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Everyone wants to know more.. So?

Posted on Wed Sep 19th, 2018 @ 9:38pm by Ensign Raymond McBain & Commander Rita Paris

Mission: Holographic Horrors
Location: XO's office
Timeline: After the briefing

McBain took one real conclusion from the meeting. Everyone wanted more information. He was thinking since he was intel than he should try to provide that. It was what his job was now if you thought about it. He went to the XO's office but saw her in the corridor. "Excuse me Commander? Might I have a word." He trotted up beside her. "Commander every ship has probes, this is an Intel ship so it probably has more than most. I think you understand where I am going with this. Should we go to your office to continue?"

"We can walk and talk, Mr. McBain. I brought up probes because they are low risk with a high potential yield for information. I think we should equip a few, fire them out there and see if they can gather intelligence for us undetected. Because it's just a hunch, but I'll bet without a lifeforce her hoodoo won't sense them. And we very desperately need to know what we're walking into here."

"My thoughts were along these lines based on the briefing. I was thinking we could send a few class-8 probes to pass through the system from different angles. As a diversion as those would likely be detected. My thoughts are to have them pass through and fly away at warp speed. Thus maybe pulling off some of her fleet to pursue. They have decent range and would likely not be caught in time for any shuttles to recover in time to interfere in what we are doing." McBain took a short breath.

"The other idea is to use class-5 recon probes that have stealth capabilities. These we could use four to get telemetry in the system. They could gather information as well as be used to bounce communications off of to increase comms security." Programming the course of the probes and placing them on station would be tricky but should be doable." McBain had been looking ahead as he went over the idea, thinking as he spoke. Now he looked at Paris "so Commander what do you think?"

"I think interactive planning and active listening aren't your strong suits," Paris muttered. "All right, proceed with the project. Run it past Science, get their input. Run it past Engineering, get their input, then bring it to the Captain and present your plan to get her input. It's a good idea, McBain. I hope it works." Paris had been striding the decks with the maverick former Marine, both of them moving at the same martial pace, both having fallen in step.

"You need any resources approvals, get them across my desk," Paris directed. "Are we green, Mr. McBain?"

"Science, Engineering, and the Captain. Plus get requisition clearances from you." McBain was clearly baffled by the whole committee type procedure but hey this was the fleet and none of them could chew gum and walk at the same time. "I will check with LT Sonak right away." McBain smiled wondering how that would go? They had just had quite a debate in front of everyone. This should be interesting.

Noting the look on the experienced Ensign's face, the first officer paused. "You look confused, Ensign. Is there something in that which was unclear or you didn't hear?" Her voice dropped and the last bit she muttered, "Aside from your immediate dismissal of my theory?"

He had been dismissed so her question caught him in thought. "No Ma'am, all clear, I am confident I heard you loud and clear. Once I know what is required I will send the requisition to you immediately." McBain full well understood the need to be swift in this endeavor as they were hurtling into encounter with Hera even as they spoke. He smiled "You can count on me Commander, I have always given all I had to every task." He was unclear only as to what the others might add to this project, but that was not something to talk about. He would clear the other departments as quickly as possible to get the job done. It was going to take a lot of effort to prepare the probes, develop and load the flight plans for each, not to mention the preflight checks of each sensor package. He was used to working alone but he began to realize he would need help to get this task done in a reasonable time frame. He had that weapon enhancement to work on as well. He already had that project started though. he realized the Commander was still watching him. "Sorry Commander, just thinking, is there anything else?"

"Not unless you have any further questions. If you do, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I suspect that this might be a pretty crucial component of our strategy, and could very well turn the tables on this op. So we're counting on good results. You've proven you're a hardworking dedicated officer, and I have nothing but confidence in you and the science and engineering teams on this one." It might have sounded hokey coming from someone else, but somehow the ancient astronaut in the archaic uniform managed to sell it as earnest.

"I do understand how crucial information is Commander Paris. I will do everything I can to see it is done as best as is possible." McBain had only known Rita a few days but he liked her. He would not let her down. Often it was personal loyalty that made a person go the extra mile. Sure the Galaxy might be at stake but that was too big, too impersonal to really feel. Earning the respect of one person though, that was something easy to understand. That was a goal achievable.

“I know you will give it your all, Ensign. And for what it’s worth…” Paris paused, eyes perhaps a bit sad, yet still hopeful. “I do have hope that we can resolve this with a minimum of bloodshed. But I also recognize that sometimes violence must be opposed by violence. You are a soldier, Mr. McBain. I recognize that war may be the only answer, but I can still work toward peace. I respect your perspective on this, and I hope we don’t have to rely upon your skills in that arena.”

“But if we do, again, I have considerable faith in you to get the job done and bring the team home, Ensign,” Paris nodded, the gravity of the situation clearly evident on her face.

McBain stopped and made eye contact "I want you to understand something about me Commander. I am as you say a warrior. I am that person who is always preparing to find the most expedient way to conclude in a favorable way a violent situation. I am not a war-monger. Having seen many times the results of violence on the innocent. No one hates violence more than I do." His eyes became almost feral, "it is in me though to be the dog that removes the fox from the henhouse." The look vanished as soon as it appeared, "I still mourn the broken eggs. I never take violent action lightly Ma'am."

The face of the first officer softened as he spoke. “I’m very glad to hear that, Mr. McBain. On that note, I’ll be assigning Lieutenant Sexton to your away team. He does consider himself a modern-day samurai and devotes himself, and I quote, to the ‘Art of War’. Clearly he’s suited for your mission in this instance, but I will be very interested in reading your mission summary.” Paris was trying to get across her point without spelling it out and undermining a superior officer to the infiltration expert.

"No worries Commander, I have been on the point of the spear everywhere I have been assigned. I am sure LT Sexton will be a good leader and able team-mate. I am sure anyone who adheres to the bushido code will be a great addition to accomplish this mission." McBain knew the small team dynamics seldom allowed time for rank to matter much except for deciding on what action to take and when. Since LT Clemens was the team leader anyone else's rank would not matter all that much in the field.

"Excellent. Carry on, Mister McBain," Paris peeled off apparently to step into a Jeffries tube, leaving the infiltration specialist contemplating probes and meetings.

McBain stopped and remembered something he had meant to mention. "Yes Ma'am. Oh and by the way, congratulations on your marriage. I have heard of star crossed lovers before but you and LT Sonak sure take the cake on that! Best wishes to you and your fellow Commander." He suddenly realized the person he had been arguing with for the most part was a Vulcan named Sonak! The XO's husband and the person he needed to speak to next. He shook his head, maybe someday he would learn to keep his mouth shut!

“Thank you McBain. He’s an excellent scientist, and used to dealing with emotional folks, so I have confidence that while your mission goals may differ, the dedication to the mission is the same. At least that hasn’t changed in a hundred years or so…” Paris grinned at that realization.

He was about to say if she loved the guy enough to marry him, he had to be pretty solid. He for once refrained as it was not his place. She was his superior officer and that would sound like he was sucking up. Even worse she might see such a statement in a bad light. He simply nodded and went on his way. Anyway he could chat after the mission, if he survived. If any of them did?


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