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Goin' To The Chapel

Posted on Fri Sep 14th, 2018 @ 11:00pm by Captain Enalia Telvan & Lieutenant Mona Gonadie & Petty Officer 2nd Class Ila Dedjoy & Emergency Medical Hologram (Adam Power) Mk X & Maica III 47 & Baroness 2nd Class Schwein von Alcott & Commander Rita Paris & Lieutenant Commander Sonak & Lieutenant Samuel Clemens XV
Edited on on Sat Sep 29th, 2018 @ 1:04am

Mission: Holographic Horrors
Location: USS Hera, Deck 4, Holographic chapel on Main Shuttlecraft Deck
Timeline: 2395, Stardate 72694.8, in drydock at Artan Fortress, Kabul system


The guests each received a message from the first officer at 11:00 hours.

"At 15:00 hours, you are cordially invited..."

Each message was unique, as was the reasoning for the invitation.

The Baroness Schwein von Alcott, "...because you've always been kind to me."

The Doctor, the emergency medical holographic lifeform she was helping to foster along, "...because you should see us at our best, not just at our worst."

Ensign Mona Gonadie, "...because you're the best assistant I've ever had, and a better pilot than me to boot."

Maica III 47, "...because we couldn't stop you if we tried."

Lieutenant Samuel Clemens XV, "...because you are a gentleman and a friend, sir."

Crewman Ila Dedjoy, "...because without you we wouldn't be here together."

The holographic reproduction of the simple starship chapel from a dozen decades ago abutted to one of the hatches to the flight deck, where the rest of those wishing to attend were gathered. But from within the corridor of the Hera that led to the chapel, no one on the flight deck could be seen or heard. There was privacy, peace and quiet. The guests, all professionals, showed up a few minutes early to take their seats on the padded pleather benches.

The Hera's captain arrived, dressed in her spotless dress white uniform with its gold and crimson piping. Thex sh'Zoarhi and Vaemyn accompanied her- as the Andorian and the Vorta had no idea of what human wedding rituals might be, this was likely going to be a novel experience for them both. The gathered assemblage then waited, as the minutes ticked by before the bride and groom made their entrance.

In the corridor, the duo had arrived, and were contemplating the next step.

"So whattya say, spaceman? Wanna go get married?" Rita joked, trying to dispel some of the tension she was trying unsuccessfully to ignore.

"At this point, it seems to be the logical thing to do," re replied so stoically it was obvious her humor has slighlty tainted his mind after their recent bonding.

"It certainly does," Rita smiled warmly at her blue-clad scientist. "Thanks for supporting my decision on this... I know that for some reason people are watching this, which is so weird to me, but yet we'll have our privacy and a nice little moment. In a way, it's the wedding I always pictured, you know?”

“Well... shall we?" Rita turned and took the first step toward the chapel, and Sonak fell in step beside her. He on port, she on starboard- a subconscious choice on her part that was a nod to tradition.

Striding up the short center aisle to the podium, in military marching step, they came together but separately- as individuals, yet clearly in synch.

Sonak appreciated the sobriety of the century old starship chapel. It was a chapel mostly in name and function, as everything in it had been subliminally built to reflect any belief and none at the same time. The podium for example was a plain single legged affair with a simple horizontal lectern that any non-religious individual like a Vulcan would just see as it was; yet to one of the old Terran Christian mythology, it jumped out instantly as being cross shaped. Just like decorative circular mirror on the wall behind would immediately resonate to a Shinto believer, and its silvery crescent reflection on the floor would be recognized for those of the ancient Muslim faith. As much as human beliefs were thus subtly suggested, so were alien ones from the worlds known in the days of the legendary Constitution class starships that had such a facility.

It was most appropriate for his sensibilities and to the feelings and desires of his mate.

With a calm, sober solemnity, he stepped to join Rita before the lectern on the podium where the captain would officially unite them for all to witness. For her part, Rita could not stop smiling.

As they both walked forward, the captain stood there stoically behind the Starfleet podium, ready with her small part in this ceremony before her. As they stopped before her, she glanced between them, then down at the pages of the book before her and began to speak the time honored traditional words.

"Since the days of the first wooden vessels, all ship's masters have had one happy privilege. That of uniting two people in the bonds of matrimony. And so we are gathered here today with you, Rita Paris, and you, Sonak of Vulcan, in the sight of your fellows, in accordance with our laws and our many beliefs so that you may pledge your devotion to one another. As Captain, the honor of joining these two people has fallen to me. But before I declare them husband and wife, they have prepared their own vows. If you would please."

The bride in the gold minidress exchanged a few subtle motions with her mate, then proceeded.

"For as long as we have, I want to spend it with you," she opened with, simply yet subtly.

"That was what I said to you our first night together, headed for a court martial and a death sentence. Even then, I knew. For as long as I live, I will love you. You were fascinating and calm and so confident without being arrogant or prideful. You were amazing to me then, even moreso today."

"I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way, trying to express myself logically. I do believe in fate and destiny, but also believe we are only fated to face choices, not predestined outcomes. I chose you then, and I'd choose you in a hundred lifetimes, on a hundred different worlds, in any version of reality."

