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Why can't Enalia keep a CMO alive?

Posted on Mon Apr 20th, 2015 @ 7:53pm by Lieutenant Commander Ethan Chaparral MD & Captain Enalia Telvan

Mission: The New Sydney Fiasco
Location: Captain's Ready Room

Here was one more piece of business she had to take care of... Promoting up a new CMO. Enalia couldn't believe her past FOUR Chief Medical Officers had all died since taking command. Was the position cursed or something? Nonetheless, she had to have someone. Tapping her commbadge, she summoned the next person to take the position. "Doctor Ethan Chaparral, please report to my ready room."

Ethan was working out, testing the limits of his new arm and himself, doing one handed pushups. His personal best had been fifteen at a time, now with his artificial limb he was up to 30 and not really slowing down. He heard the the commbadge vibrate and the Captain call his name.

He quickly put his shirt back and and hightailed it back to the bridge. He pushed the chime waiting for her response."

"Come in," Enalia called, expecting the Doctor and not being disappointed as the door opened to reveal him. "Please, have a seat. We need to talk."

Ethan nodded his head as he sat in the nearest set. Had his plans to take care of Ian once and for all been detected by Sinek in their mind meld and had he reported him to the Captain, or was it something else.

"How can I help you?" he asked her trying to to keep his face as neutral as possible,though unsure if he were succeeding.

"Due to recent events, we are once again without a Chief Medical Officer." Enalia said seriously. "The position may be cursed or something because every single one I've had under my command has died within months. What I want to know is if, knowing this, you want the position. If not, I understand."

"I'm still alive despite Ian's attempts. If I can survive that, I'm pretty sure I can survive anything. And I'm going to have Ethan around to have my back. So if you want to give me a shot, I'm willing to take the risk. On the condition that the two of us can get a two week leave once we're married."

"I think that can be arranged." Enalia said with a grin, sliding a small black box toward Ethan. "In that case, Commander, you're my new Chief Medical Officer. Congrats on the promotion and the assignment."

"Lieutenant Commander?" Ethan asked his small smile growing larger. "Well now Captain i guess that means you're going to have to come have dinner with us sometime. Whatever your favorite meal is, I'll fix it for you."

"Tea and pastries, actually. At least that seems to be most of what I have for meals these days." Enalia said with a grin.

"Well that's easy enough, I think I can manage it. When is a good time for you?"

"Hopefully I'll have some free time during this Court Martial and Temporal Investigations ordeal. Once we get to New Sydney, let's see how things pan out." Enalia said with a gentle smile.

"Sure, " Ethan said, I really appreciate your confidence in me, it meas a lot. I'll try not to let you down."

"Don't die and you won't," Enalia said grimly. "Do you have anything for me?"

He demonstrated his new arm to her, "No nothing more really. The arm is working really well though."

"That's good to hear. I was worried about that." Enalia said with a smile. "If there's nothing else, I have more of these boxes to hand out."

"No, nothing else, I'll let you get to it. I think I'll go try to relax. Thanks again, Captain."

"Any time." Enalia said, directing her attention to the computer on her desk as Ethan made his way out.


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