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Prisoner Transfer

Posted on Fri May 15th, 2015 @ 7:13pm by Commander Angelica Fairchild & Commander Jhu t'Dharvanek & Captain Enalia Telvan & Lieutenant Daln Hadren & Lieutenant JG Vitor Tito & Captain Kristopher Kerouac & Crewman Bart & Cadet Senior Grade Jenny Thorne

Mission: The New Sydney Fiasco
Location: Various

Enalia had left the current bridge crew to complete the docking procedure with the Hera and instead, she stood at the port side docking hatches with Angel, Daln, and a couple security officers waiting for the procedure to complete. On the other side of the matching docking hatches on the Katana stood a criminal and a murderer from another universe. As the two ships came together and the gangways linked, the pressurization cycle started, filling the locks with breathable air.

"Here he comes," Angel said quietly, watching the door on their side of the airlock. She didn't know all the details of this trial, but she'd skimmed over the reports that the Katana's chief of security had sent over... reports that hadn't quite followed the proper format, but the small note at the bottom had explained that away. With the loss of their actual security chief, there had been a lot of departmental shuffling. With that in mind, she leaned toward Daln and lowered her voice a bit more. "Word of warning... the woman you're about to deal with came up through intelligence." She knew more than that, but that was all Daln needed to know for now.

Daln nodded. "I'll remember that." He stood relaxed, his eyes set on the airlock. He was relaxed, yet ready if a fight broke out. His mind was aware of the tension in the room except for one being: Bart. Bart was relaxed. He was very good at his job.

Cadet Thorne was occupied as well. She was a smallish woman who was just coming out of her teens, and she wanted to prove that she could do anything a man could do. Still, she was not unaware of her weaknesses.

Bart was, in a word, relaxed. He looked up at Jenny before returning to looking around the room. He could sense the tension, but everyone seemed okay.

Vitor was in perfect attention. After four years of dealing mostly with administrative issues being back to active was just what he needed. His breathing was regular and only his eyes moved looking for possible blank spots or any suspicious movement.
His only reaction was a slight grin every time his eyes passed by Bart.

I cannot believe this actually happening thought Kristopher Kerouac as he took a deep breath. The time had passed so slowly that it felt like torture, but now the time had come. He was being transferred from the USS Katana to the USS Hera as a prisoner. Kris had been lead from his cell to the starboard docking port of his starship. "Go gentle on me, kids" he said to his security escorts. "I am fragile" he added as he prepared himself for the exchange and waited for the two starships to connect.

Jhu snorted at him. "Yeah, sure you are." Once the airlock flashed its green light to signal the connection was solid, she tapped the button next to it to open the door on their side. "Walk." She prodded him - more gently than he might have expected - to spur him forward.

As the prisoner came closer, Daln began to feel a mixture of emotions, fear chief among them, and betrayal. Bart growled as they came closer.

"Steady," Jenny said to the dog.

Kris looked back at Jhu as he proceeded forward. "He would have been lucky to have you as his wife one day. I'm sure he would be proud of you, Jhu" added Kerouac.

Hitting the door actuator, Enalia waited for the arriving party to cross the gap between their ships. It wasn't a long way, but it seemed to take forever.

"I shouldn't be in this uniform. He wouldn't want this." Jhu blinked a few times, barely keeping tears at bay. She didn't know why Kris would mention Nathan now, of all times. It was almost cruel. Looking for something - anything - to think about other than the missing father of her child, her eyes fell on the dog waiting on the other side. He didn't look friendly, but for a security K-9 he was downright adorable.

Kerouac knew what she meant, but it was not what he had meant. He made an effort to rectify it. "No, not the uniform. The woman you are, strong and dutiful. Most people would be on leave still, maybe not even consider coming back, but not you. You are so very strong" said Kris. "You should not be in that uniform, Jhu. I know that and it is my fault. I know that you will likely hate me every moment of everyday" added Kerouac.

"...all right, I'll give you that one." With that, Jhu fell quiet, not responding to the last part of what Kris had said. She didn't think she really hated him, but she wasn't happy with him either. It was a hard place for her to be.

On the other side, Angel watched as the small group approached, wishing they were meeting this crew under better circumstances.

Before reaching the small group, Kris took one more deep breath. "Jhu, please. If you have any respect for me left in you at'll do me one last favor. In Liam's and my quarters, in our bedroom on my side of the bed, there is a end table. Inside of it is a small box. Take it and whatever you do not tell Liam about it."

