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There's The Good News, Then There's The Good News

Posted on Fri Sep 14th, 2018 @ 12:27am by Commander Rita Paris & Lieutenant Mona Gonadie

Mission: Holographic Horrors
Location: USS Hera, Deck 4, Flight Control Operations
Timeline: 2395, in drydock at Artan Fortress, Kabul system

"So that's the deal. I've been promoted, so I'm now the First Officer. Still flight control chief as well, because one of these jobs is not so hard. So when away missions come up, I'll be out of the pilot's seat and into the unknown. As long as it isn't into darkness," Rita quipped, looking directly into the camera for a brief second. "Now, the good news is that I'm going to see if I can still maintain the department. So you're still free to fly, my fine feathered friend."

"If it gets to be a bit much for me, I might ask for your help in taking over some of the responsibilities for me. Fair?" Sitting on the desk of the flight control operations on the flight deck, Lieutenant Commander Rita Paris took a sip of her coffee from the mug that read 'World's Best Daughter'. Eyeing the alien aviatrix who was leaning back in one of the chairs, the ancient astronaut awaited her reaction.

"Hmm yeah, you'll be the one going on away missions then, I assume." Gonadie stretched a bit and yawned. It was an early morning for her and the first cup of coffee was in front of her in a 'Nebula Class Pilot' mug. "Don't worry, ma'am, I'll take care of the department and shuttlebay so you can focus on everything else."

"Yep. Apparently there are some pretty high-tech armors available as well as weaponry, so looks like I might just be spending some shuttle time doing dangerous things. So you keep the big girl safe while I'm off gallanting. And if you could see your way clear to keeping the flight deck and the maintenance logs in line, I'd appreciate it." The cheerful commander took another sip of coffee, then narrowed her eyes slightly, gesturing to the Miradonian with her coffee cup. "If you don't mind me asking, you've got the time in rate, Mona. Why haven't you struck for JG? Just don't want the responsibility of rank? Not judging, just asking."

"I'm not a leader. I mean, I could be if I put forth the effort, but I'm a flyer and a lover. Leading people doesn't help me further either of those things." Mona was blunt, but that's just how she felt. Sipping her latte, she trilled over it a bit as she cupped it in her hands. "I do the leadership jobs I'm assigned to the satisfaction of those above me, and... That's it."

A smile graced the face of the career overachiever. "I have no problem witht hat. So long as you do the job you're assigned to the satisfaction of those above you, I won't pressure you to advance and lead more. It's not for everyone- that's why I asked you. No sense nagging a pilot who took the officer track to be able to fly the big starship, but doesn't want to be a career officer. Now that I know, I'll respect your choices. You're one hell of a pilot either way, and you're a huge boon to the Hera and me, with both the department and my own piloting training. In short, you're doing a fine job in my book, Miss Gonadie."

"Thank you, ma'am," Mona replied, yawning again. Her amount of latte intake had obviously been insufficient so far to wake her up so far. "Excuse me, I had a late night last night. Apparently there's a Miradonian male with beautiful plumage among the pirates and... We ah..." She glanced sheepishly off to the side, making it obvious how red her eyes were from the lack of sleep.

"Why Miz Gonadie," Paris replied with a smirk. "Birds of a feather, quite literally in this case. Well, that was the entire purpose of this meeting. The disciplinary reports have been minimal and most of the malcontents have showed themselves out the door with this latest round of transfers. So the Hera is running smoothly and there's no need for me to be monopolozing your time. I'll expect to see you here at 06:00 in four more days. Until then, I expect you to be on shoreleave, Ensign." The buxom blonde bombshell paused to raise her brows slightly. "Unless you've some business of which I need to be aware...?"

"Ah... No... Though I should probably stop by sickbay for some contraceptives..." Mona was looking even more sheepish by the moment, if it were possible. "I expect we'll be mating like chickenhawks most of that time... Neither of us have even seen another Miradonian since we left home. It might be that, but he is rather handsome. And I don't mean to preen, but I was known to be a pretty fine specimen myself. If you know what I mean..." She was now trying to hide her face behind her coffee mug.

"Sorry... You probably didn't need to hear all that..." Gonadie added.

"Pffft," the old-school officer breezily waved it off. "I think it's healthy, and I don't judge. Keeps one on an even keel. Besides, it's only us here, not like you are scandalizing the flight crew. You go enjoy your shore leave, Mona. Spend some time with someone who gets you and give a pirate a gal to pine for, and make some good memories." The part Paris didn't bring up was that she suspected they were all going to need some good memories soon enough, but bringing down her assistant chief with talk like that would serve no constructive purpose. Instead, she was determined to send her able assistant off to enjoy herself and have a proper vacation, which she herself planned as well.

"Well then..." Downing the rest of her latte, Mona headed to the office sink and washed it out real quick before sliding it back into the cupboard. "I'm off to his nest then. See you in a few days. Have some fun with that Vulcan of yours." Smiling lewdly at Rita, she headed out of the office.

Smiling after her colorful assistant, in both plumage and behavior, Rita Paris smiled. Sliding off the edge of the desk, she headed to the sink to wash out her own cup. It was a good duty up here, and as much time as she had spent in the simulators and Monadie beside her, the avain officer had qualified even higher. Rita Paris was not the best pilot in her department. Not the best pilot on the ship, even. But she could fly her, and just about anything else. For now, that would have to be good enough. She was going to have a lot on her shoulders in the weeks and months to come. It was nice to see that her assistant was willing to pull some of the load as well, because Rita suspected these were going to be dangerous times. And in dangerous times it was hard to get that report filed by 17:00 hours.

The Hera would be in good hands with the colorful Mona Gonadie at the helm. That would make it easier Rita Paris to leave her when duty called.


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