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Yanski Saves the Day

Posted on Tue Jul 4th, 2017 @ 8:19pm by Chief Warrant Officer Daytona Ral

Mission: Death is in the Details
Location: Slip 78, Orion Spaceport
Timeline: 2160, Shortly before the destruction of the spaceport

Daytona arrived at slip seventy-eight. There was a ship of a design unknown to him there. It seemed to be some kind of yacht, something small enough for a small crew to operate while being large enough to be comfortable. An extremely ugly alien of a species Daytona was unfamiliar with was standing at the foot of the ramp leading to the interior of the ship. Whatever Woman? Whatever sex the person was, they were as ugly as sin. As he got closer to the alien, he realized there was something almost rodent-like about its face.

Daytona wasn't really sure what was going on. He didn't really understand why he'd taken the man in the hood at his word. Daytona wasn't sure how the man in the hood knew he would be at that place at that time, and he didn't know how the man in the hood knew about Deshok. Daytona didn't know why the man in the hood wanted him off the station. All he knew was that the man in the hood had been right about Deshok, so it seemed reasonable that the man in the hood was right about Daytona needing to get off the planet and out of the system immediately.

Daytona approached the wrinkly, rodent faced, alien. The alien watched Daytona as he approached. It seemed to be comparing an image on a flimsy with Daytona's appearance. Daytona saw the alien nod, apparently satisfied that Daytona was the man it was waiting for. When Daytona reached the alien, he started to speak, but was cut off.

"You are Daytona Ral, yes?" the alien said. Daytona started when he realized the alien was speaking pretty good Low Orion. "My name is Yanski. Someone paid a fair price to make sure you had a place on my ship and that we left immediately after you arrived. He told me quite a bit about you, former Detective Chief Inspector Ral of the Rigelian Constabulary. Please, come aboard. We must leave right away. I must say you have an impressive resume. Based on that resume, I might have a business proposition for you. But that can wait. Please, come aboard. The man who paid your way left you a case that he said had items you might need since you would not have time to gather your belongings before we left. I've put it in the room you'll be bunking in. Come, we must go."

Daytona really didn't know what to say, so he just followed Yanski aboard its ship.

"Hey," Daytona asked as they boarded. "I don't mean to sound rude, but my experiences with other species is limited. I've never seen one of your kind before, so I don't know what you are and I can't really tell if you are male or female."

Yanski chuckled.

"Well," he said. "I am from Yiridia, making me a Yridian. I'm...not from around here. Oh, and I'm male, by the way, and, as attractive as you are, my interests don't lie in that direction, so hands off, lover boy. As for what I am...I'm what you might call an...information broker."

"Where did you learn Orion?" Daytona asked.

"Are you familiar with the Orion Syndicate?" the Yiridian asked. "I'm sure you are. They originated in your home system. Well, their network runs far and wide. I've dealt with them many times. They are a fertile source of information."

"I guess I knew that the Syndicate was a big operation," Daytona replied. "I never realized how big."

"There are many things for you to learn about the galaxy, Mister Ral," Yanski replied. "Perhaps, if you stick with me for a while, I'll show you some of those things."

Daytona didn't really have anywhere else to go.

"After we get out of here," Daytona said. "We'll talk about your business proposal. I seem to be a free agent at the moment, so I don't have much to lose."

"I would enjoy that immensely, Mister Ral," Yanski said. "I would enjoy that immensely. Here is your bunk. You can rest here or come join me on the bridge. Well, it's really more of a cockpit with delusions of grandeur, but it serves it's purpose."

"I'll join you on the bridge," Daytona replied. "I think it's about time for me to learn how to fly a starship."

"Excellent," Yanski said. "It would be my pleasure to teach you. And Mister Ral...welcome aboard."

"Thanks, Yanski," Daytona said. "Since you seem to be saving my life, here, I think you can call me Daytona."

Yanski nodded.

"Alright then, Daytona it is!" he said. "Come Daytona! The galaxy awaits!"


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