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Mouse in a Trap

Posted on Tue Jun 9th, 2015 @ 11:06pm by Captain Enalia Telvan & Lieutenant Daln Hadren

Mission: The New Sydney Fiasco
Location: Ready Room

Ensign Philby pressed the chime to the ready room door. He was nervous because he had screwed up with the TRs because he forgot to tell the captain. She was sure to flay him alive... He took a deep breath to steady himself.

"Enter," Enalia called, looking up from her desk terminal.

Philby entered and the Trill captain was waiting there. He was relieved that she wasn't snarling. Yet.

"Yes? What can I do for you?" Enalia asked the nervous Ensign, not sure of who he was or why he was here.

Philby shuffled his feet, then stepped forward and handed her the padd. "This is the report you wanted, ma'am. We have one thousand fifty-seven phaser rifles, eleven hundred type II phasers--"

Taking the PaDD with one hand, Enalia held up her other hand to silence the Ensign as she looked over the report. Leaning back in her chair, she pulled out her own antique phase pistol from her desk drawer and checked the serial number against the one listed on the report. Everything looked as thorough as it could be. "Thank you. Was there anything else?" she asked, setting the report on her desk and looking up at the young man.

Philby shook his head a little too vigorously, then said, "No ma'am. Please don't kill me."

"Why would I kill you? For not notifying me upon receipt of arms and weaponry? Nothing was stolen, nothing is missing. I'm upset but not enough to disintegrate you here in my office." Enalia said as she leaned back in her chair, more curious than anything.

Philby shuffled from foot to foot, uncomfortable now. "Yes ma'am, I mean, no ma'am, I mean...I'll shut up now."

"A mistake was made. Do you feel that you've learned from it?" Enalia asked with a seemingly deadly calm.

"Yes, ma'am, very much, ma'am." Philby's voice rose an octave.

Enalia smiled politely. "Good. I trust it won't happen again. If there's nothing else, you're dismissed."

Really?Philby thought. He backed away slowly, then turned and left the office. Leaning against the bulkhead, he let out his breath. Pushing himself away from the wall, he made his way back to the Security Offices and toward Lieutenant Doom.


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