"You," Rita Paris beamed at the men beside her, and when she spoke she was a bit choked up. "Only you."

"I love you as you are, and I will support the choices you make. I will remain beside you as long as I am able, and I will fight to return to you with every fibre of my being. No matter how far you travel nor how long you may live, you will always have the song of my heart within yours."

"I promised you this long ago, but today I pledge it to the universe. Forever and always, Sonak of Vulcan, I swear to you that I'll be there. Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow, for better, for worse." It was as close as Rita was going to come to traditional vows, and she was pretty certain she had cadged them from a love song.

"I trust you- I always have. What more could I ask for than to explore the galaxy with the perfect man by my side- whom today I take as my husband, my mate, to the universe."

"My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts, my heart to your heart, my soul to your soul. Whatever fate holds in store for me, there will always be some of you within me. To guide me through troubled times, to insure I will never be alone. So within you I leave a bit of me, to soothe your soul and remind you to marvel at the wonders all around you. Each of us becoming just a little bit more like the other, to the benefit of both."

"To him I am Tt’hy’la..." Rita half-turned to the seated guests, in explanation. "It's a Vulcan word, and my explanation doesn’t do it justice. But it means that to him I am the One, just as he is to me... and across every society and philosophy that seems to be understood." The adventurer of another age turned back to face the solemn scientist by her side. "Sonak of Vulcan. No longer the last kolinahr. No longer of a dead world, an endangered species. I formalize our union in the eyes of others, that they may know and respect the bond between us, as so many cultures have similar rituals. At least I hope they do, so they may know joy such as ours."

"I take you, Sonak. In every way, I am part of your life and you of mine, and I thank you for being bold enough to experiment with an Earth girl," at that, Rita's grin became impish and gleeful, and she giggled at her own little joke.

Sonak listened with obvious attention to every word she said, yet, with in his eyes a glint that said that he himself already knew, and felt, all that she said; a kind of inner light deeper than what was expected from a Vulcan, even more so one who had utterly purged himself of all emotions. Once she finished, his voice resonated with his usual deep, deadpan tone; and yet, something more resonated within it... again unexpected from a Vulcan Kolinarh master. But it was unmistakable.

"Rita Paris of Earth; you are my Thy'la.”

“There is no word in any other language in the cosmos, no concept in any other sentient mind than the Vulcan psyche that fully encompasses all that this simple word truly means. There is no logic in attempting to convey to others what can only be understood by you who share it with me. But for you, because of you, and thanks to you, I will be able to go beyond logic and say this: You, Rita Paris of Earth, you are more than the One to me and me to you. In this, you are more than the one I have chosen, and whom has chosen me; you and I are one."

He paused and then, he extended two fingers towards her for her to touch with her own. Thus, they could share what he was saying, and what she had said, beyond words as he finished.

"I am Vulcan; the human concept of love is beyond me. And yet, your love manages to touch even my Vulcan heart. I am kolinahr; I have freed myself of the chains of feelings and emotions. And yet, you have made your human feelings and emotions the links that brought us and keep us together. We, are one; in mind and spirit, beyond the barrier of flesh. We are one, beyond time and space, beyond life and death. We are one, now and forever. We are Thy'la."

He paused again and his voice rose a bit in solemnity as he recited the ancient vow of his people.

"Rita Paris, apart and never parted, never and always, touching and touched; I offer myself and take you, in body, in mind, in spirit, now and forever."

For her part, Rita had promised herself that she was not going to cry. Which was becoming more and more difficult as her eyes filled with tears, her heart overflowing with the sentiment of the seemingly emotionless Vulcan expressed so publicly and pronouncedly.

The throwback Starfleet officer, in an undignified maneuver that caused those who knew her to chuckle, stuffed her hand down her top to root around briefly in her bra to produce a pair of rings, recently produced by the chief engineer. Handing one to him and enfolding it into his hand, she then took his left hand in her own, sliding the shiny Duranium ring onto his finger.

“These rings symbolize the circularity of the universe, and that our love will be without end, forever turning back upon itself,” the old-fashioned gal explained. “On my world, these bands are traditionally composed of a precious metal. In our case, I had them cast from the skin of a starship. For that is the metal precious to me, and starships brought us together, and are our destiny.”

Then she held out her own hand expectantly. This was a ritual of her people, not his. But her Vulcan groom had no objection to rituals and formalities that made her happy- it was one of the things that she loved about him, in truth.

Following her lead, he slipped the metal ring onto her extended finger.

"It is so." he simply stated, as she took his hands in her own, and turned expectantly toward the captain.

Enalia looked up from the two to the assembled witnesses before looking back between them for the final declaration. "With the power vested in me by Starfleet Command and the United Federation of Planets, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

This is the part where they expect you to kiss me. Dramatically is always best, unless you want me to take the lead on this one? Rita sent to Sonak through the bond they shared, solidified by the touch of their hands.

Andorians would expect us to touch antennae and Klingons to bite our cheeks. Shall we do as much? he projected back, reflecting to her her own wry sense of humor with his implacable logic like a mirror. But, since thou art Human...

In a totally un-Vulcan manner, he leaned over and kissed her gently.



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