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Nightmares in the dark.

Posted on Mon May 11th, 2020 @ 10:18am by Lieutenant Commander Thex sh'Zoarhi & Lieutenant JG Oribiar Th'thiasreq
Edited on on Tue May 19th, 2020 @ 12:37pm

Mission: Return to the Core

For the Hera's chief of engineering, the day had been long and hard as she tried to keep her own ship going as well as dealing with the romulan team they were working with. She'd not let on to the team who thought by stacking romulan that she could speak some of their languages. She'd deal with them later after they were out of this pit.

She was so tired she was in a daze as she reached her home. She gave a smile at the sight of her girls fast asleep in their incubators. Oribiar was asleep in the chair next to them a book of andorian bedtime stories fallen onto the floor.

Not wanting to risk waking any of them she crept into her quads main bedroom stripping out of her uniform which she dumped on the floor before collapsing in the bed.

She quickly whished she stayed awake.

The moment she hit the pillow the andorian felt cold as the feeling of a freezing muck surrounded her as she struggled to clear her eyes. She tried to bring her hands up to clear her eyes only to find they wouldn't budge. Her legs refused to move either as with all her might she tried to open her eyes.

Nothing was before her as utter blackness filled her eyes. Whatever or wherever she was in total darkness. She tried moving her limbs, but they seemed held out away from her against her will. She'd have called out for help, but something was forced into her mouth and down her neck.

As if something could sense her struggling something was pumped down her throat. She almost gagged as the foul bitter tasting stuff was pumped down her throat and into her stomach making her which in pain.

" We need to increase production. The effects are getting weaker." Echoed a voice so cold it made Thex own blood freeze.

" It barley lasts six days nowadays. More effort must be placed into finding a new source." Came another as two hood figures strode past the tube.

" There are no new sites. Those primitive idiots destroyed the rest of them. We must increase genetic research to try and make it stronger. "

" With what. Despite are efforts the federation isn't budging so we'l...." The second figure said before it's hooded face turned staring right at Thex.

" Oh look this one awake. Have it prepared for harvesting. " It said rasing a shriveled skeleton looking figure and running it over the tube.

Thex's heart was pounding in her chest as she struggled to breath as the figures drifted into the darkness as the light's faded down a line of tubes filled with copies of her that seemed to stretch on to the horizon.

As the light faded into blackness and her eyes swiveled as something slipped into view. Whatever it was it was blacker than the blackness as it seemed to slide across the floor towards her. She desperately tried to close her eyes as something that should not be strowed towards her.

" Amazing creatures Andorian's. " Came the voice as it's face morphing across species and faces she had never seen. It ran a finger across one of the tubes causing the unconscious copy's eyes to flick open a look of pure terror on her face. As it withdrew the figure the copy seemed to scream as her body being to shrivel and fade as if the life had been drained from her.

" I give you the answer to your prayers and what do you do with it?" it said turning to face Thex. Even with the tube forced down her throat, the Hera's chief engineer screamed at what was steering at her.

It had her daughter's faces staring at her with an evil grin on their faces. " You copy it, breed it, harvest it and use it to extend your own precious moments of the dream just to stop you fading into oblivion." It said coldly as it faces flowed changing to that of loki with somehow an even more evil-looking grin.

" Even as it fades from your grasp and sends you all into the oblivion." It said raising its arms as it's face morphed again becoming an old roommate of Thex from the academy. With a flash of blue lightning, the room lit up causing Thex to scream again at the endless horizon of tubes that were pilled as far as she could see in every direction.

" All this slaughter... It's exquisite. I don't know how you can sleep at night after being killed so many times." it said as it's face flowed into that of Rita's with the same grin on its face all of its teeth gleaming in the night.

" You have no idea what's happening do you?" it's voice turning into a mocking laugh as it's faced changed yet again becoming that of the captain. " You have no idea what you even are?"

It gave another mocking laugh as it faded back into the darkness leaving the Andorian alone in the dark.

" Take care of the girls for me. I have plans for them." Its voice said directly into her ear as she felt it's hand grip her shoulder.


Thex let out a blood-curdling scream as she fell out of the bed giving a heavy thud as she hit the floor. Her heart was racing and she was finding it hard to breathe as she felt arms wrap around her. In her panic, she began hitting whatever was gripping her it's voice being lost in her panic until a few words drifted through her panic mind.

" Sh'za it's okay it's me..." Oribiar voice broke into her head. Instead of calming the chief of engineering, it terrified her even more. Without thinking, she elbowed him in the face causing him to realize his grip as she ran to check. Her panicked mind and breathing lessened at the sight of her two girls still sleeping peacefully as she collapsed to the floor sobbing as she hugged herself tightly.

" Sh'za it's all right." Oribiar voice echoed in her head as she felt him gently pick her up and sit her down in the chair. Through tear socked eyes she forced them open to look upon the face fo her bandmate even with his bleeding noise a look of total concern on his face.

She wrapped her arms around him holding him tight as she continued sobbing. He gave her a reassuring tight hug hoping that his touch could heal whatever his mate had just been through.


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