clear. But all of this churned in the young Romulan Lieutenant Commander's head as she uncharacteristically blurted out, "Romulans DO speculate."

Eyes flaring in mild shock for the briefest of instances as she realized what she had just said out loud, Dox realized she had just committed a fairly major protocol faux pax. But in her gut, she felt that she needed to continue, "I... apologize for speaking out of turn, Admiral. And I know that correlation does not equal causation, but it seems that there is a... significant amount of admittedly circumstantial evidence that points, at least, to a linking factor between a large number of events of interference in Federation affairs by the Tal'Shiar. Some proven, others largely speculative."

Swallowing as she dug herself a bit deeper, Dox took a light breath and continued, "I believe that we have enough cause to at least look deeper into this linking factor. The one name that keeps appearing in connection to every suspicious factor in this series of events."

Turning to Captain Telvan, Dox did her best to keep the mounting anxiety off of her face, but Enalia and Rita both knew the young woman too well to not see it, "And Captain, according to the Artan Legal Council that assisted me during our debriefings on earth, Dana Nyn, that same name was the one that was pushing to challenge your own ties to the Artans. The Tal'Shiar know that the Artan government is a wild card that can't be controlled in all of this and it is something, I think, that points to something larger."

"Indeed," Captain Telvan nodded, addressing Dox as if they weren't in the middle of a meeting. "And it was that same name that is attempting to bring charges of negligence against me now for allowing a spy aboard the Hera and allowing them to release potentially devastating protomatter data to an enemy combatant. They even had the paperwork ready for us when we arrived back on the Federation side of the neutral zone."

With a sharp bang, Farenia called the meeting back to order with a quick rap of the side of a PaDD against her desk. "Your further notes and speculation have been noted and logged. Commander Sonak, your responses have also been noted and logged."

The admiral then turned her attention finally towards the observer of the diplomatic mission. "Your time among the crew of the USS Hera as well as on the Mol Krun'chi colony has been logged in your reports. You have faithfully described without tint, glaring omission, or opinion, the majority of what you saw. You were even able to reflect semi-objectively on what occurred in the mind-meld with those present. One thing that did strike me as odd however, is how you chose to describe one event."

Farenia then held up a PaDD and read from it. "'Commander Sonak humbly sat among the colonists and studied them as they studied him, impassioned logic deep in his steely eyes, his strong features reassuring as he glanced between each of them, preaching the...' And it goes on for some time like that. Do you mind explaining the variance of this report over the others?"

As Lieutenant Oulette blushed clear out to her ear tips, she fidgeted in her chair as she tried to think of how to answer. "First off, I must apologize. I wrote that one differently because of... because of how dashing and handsome he was in the meld. I had written it that way to practice a different writing style as well. I had originally meant to rewrite it in my normal observational tone, but it seems to have slipped through."

"As it seems to have all the pertinent details... even though it makes Commander Sonak sound more like a romance novel messiah... It is sufficient. If you see fit to rewrite it, please do so immediately." Farenia then cleared her throat and moved onto her next question. "As for a slightly less embarrassing question for you... As a sleeper agent, are you able to recall who your handler in Starfleet was?"

This question elicited a lot of extra motion from the shadowy figures from behind the Admiral as Ayamo tried to formulate an answer. It was apparently not on the list of approved questions. "I've asked myself that several times, Admiral. Each time, I keep coming up empty and I just can't remember anything that the other personality did other than brief flashes like picking up a hypo or a PaDD. I'm sorry."

"However..." Ayamo wasn't done yet. "When I returned to the Persephone, I had a rather strange message from Admiral Forsyth. It began with a series of odd words, some odd questions, and instructions to delete the message. Since it was so odd, I moved it to secure storage. If you'd like, I'll submit it to you for further inspection."

"Noted and logged." Admiral Meowlith then looked down at her PaDD and nodded solemnly before looking back up at those assembled. "Do any of you have anything further to add? Any thoughts or... Speculation?"

“I’m not much of a spy- truth be told, I can’t lie worth a darn and the intricacies of falsehood and misdirection are not my forte,” Paris admitted before making her pitch. “But it seems to me that if the Admiralty has suspicions, the ideal answer would be to bait a trap and craft circumstances that were an infiltrator to pursue that line of logic, it would conclusively show that such a personage was compromised, and guilty. If anyone plans to ask, no, I don’t have an idea beyond that, as I am drawing no conclusions here and this is, as mentioned, not my forte. But there are others far more skilled in such pursuits than I, and I am confident that such circumstances could be created and executed in order to potentially save a dedicated officer from themselves- as with Lieutenant Oulette.”

Enalia also stood, placing one hand over her left breast. "I feel that I must concur with my First Officer. If you suspect someone, be they in the admiralty or otherwise, then I recommend either an investigation or set a logic trap that they must fall into if they are indeed guilty."

"Thank you both. If there are no further comments or observations, then this meeting will thusly be officially adjourned." Admiral Meowlith then rapped her PaDD against her desk twice to signal the end of the meeting. "On a personal level, I want to thank you all for your participation not only in this hearing, but in this mission. It is the hope of the admiralty and the Federation Council that it engenders a lasting peace and unity between the Empire and the Federation. As such, your names will all be part of future history books."

"Furthermore, Captain Telvan... Happy Birthday. It'll be a little late, but there should be a present for you on the next resupply ship." Farenia almost had a sad look in her eye as Enalia nodded her thanks. "Admiral Meowlith out."

With that, the connection was closed and the four Hera officers were left alone in the holographic recreation of the admiral's office.

"Part of the history books if we succeed. A different chapter of the history books if not..." Rita Paris muttered, then turned back to the senior staff. "So... maybe a compromised admiral, but not really something we need to deal with. Otherwise, as the Admiral stated, good work, all."

At Rita's statement regarding the possible different ways that history might remember them, Dox's stomach tightened as she stood there anxiously, her emotions still churning slightly. With a simple nod, while otherwise remaining at attention, she replied, "Thank you, Commander."

"History or not, this mission has been extra stressful. I for one am looking forward to a little rest and plan on having a drink when I get back to my..." Then Enalia remembered that she was a parent and drinking was no longer allowed in her quarters. "And that's not going to happen either... No drinking around Moira, Maica says. Swords are fine, alcohol isn't."

"Swords sound good to me. I think one of Baroness Von Alcott's training programs will be a good way to let out a little stress." Dox said, her shoulders relaxing ever so slightly, hoping that the more casual response wasn't a mistake in the moment.

"No one said you couldn't have a glass of wine anywhere other than home, Captain," Paris wrapped her arm around the starship commander's shoulders and gave a squeeze. "C'mon, I have it on good authority the Captain and assembled well-wishers have stocked a modest but impressive wine cellar in our quarters. Why don't we all go raise a glass in toast, then you two can go brandish blades at one another, and we can all find some way to shake off the tension surrounding this mission now that it's over. Sound good to everyone?"

Sonak bowed his head slightly.

''Of course I will not partake of the alcoholic beverage; but I shall be present to honor the life day of our Captain.''

As Enalia glanced around at those assembled, she grinned wryly. "Well then, I suppose the appropriate response to that is..."

"Make it so..."


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