"I will do it because you were my friend. Maybe you still are... I don't know." It was the first time Jhu had voiced that particular sentiment, and it felt odd to finally say it aloud.

"I fucked up" said Kris with a sigh. "I know that I did. I cannot change that, but I can go away knowing that I had a family here, the only family I have ever known" added Kris. "I'm ready" he said as they headed towards the group.

"Seriously people..." Enalia began. "I don't mean to give a bad first impression, but could you walk the guy the 10 meters any slower? Is he really that dangerous?" she asked as the Katana team finally made it to the other end of the docking ports. "Welcome aboard the Hera, by the way. Please feel free to avail yourself of our facilities during your stay."

Angel cleared her throat. "I think it's more they're having a personal conversation they don't want us to hear. Either way, they are here now. Lieutenant Hadren, please take custody of the prisoner."

Vara stepped back from Kris, lowering her weapon as Daln took control. "I relinquish responsibility for this prisoner," she said mechanically - a holdover of her Lagashi training.

Daln and Vitor took out their phasers. "Tito, on his left. Thorne, behind. I want Bart to have a clear road if he runs." They took their places and Daln nodded to Enalia. "We're ready, ma'am." He looked at Kris, ready if the man caused trouble.

Vitor positioned himself like Hadren told him. He kept a somber expression wondering about the complicity between the prisoner and his escort from the Katana.

"He's promised me he won't run." Jhu knew that didn't make much difference to them or Bart, but she wanted to reinforce that thought in Kris's mind. She couldn't help watching the dog; he seemed to really enjoy his job. On an impulse, she knelt down to be on Bart's level, close enough for him to sniff if he so pleased but far enough back as to not be a threat to him. "But if he does run, I want you to bite his ass hard as you can. Can you do that for me, Crewman Bart?"

Bart was confused. What did this woman want? She had not said any commands. He looked at her and whined.

"Still," Jenny said to him. She looked at the woman. "Ma'am, he has to concentrate."

"Sorry. I don't work with dogs much. I don't mean to confuse him." Getting up from the deck made her head spin a bit, but Jhu moved carefully to avoid any sudden movement that might alarm Bart. "He's fabulous. I'm sure he'll make you proud." Taking a few steps back, she looked at Enalia. "Some of us have to be present for the court-martial proceedings. I understand there's not an abundance of room for visitors... perhaps we could synchronize both ship chronometers to ensure everyone arrives on time?"

"The initial team requested we set ourselves to standard time for Starfleet command so if you set your chronos to that, we should be good. Our computer databases should be data-linked by now as well so you should be able to easily access the rosters and schedules." Enalia said, mildly enjoying the discourse between the strange woman and her newest Brig officer. "Lieutenant Hadren, please escort Mister Kerouac to the brig at your leisure."

"Come on, guys. Hadren prodded the prisoner gently and the three of them left to walk to the brig. Upon reaching it, Hadren led the into the brig, Tito staying outside the brig, the prisoner behind Hadren and Jenny and Bart behind the prisoner. Jenny stopped just within the cell block, while Hadren opened a cell and ushered the prisoner inside.

Vitor stood in attention outside the Brig, holstering his phaser, but ready for any eventuality.

"All right, we'll do that then." Briefly watching the security team walk away with Kris, Jhu sighed a bit. "I should go back to the Katana... we've got a hell of a paperwork snafu to finish cleaning up over there, and I have an appointment to get to."

"Good luck then. Please give my regards to your acting captain." Enalia said somewhat diplomatically. "Our ships will be docked with each other throughout the court martial so feel free to allow our crews to mingle. I know there are a few on your crew I'm hoping to get to know better." Enalia added with a mischievous grin.

"I'll let them know they can visit, but we're having a rough transition. I'm not sure how many will accept the invitation." Jhu managed a tight smile, one that suggested that if she didn't have to socialize she probably wouldn't. "All the same, we appreciate your hospitality and will keep our doors open as well. I'm sure I'll see you again soon." With that she quietly retreated back across the connection between the two ships.

Watching her leave, Angel tilted her head to the side with a curious expression on her face. "There's something she's not telling us."

"You saw the look in her eyes," Enalia said, surprisingly softly. "She's lost someone dear to her and she's reminded of it every single day. Amelia has that same look."

"Maybe that's all it was. Either way, she's in a rough spot." The doors on either side of the gangway slid shut, making the moment seem very final. Angel sighed a bit, not sure anyone was going to like the next few days...


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