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2: Forbidden Planet

Posted on Tue Aug 4th, 2020 @ 7:54pm by Commander Rita Paris
Edited on on Wed Aug 5th, 2020 @ 2:38am

Mission: The Bulikaya Particle
Location: Talos IV
Timeline: 2270
Tags: Rita Bulikaya

The first thing Rita Paris saw, as the flare of the ultraviolet faded, was a butthead.

A Talosian, in actuality. But the butthead thing had stuck with her permanently, something she had only been able to make a private joke with Michael Stuart over the years, in reference to the enlarged pulsing craniums of the native of Talos IV.

The Talosian in question, of course, knew what Rita was thinking. They could apparently know what anyone was thinking, although it helped if they had touched your mind before. Which, in Rita’s case, they had. It had nearly killed her. All of this went through her mind as the imposing Talosian loomed over her, looking down disapprovingly as he waited for her relatively sluggish and dull mind to arrive at the moment.

Mostly, he looked bored. At least, that was her impression.

Which was when things got very, very interesting.

Prowling out from around a rock came... herself. Clad in a gauzy veiled number that looked like Vulcan lingerie night, she eyed the uniformed version with interest and a certain hunger that Rita found unnerving on her own face.

“Is this another of your ideas?” the resident of Talos IV asked her landlord as she prowled forward, practically oozing predatory sexuality. While Rita had used such tactics in the past, she’d long ago put them in the toolbox for emergencies on away missions and ‘holodeck adventures’ with Sonak. Seeing a version of herself here, acting in that manner as a matter of course, shook Rita. Until she realized what had happened here.

“Talos IV.... you’re still here. The Talosians wouldn’t let you leave, you couldn’t convince them... oh, hey, stop that,” Rita swatted at the hands of her counterpart as she slid her arms about Rita’s narrow waist.

Which was when Sonak and Michael Stuart came around that same rock, naked, and inside, Rita’s heart broke, just a little bit.

It had been more than a year, two now, since she’d seen her friend and captain. The man whose temper so often tried to get the best of him. The captain who lacked that moral compass which could have made him great, which was supplemented by Paris, the junior officer, to give him his guidance gleaned from her experiences, growing up surrounded by line officers. That handsome, charming man who, under different circumstances, she might have come to love, flaws and all. Whom she did love, in her own way; but as a friend and comrade in arms, who’d saved her life more times than she could count.

Whom she never quite realized was quite so gifted, anatomically speaking.

“Two Ritas? I don’t know what this is about, but I like the looks of it,” Michael fairly purred as he moved in on the local version to nuzzle with her, to which she responded in kind. “Uniformed. Kinky.”

“I propose this may not be the doing of our hosts,” Sonak put forth, clasping his hands together behind him as he spoke, as he often did. “Instead, this Rita Paris seems disoriented. Note the differences in uniform- the delta is detachable insignia, there are what I would assume are rank pips on the collar, the tights are solid black rather than merely hosiery and she is sporting bracers on her wrists unknown to our own Rita. I propose that this is a displaced version of Rita Paris, likely from elsewhere in the multiverse, as well as the timeline.”

As Ronald Tracey stepped into view, with him was Vina, the sole survivor of the SS Columbia. Both were wearing skimpy swimwear, and from their body language, they looked quite close. As Sonak moved in on Stuart and Rita, he too looked at ease with their intimacy.

“The Talosians kept you all and you became, what, a polyamorous quad... a pente?” Rita spat out, mildly flabbergasted, horrified and somehow amused.

“Always room for another,” Rita purred as Michael Stuart kissed at her neck, and the nubile navigator arched her back as she lifted her leg, to park it over the shoulder of the kneeling Sonak. As she reached out to Rita, all around them, the rocks and blasted earth gave way to a lush tropical paradise, with surf and sea and sand and sun.

A part of her was tempted to take that hand, and perhaps she might have given in to that temptation. But the particles within her decayed to the point of being unable to hold her in this universe any longer, and spun her away from the forbidden planet.

“More for me, then,” Rita Paris muttered before kissing her handsome captain, with a deep and hungry passion.

The pulsing craniumed Talosians looked on in approval. Vina was most definitely no longer lonely.


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