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Yeoman Dedjoy Recovered Log 4: Mortepuss Extraurdinaire

Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 1:48pm by Rear Admiral Farenia Meowlith & Petty Officer 2nd Class Ila Dedjoy
Edited on on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 4:00pm

Mission: Dedjoy System Mystery
Location: USS Katana: Station of Glitter
Timeline: 2393

Ila knew she wasn't mourning well and she also knew that most races considered the instruments of hers to be... less than pleasant. Though she was consodered an accomplished mortepuss player, she had actually sent three people to sickbay with her playing before.

She didn't care at the moment though. She needed to mourn. And that included playing a dirge for her deceased sister.

As she played the instrument that looked like a cross between bagpipes, accordion, and a theremin and sounded like the death howls of a demon cat, she let the tears stream down her face in a hot shower.

Adrianna Baciami was quite dumbfounded by the sudden, miniature surge of patients complaining of earache. The only surges she had witnessed in all the years she had worked in the medical profession, tended to revolve around chickenpox, flu or something equally as infectious and minor. Regardless, on investigation, one commonality that had arisen was the place the patients were in and an onset of tinnitus.

Before the italian doctor reported something to engineering, incase it was just feedback from a comms system of sorts. She stood in the approximate point before it hit her. Her hands went to her ears, her nails almost trying to dig out the pain. Her father and brothers had always taught her to attempt to find a focal point during pain, so that secrets did not fall out of weakening lips. Her eyes shot to the chime of nearby quarters. Without much hesitation, Adrianna hit the chime several times.

Ila paused in her blowing, the instrument slowly yowling quiet as she set it aside and went to open the door. "Commander? Is there a problem?"

The italian staggered in a moment crying out as if she had been deafened, "MERDA! Did you not hear that!?" Her ears rang and her balance seemed off a tad from the overwhelming sound of what may have resembled a cat being strangled down a drainpipe and it's tail, simultaneously being used as a single strings violin

Ila nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Yes, Commander. I was playing the mortepuss. Was it bothering you?"

Finally coming around, her ears numbing back to normal and the tinnitus fading to a soft whistle now, she squinted a little in confusion. Was this a word she had not got the translation for yet, or was this a instrument not from her world, "a what, sorry?"

"Mortepuss. It's one of the traditional instruments of mourning from my home. I'm not the best at it, but I am fairly accomplished." Ila insisted as she motioned for Adrianna to come in if she liked.

Adrianna frowned a little as she muttered, "The only thing you would mourn with that is the loss of hearing and the ability to walk in straight line." The doctor came in regardless and took a seat, "My apologies and condolences for the one you mourn for." How was the doctor to approach this matter delicately, "I am sorry to say, but this instrument is the reason behind three or four of my patients. Seems the sound does not settle well on the ears of humans."

"Ah, yeah. I've been told before that it doesn't do well with most races. I have no other way to truly express myself for..." Ila looked down at her hands and the tears started flowing again as she flopped back on the couch next to her mortepuss, eliciting a soft whine from it for the mistreatment.

Adrianna internally cringed. This was never the woman's strong point. Having 6 brothers meant that she had not been raised knowing how women really deal with each other. The chief may have been a doctor with a good bedside manner, but in these situations, well, she wasn't the best. "I truly am sorry. Perhaps you should ask engineering for soundproofing? If this is your release, then you need to continue."

It took Ila a few more moments before she could respond. "Sorry... I'm not even sure if I'm going to stay here. The captain offered to have me transferred back to my old assignment and I'm considering taking her up on it. I just got here. I was supposed to help my sister earn her name..."

Adrianna thought a moment before responding with the only words that she felt would offer comfort should the tables be turned, "In Earth history, there is writer, Shakespeare. He once wrote: what is in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." She offered a soft comforting smile, "Names die, it is memories that live on."

"For my people, it is our names that embody those memories." Ila explained, still watching the tears fall into her hands.

"I am not sure I understand," Adrianna honestly offered.

Ila sobbed a few more times before steeling herself enough to explain. "We're born of our family. We take that name and no other. Through our lives... our actions... We define who we are apart from our families. When we've created a legacy apart from the family name, we've earned our personal name and thus can be remembered. without a name, we're nothing but a counter. Nothing to remember."

That, Baciami understood, "To earn a name, is to earn a right. How did she die? She may have earnt it in death?"

Shaking her head, Ila pointed to a PaDD lying nearby with the report of the events that led to her sister's untimely demise. It briefly described how Commander Clio was leading an information gathering away mission to an ancient station but due to infighting and an accident, some kemocite was ignited and depressurized that part of the station. It then went on to say that Crewman Dedjoy succumbed to her injuries in sickbay and Lt Iniya was expected to spend several more days there.

Adrianna sighed a little, "You believe reports? They are written in bias for the intention of no bias. Make up your own story. She died fighting for life, therefore, she was strong, strong willed at the very least."

"I could try talking to Commander Eneas. Perhaps she has some insight..." Ila slumped a bit further into the couch as she spoke.

"Idea is good," Adrianna replied, "May I also suggest, again, that you talk to engineering to get this home soundproof before playing that mort-mord-more-dar-pooz?"

Ila nodded. "If I stay, I'll consider it. Thank you."

She nodded, "Thank you." The woman rose from her seat. Upon feeling her balance was back to normal she went to leave, "Nice to meet you signore..?"

"Ila Dedjoy." Ila looked up and smiled weakly.

'Dead joy' was an interesting name for someone clearly so... happy but Adrianna would have to keep a straight face for now. "I am Doctor Adrianna Baciami. Thank you for your hospitality."

"Any time." Ila replied absently, looking back at her mortepuss.


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