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Ending Contracts

Posted on Sun Apr 26th, 2015 @ 2:41pm by Commander Angelica Fairchild

Mission: The New Sydney Fiasco
Location: XO Office

Red laser beams pierced the darkness, backing her into a corner. Groans and shuffling footsteps... these weren't Borg. They were... something else. Something not quite dead but not quite alive. One came close enough to reach for her, its hand starting to close around her arm...

The insistent beep of an incoming subspace communique jolted Angel awake... and sent her crashing to the deck as her panicked flailing toppled her chair. "Ow," she grumbled, pulling herself up and setting the chair upright again. As if seeing those... things in her dreams at night wasn't bad enough, now they were haunting her during the day too. She went to slap the 'decline call' button when the caller's identity caught her attention. What did the Section 31 information office want with her? Didn't they have better things to do instead of tracking her down four years after she supposedly died? Scowling, she accepted the call. "What the hell do you want?"

"We ask the questions, Fairchild. Where have you been?" The man on the screen exuded calm, and instantly Angel hated him for it. "We lost contact with you."

"Yeah, you did. Four years ago." There was a definite growling note in Angel's voice, colored by frustration. She'd finally found a ship where some of the people liked her, and suddenly she wasn't so keen on passing any information back to some sort of handler. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't contracts end when one party ceases to exist?"

"Yes..." There was hesitation in the man's voice.

"Then please kindly fuck off. I don't work for you anymore, on account of being dead for four years," Angel said dismissively, reaching for the button to terminate the call.

"Lieutenant Fairchild--"

"Commander Fairchild," Angel corrected him, somewhat venomously. "Contact me again and I'll see to it that the brass know you're reaching out to people in the field. As I recall, you're not supposed to do that anymore. Goodbye." Slapping the comm channel off, Angel felt a sense of relief and freedom she hadn't felt in years. It was amazing how she hadn't seen the oppression or controlling nature of the agency until she'd been free from it for a few days...


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