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The Brig

Posted on Tue Dec 23rd, 2014 @ 6:14pm by Staff Warrant Officer Nexi & Captain Enalia Telvan

Mission: Devotion of Time

This wasn't the first time Nexi had ever woken up in the brig. Probably wasn't going to be the last time either. But it was the first time she woke up in the brig feeling like a complete ass. She sat up on the bunk in the tiny cell, groaning as her head reeled from the alcohol and the phaser. Oh, that was an unpleasant feeling... It had been a while since she had felt that combination...

Enalia looked up from her PaDD at Nexi. She had been sitting in a chair just outside the brig cell waiting for Nexi to wake up and now that she was, maybe she could get some answers. "Morning sunshine."

"Is it really morning?" Nexi asked as laid back down on the bunk until her head stopped spinning.

"It is," Enalia said. "Mind explaining what happened last night?"

"Fuck," Nexi said with a groan. "What happened to Aewia? Did she stay in Sickbay last night or did someone look after her?"

"When you didn't show up, I was contacted and I took care of her. It took forever to get her to sleep without you there though." Enalia explained, still waiting for an answer to her own question.

Damn... "Ain't exactly sure what I meant to do last night, but I'm fairly certain it wasn't supposed to end with me getting stunned," Nexi said groggily.

"I would hope not." Enalia said simply. "From reports, you and Crewman Takethen got into a fight over a man or tribble or something. Thank you for not killing her."

"If I'd wanted to kill her, it would have been done with the first strike. When no one could see. And likely when she was asleep," Nexi rambled off, staring at the ceiling like an idiot. "I ain't got much of an excuse 'cept to say that I was drunk and I thought the idea was brilliant at the time. I actually kinda did it to help her."

"Help her how?" Enalia wasn't mad, just curious. It wasn't every day she had people in her brig and she honestly wanted to know why Nexi had ended up in there before she let her out.

"Fuck... Alright, so she's seeing that kid Ven, the one that looks all happy covered in engine grease, and I know he's kinda on the timid side... And I know how Andorian's can be... I thought if I gave her a moment to beat her chest like a wild animal for a moment... I don't know! Like I said, I was drunk and I thought it was a brilliant idea at the time," Nexi explained haphazardly.

"Yeah," Enalia got up and turned the forcefield off. "Andorians can get rather territorial and she's been through some nasty stuff too. Please try not to get phasered and thrown in the brig next time you two go drinking, ok?"

"Actually, I was the only one drinking," Nexi admitted, not moving from the bunk. "She'd had maybe one drink, I'd lost count of how many I had... I'm not dealing with this whole 'family' thing very well..."

"It's not an easy thing to learn to deal with. I'm glad my family is this crew. Less stress than kids. How's Aewia doing, by the way?" Enalia asked curiously.

"She's getting better," Nexi said, looking over at Enalia, but remained laying on the bunk. "The therapy's really improving on the lucid moments and she's remembering more every day... But it's still like taking care of a little kid and I don't know what the hell I'm doing."

"From what I've heard you're doing amazingly well." Enalia said, sitting back down.

"Yeah, but it's so fucking frustrating!" Nexi said, sitting up and wishing she remained horizontal. "She looks at me like she knows she's a burden, but she don't say nothing, and I end up feeling like shit every single time I get the urge to bail on her. With the exception of last night, I don't bail, but I still think about it. I'm not used to taking care of another person."

"You think about the responsibility of it and though you know it's what you need to do you want to hop in a shuttle and head for the nearest dive bar and drink yourself into a stupor?"

"Actually I was thinking something more along the lines of picking up a job to kill someone or maybe go steal something priceless, but yeah, your idea sounds pretty good too," Nexi mumbled.

"If you do decide to do that, take me with you. I could use a break." Enalia said with a lopsided grin.

That made Nexi grin. "Deal..." she replied with a hint of a laugh. She finally stood and stepped out of the cell. "The job getting to you too?"

Enalia just stood and nodded at the question, that same lopsided grin widening. "Ready to go home?"

Nexi grimaced. "I can't decide yet if home is my shuttle or the quarters with Aewia, so I'm gonna pass on that one," she said candidly. "Was Aewia good for you, other than the not sleeping part?"

Enalia nodded, looking a bit more serious. "For the most part. She kept asking where you were. I told her you'd be back in the morning and that you'd explain things then. She had Korean food last night. So spicy it burned my nose just smelling it. Is that normal for her?"

"Yeah, she likes it spicy... I don't know how she does it," Nexi said as they left the brig. "Shit, what am I going to tell her? She ain't telepathic no more, but even still she knows when I'm lying to her and I don't wanna tell her I got thrown in the brig for picking a fight to help someone else get laid." Actually, that sounded really cool, but somehow she wasn't sure if Aewia would get it and that meant explaining it over and over and over....

"Up to you. I'd go with the truth. She knew something was wrong last night so who knows how she'll take it." Enalia said as she moved the chair back to the security desk.

"Yeah..." Nexi grumbled. She hated the truth... "Anyway, thanks for not getting pissed about the fight... I know it was stupid, but I really hasn't meant for it to get as bad as it did."

"These things happen. No one was sent to sickbay so I'm not that worried." Heading towards the door, Enalia called over her shoulder. "Might want to get back to your quarters before Aewia wakes up."

"Oh shit!" Nexi blurted out then took off for the lift to get back to her quarters.


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