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It's Just Physical

Posted on Tue May 12th, 2015 @ 11:41pm by Lieutenant Daln Hadren & Lieutenant Commander Ethan Chaparral MD

Mission: The New Sydney Fiasco
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: TBD

Ethan let out a slow breath as he tried for the third time to focus enough on his PAaD to read it, but he was finding it difficult to do so. A hundred thoughts were fighting for dominance in his mind. The news of his father's death, mother's sudden appearance on the ship, her intention to stay for an undetermined amount of time, his new arm, his upcoming wedding, his discussion with his fiance about children, his mother having come into their bedroom by accident and catching him performing fellatio on Dylan, his promotion among others.

He tossed the PAaD down on top of his desk and decided to walk out into sickbay.

Daln walked into Sickbay, looking at a padd in his hand, but walking into another person. "For Deities' Sake!" he yelled. "Second time today!" He had stumbled but the other person had fallen down, again. And again, he offered a hand up to the person. He could sense a jumbled mind from him, but tried to stay out of it. Every now and then, he caught a shout, causing him to be very uncomfortable. "Um, I'm looking for the doctor. Lt Hadren, I've got a physical?"

"You too?" Ethan asked smiling as he allowed the other man to help him to his feet. "They need to put up some kind of warning signals."I'm Dr. Chaparral, I can help you Lt. Hadren, you just move over to biobed two there and we'll get started.'

Hadren made his way to the mentioned biobed and hoisted himself up onto it. He was nervous because even though Zi, the doctor on the Palamedes, had treated his testicles so he would be able to father a child naturally, he worried that something would go wrong again and he would once again become sterile. As a noble, that was not a good thing.

Ethan ran the scan, which at first glance was pretty much routine, with one notable exception. A little anomaly, which he almost overlooked. He checked it again, then looked down at his patient.

"So, it looks like you've had some surgery, is that right?"

Daln nodded. "Please tell me I am not sterile again." He had gone through a massively painful experience to be able to father a child naturally, and he did not want to go through it again, but would if it meant he could become a father.

Ethan adjusted the tricorder and ran it over Daln's groin. "No, it still looks as if you should be able to father children, probably as many as you want. Are you single?"

"For now. There was one woman, but..." he trailed off, not wanting to dwell on it.

Ethan regarded him briefly, then hoping he wasn't intruding said, "I don't know your story, but I can tell you from personal experience not to lose hope. My first love was killed when I was sixteen and i thought I'd never get over it. Then I meet this really special person back at the academy and thought maybe I would have someone to love for the rest of my life. But, we had a big fight and they left. After too many years we found each other and rekindled our love for each other. We're actually making wedding plans now."

Daln nodded. "I'll keep that in mind." He thought for a second. "Any other problems?"

"No, you seem to be in pretty good health. Any allergies, or things I need to know that aren't on your chart?"

"A cat allergy, but I'd like to get a pet cat. I hear they're pretty fascinating companions."

"Cat's can be fascinating, though I am more of a dog person. I can give you some shots if you want, it will eliminate your cat allergy as long as you keep it up, or at the very least greatly reduce it. Would you like to do that?"

Daln frowned. "I've only ever seen Bart, a brig guard dog. What are dogs like?"

Ethan who had, had dogs most of his life shrugged his shoulders. "Well dogs are more loyal than cats and more dependent. Both can be pretty bright for animals, but I think dogs are more trainable. And they are more affectionate. They like to be petted, cats not so much, or at least with cats its on their terms.

But if you're sold on cats I'd go for them."

Daln sat up. "No, I'm not sold on cats, but I was thinking of getting a pet. I don't want a bird, or a snake, and tribbles multiply too fast to even think of having one as a pet."

"Well I can give you something for the cat allergy if you decide to go that way. Maybe you can find something when we're on shore leave."

Daln nodded. "That would be nice. I have larger quarters here, so maybe a dog isn't out of the question. Do they all look like the Brig Dog, Bart?"

"No, dogs, come in all shapes and sizes. You should check out out a description on your computer, I'm sure it would give you all the details."

Daln nodded. "I'll do that." He paused for a second. "Am I cleared for duty?"

"You're all clear, just try to be careful and not do anything stupid so you find yourself back in here, "Ethan said, only half in jest.

Daln nodded. "Thanks. I'll see you around, Doc," Daln said as he left. "Now to check my staff..." he muttered to himself as he made his way to the Security Offices.


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