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TBD - TI interviews Dylan

Posted on Sun May 17th, 2015 @ 11:57am by Alden Engstrom XIII & Lieutenant Dylan Santiago & Stephen Jenkins

Mission: The New Sydney Fiasco
Location: Conference Room 3

Alden was starting to think that this crew knew little to nothing about what even happened. They had enough information just from the CO and XO, but he needed a bit more. There was something behind all this that just didn't sit well with him. Glancing up from his PaDDs to check on Jenkins, he decided it was time to call his next interview. Hopefully this person had some extra information. "Lieutenant Dylan Santiago, please report to Conference Room 3."

Frowning as he heard the voice, Dylan tried to work out who it was then finally gave up as he pushed away from his desk and stood up. "On my way." he reported before heading out of his office. Moments later he found himself entering the conference room, his eyes settling on its occupants. "Dylan Santiago reporting as ordered." he said curtly, biting his tongue to keep from adding 'And you are...'.

"Excellent. Please have a seat. We have questions we'd like to ask." Alden said as he set down his PaDD and looked up at the Chief Intel Officer. "As a member of intelligence, we're hoping you have further... light... to shed upon this mystery."

"Uh...okay." Dylan said as he took a seat and finally couldn't stand it any more as he asked "I'm sorry...who are you again?"

"Temporal... Investigations..." Alden said, drawing those 2 words out as much as he could. Please tell us... In your own words... What happened while you were... stuck... in the past..."

Dylan snorted and said "I should have figured that you guys would turn up." he leaned forward a little, opting to be awkward and asked "Do you mean what happened to me personally? Or to the ship?"

"Both, but only what you personally observed, please. No anecdotes or sensor information." They'd interviewed enough people at this point that Stephen was pretty sure they'd heard all the sensor data by now.

"Okay, well I was stationed on the bridge for most of it." Dylan replied, "So I'm sure you've already spoken with the Captain and the I'm not really sure what I can add." he shrugged.

"You can add whatever you personally witnessed that they may have missed and you can corroborate the facts... that they have set forth." Alden said, expecting this sort of dance from an intel officer.

"Okay...well when we uh...arrived it was very apparent, very quickly that we weren't in Kansas anymore." Dylan began, "We could work out what time we were in from the ships all around us and it didn't take a genius to work out where we were and what point of history we'd just landed in the middle of." he shrugged, "And before you ask, we took all steps to ensure that our presence didn't interfere with the course of history."

Alden blinked a few times - a sure sign of satisfaction in the stoic agent if there ever was one. "Was the Captain ordering an attack upon a Klingon battlecruiser and disabling it while defending a ship of that era part of these steps?"

Dylan grinned and said " I'm starting to understand why you're knickers are in such a bunch about all of this." To tell the truth, he was enjoying being a total ass about all of this. He hated temporal investigations almost as much as he hated section 31 and the opportunity to annoy one of them was too tempting to pass up.

"We have reason to believe that a rogue Section 31 agent orchestrated the entire event and we would appreciate your cooperation as an Intel officer." Alden said with a hint of annoyance creeping into his voice.

Remembering his conversation with Ethan about Section 31, Dylan frowned and then sighed "I haven't found any evidence of Section 31 here but if I were going to recommend people to investigate, I'd start with Nexi and..." he paused because of the implications of the second name, "Ulani, Ethan Chaparral's mother." He winced internally as he said her name, wondering if Ethan would react badly to him mentioning her.

Alden was mildly surprised by the mention of those two names, especially as they had already been cleared of suspicion. He didn't think he would get any further usefull information so he decided to check and see if Dylan knew any other names on their list of S31 agents.

Sliding the PaDD over, Alden drew out his words carefully as he usually did. "This is a list of known Section 31 agents and accomplices. Other than Commander Fairchild, Chief Petty Officer T'pel, and Franklin Drake, do you know of any of the others or if they have contacted any member of this crew?"

Taking a moment to look down the list, Dylan finally shook his head, "No...sorry. None of those names sound familiar." This time, he was sincere.

This didn't surprise Alden and he had come to expect this response from interviewees. The surprising part was that the ship's Intel Chief gave that same response. "A question about the ship's chef and XO then. Fairchild and T'pel are known associates of Section 31. What do you know about them personally?"

"I'm brand new here." Dylan replied, "I haven't met them least not personally, just in meetings for the XO and in passing in the lounge for the chef." he shrugged. Did the goon really think he'd say anything even if he did know anything?

"Very well, since you have no further information for us, you are... dis... missed..." Alden said slowly and deliberately, returning to looking at his PaDD.

With a silent nod, Dylan stood up. Alden had given him food for thought and the first thing he was going to do when he left there was look up everything he could about Fairchild and T'Pel. "Wish I could say it's been a pleasure." he drawled as he headed for the door and added "Good day to you."


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