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Setting Boundaries

Posted on Fri Feb 17th, 2017 @ 4:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Eneas Clio & Lieutenant Commander T'Pral Jordan

Mission: Refit Rondo

T'Pral rounded the corner and approached the Intelligence Chief's Office. The Hera had the role of an Intelligence Vessel, which meant things would run differently than on a standard Starfleet vessel. It had been suggested by both Commander Xustos and the Captain that she speak with the Intel Chief, Commander Eneas. She approached the door and pressed the chime.

Clio was not expecting any visitors, and the sound of the chime resulted in a mad dash to clear all the screens of classified data and then lock them to prevent any accidental peeking. After one final check that everything was, in fact, clear, Clio breathed for a moment before unlocking the door and allowing it to open. A woman with a Vulcan appearance stood in the doorway, a woman she assumed to be Lieutenant Jordan. "Is there... something I can help you with? Lieutenant?"

"Yes, ma'am," T'Pral said, stepping into the office with her hands clasped behind her back as the doors closed behind her. "I was informed by the Captain and XO that it would be beneficial to meet with you in regards to the access of Security aboard the ship as the Hera is an Intelligence Vessel."

"I see. That makes sense, though they neglected to tell me to expect you." That wasn't unexpected. Clio knew both Mal and Enalia had a lot of things to remember and take care of. "Well then. Why don't you have a seat and we'll see what sorts of things we need to straighten out."

T'Pral nodded and took a seat. "I believe the first regard is access of Security aboard the ship such as which areas are deemed off limits to everyone save Intelligence personnel."

"Generally this area is off limits without my authorization, as is the pod. There's a lot in there that's sensitive or highly classified, and frankly I don't want anyone touching it. Might sound petty, but I want my systems functional when I need them." Clio hoped that made sense without sounding terribly harsh, but she didn't think T'Pral would take offense. She went back behind her desk to sit down, contemplating whether there were any other areas of the ship that should be restricted. "Other than that... the normal Starfleet restrictions. Which are, honestly, lax when compared to Starfleet Intelligence."

T'Pral expected as much from the Commander, given the nature of her occupation. In her experience, Intel Personnel were near paranoid when it came to information. "Myself or my tactical officers may still need access to Deck C of the Pod at times as that deck holds the extra torpedo launchers. Though I could cross train your officers in the use and maintenance of the launchers should the need arise."

"Well I did say access was restricted without my authorization." Clio grinned a bit. "I can clear a few people, but not the whole department. That's too many for us to keep track of. You, obviously, will need to be cleared. Other than that, I can clear up to three more people."

"That sounds adequate," T'Pral said as she considered which three officers she should authorize access. "I am certain that Mr. Rasputin in my department will require access. I will select the other two officers at my earliest convenience."

"I'll need to meet them before granting clearance, but I think I can trust your judgement." Clio picked up a PaDD and wrote down Rasputin's name to look up later so she'd have some idea of who he was.

"Thank you for your confidence, commander," T'Pral replied. "I believe that concludes my concerns, unless you have something for me?"

"I don't have anything at the moment, but I know how to find you if I think of anything. I won't keep you from your work... I'm sure you have a lot to do." While Clio knew there was typically less 'paperwork' for security, her brief stint as Chief of Security on the Katana had taught her just how much thought went into running that department.

"Thank you, ma'am," T'Pral replied with a nod as she stood and exited the office.


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