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The Bulikaya Particle: Thex's leap 1-3

Posted on Fri Aug 7th, 2020 @ 2:49pm by Lieutenant Commander Thex sh'Zoarhi

Mission: The Bulikaya Particle

Thex felt all the breath leave her lungs as the Bulukiya particles washed over her. She could feel herself being ripped from this time and scattered to the solar winds untl with a thump that echoed around her and in the room.

What appeared to be heavy fog filled the room as the andoiran picked herself up from the ground. This appears to be the Hera engineering room, but something was very wrong.The air felt cold even for her and the eerie green light

She missed the claw like arm emerging from the fog to grab her own. Without thinking she pulled away yet the claw was to strong. It tore in deep leaving a large bloody scar on her arm as it almost served at the elbow.

The face said arm was attached to emerged from the green fog and Thex screamed at what she saw. Her own lifeless dead eyes stared back at her one replaced by a borg implant.

Desperately trying to pull away from her with the lifeless eyes the blue girl felt the particles overcoming her as she once more faded.

Aboard the borg cube the drone once know as Thex paused for a moment as it wondered what had happened. Filing away the event to be investigated later it returned to it’s regeneration bay. A lost sole in this dead galaxy.


With another thump Thex felt herself materialise again on another cold floor. She was sobbing from the pain of her nearly severed arm as she managed to stagger to her feet. She was standing in the middle of a twisted version of the hera’s bridge. In an odd choice the whole bridge was dimly lit other than the consols which seemed to be… was that a lens flare?

The twisted versions of her ship mates finally looked up from there consols. Just as terrifying as the borg they glared at her in the strange blue and gold jumpsuit uniforms. Her own was staring at her. A morphed pale thing with what appeared to be horns coming from her chin.

Instead of the normal reaction to a clearly injured stranger appearing on the bridge of a federation starship the twisted version of the captain stood from her chair pointed and yelled. “ Kill that £$£$£$£ thing.”

Thex instincts kicked in as she sprinted for the turbolift. Even with one of her arms nearly severed she was faster dogging round some strange creature that looked like a klingon had mated with one of the orcs out of the holodeck.

Slamming against the turbolift wall she slammed her hand onto the control panel closing the doors. She could hear them burning through the door with phasers as she felt the universe fading for a second time.


Thex head span as she found herself becoming solid once more. Fortunately for her she appeared to be alone in a dimly lit version of the Hera’s sickbay. With her heavily bleeding arm and her head beginning to spin she blundered over to one of the biobeds.

Pulling the medical kit from under the cabinet her fingers gripped the emergency field dressing that she began to wrap around her arm before injecting herself with the painkiller.

The sound of someone quietly sobbing made her lookup. As her eyes moved over to the source of the sound at which her heart stopped. She recognized her golden clad friend anywhere or at least this reality’s version of her. The earth woman was sobbing over a biobed were someone lay draped in a white sheet.

She recognized the blue hand dropping out of the hand. It was her’s covered in blue and black blood. This must have been back during the black blood crisis. One where she didn’t make it. A faint glimmer shone in the darkness as the hera’s blue-eyed engineer as to her horror she saw the scalpel in her friend's hand. One that was pressed against her neck.

She could feel herself beginning to fade again, but she knew she had to do something. Running through the sickbay she slapped the scalpel out of this rita's hand before wrapping her in a massive bear hug.

“ It’s not your fault Rita it was never your fault.” She spoke to the very startled version of her friend who stared at her before returning the hug as Thex faded back into the universe. With one final “ It not your fault.”

And with that, she was gone.


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