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A Surprise Visit

Posted on Sun Mar 27th, 2016 @ 9:01pm by Commander Angelica Fairchild & Commander Sinek

Mission: Talosian Perversions
Location: Sick Bay

T'Qol needed a break from Vesik's overbearing nature. He had to be in control of more than his emotions. Vesik needed to be in control of everyone and everything around him. The Captain's orders of confinement to quarters meant that T'Qol was getting the brunt of this attitude.

Picking up the courage to disobey the Captain, T'Qol slipped out of their guest quarters. She had to meet the woman her son loved. She had heard that Commander Fairchild was in Sick Bay due to injuries during the recent crisis.

It was the overnight shift; not as many personnel would be on duty. Sneaking into Sick Bay, T'Qol found the correct biobed. The Commander was sleeping. T'Qol glanced at the readings on the scanner screen. A realization suddenly struck her. Two individual scans. T'Qol was going to be a grandmother. Deeply, she experienced joy before it was suppressed. Fear was suppressed as she thought of how Vesik would react to a hybrid grandchild. Vesik held to conservative Vulcan ways. T'Qol eased herself in the seat next to the bed and watched over Angel and her grandchild.

Even asleep, Angel seemed to know when someone entered her room and stayed longer than a few minutes. She woke up slowly, blinking a bit to see her visitor's face in the dark. Her visitor bore a resemblance to Sinek but was clearly female. "T'Qol. Aren't you confined to quarters?" There was a note of amusement in her voice at the idea of a Vulcan so craftily disobeying orders. "Sinek isn't here. I made him go home and sleep for a few hours."

T'Qol arose from her seat. She ignored Angel's question about confinement. A tactic she had picked up from Vesik in their marriage. Her tall slender figure stood, looking down upon Commander Fairchild. In an even tone, T'Qol announced, "It is not To Sinek I wished to speak at this time."

"Oh." Not knowing that T'Qol was far more reasonable than Vesik, Angel felt like she shrank a bit at realizing why the Vulcan woman had come to visit her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to assume you were here for him... it's just... well." With how Ethan had configured the biobed's scanner readout to easily differentiate between Angel and the tiny embryo inside her, there was no doubt that T'Qol had already noticed. "I wasn't expecting any other visitors today, but I don't mind either."

T'Qol seemed to be reasoning things out in her mind before she spoke. "There is something I must know." She momentarily paused. "Do you love my son?"

It hurt so much to move, but Angel gingerly sat up to look at T'Qol. It was an odd question but also one that was so simple for her to answer now. "I love him with every piece of my heart and soul, maybe more than that even. I don't know if there's a Vulcan equivalent for that feeling."

T'Qol's gaze turned to the sensor readings on screen. Reaching out, she touched the readout from the embryo. "Does this signify what I have interpreted it to signify?"

Assuming T'Qol had already inferred that she was pregnant, Angel nodded. "It does. I only just found out myself."

T'Qol slid her hand down the display as she allowed herself to remember her true feelings directly after Sinek's birth. Feelings that had tone suppressed when she and the child returned home under Vesik's controlling nature.

"I assure you, Commander," T'Qol reasoned, "Sinek will make a good father..." She paused as she returned her dark eyes to Angel. "Sinek will be a good husband."

"I'm sure he will." Angel smiled a little. "I'm sorry you found out about our relationship the way you did. I never had any intention of turning him away from his family's traditions... but I do intend to marry him once I can stand long enough to finish the ceremony."

T'Qol shook her head signifying the negative. "No. You did what was necessary. You must not allow doubts concerning your love sidle into your mind. It will haunt your marriage." T'Qol's wisdom seemed to be coming from experience. She repeated, "You did what was necessary. If Vesik would have known about you and the threat you presented to his strategies, he would have gone over the head of Star Fleet and the Federation. He would have had the Vulcan High Command force Star Fleet to bring Sinek home to Vulcan. Now, he knows that tactic is futile after the occurrences that happened here." Again T'Qol reiterated, "You did what was necessary."

Angel tilted her head to the side, like a curious dog. She'd never heard any Vulcan - except for Sinek - talk about love in such a manner. Now she had some idea of where he'd gotten it from. "I would do it again, if Vesik attempted to force the issue."

"I'm sure you would have, Commander," T'Qol affirmed. "There are not many Terrans strong enough to mate with a Vulcan. I deduce that you are one who can. I am able to appreciate that quality within you."

That was quite a compliment, and Angel grinned a bit crookedly. "I understand now how Sinek can be so kind and gentle while his father is so cold and logical. He got it from you." She paused, frowning slightly and putting her hand across her belly. "And please. I'm off duty and soon to be your daughter-in-law. You can call me Angel."

"Very well...Angel," T'Qol seemed humbled, gazing downward as she pronounced her name. However, when she began to realize that Angel had seen qualities within her that she had also seen in Sinek, a motherly sense of pride seemed to take hold in her. She returned her gaze back to Angel. "Do not let Vesik dissuade you. He is prideful and stubborn even for a Vulcan. Stand your ground; hold your course. I only wish that Vesik's nature were like Sinek's. It is understandable that Sinek seems is at odds with Vesik."

"I'm not afraid of Vesik. Sinek advised me not to confront him directly, so I haven't." Angel found the little remote the controlled the angle of the bed, using it to raise the head of the bed up so she could lean back on it. "If Vesik wants to be prideful and stubborn, nothing you or I say will change his mind."

"You add wisdom to your other qualities," T'Qol replied with no fluctuation. "Sinek made a logical choice. Sinek has given me pride for choosing his own path. I have not told him so for Vesik's sake. I wish you well, Angel Fairchild. May you feel loved and honored by Sinek. No doubt you will."

With that T'Qol turned to leave. Before she exited she turned as if she had one more thing to say. "It will be an honor to gain you as a daughter." She then turned and exited the room.


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