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Settling In - Part Three

Posted on Tue Oct 2nd, 2018 @ 10:18am by Captain Enalia Telvan & Senior Chief Petty Officer Syal Duran-Yeager

Mission: Hera v Hera
Location: Various Locations - USS Hera
Timeline: 0850Hrs - 17th September, 2395 - Stardate: 72709.9

Senior Chief Petty Officer Duran-Yeager Syal stood, safely ensconced inside a moving turbolift as it sped towards its destination, the main bridge and her meeting with this ships commanding officer. Duran-Yeager held her silence as the doors opened, the man she shared the lift with indicated for her to step out first, she smiled as she did so.

Duran-Yeager raised an eyebrow as she looked around at the bridge before her, she had been expecting a galaxy or a galaxy variant bridge but this was closer to the designs as seen on the Sovereign class, she brushed her hair out of her eyes before she looked around, as she had no idea of where the skippers ready room was located.

"Ensign?" Duran-Yeager asked quietly. "Where's the ready room?" she added a moment later.

The 'Ensign' in question had been the same young man who had ridden the turbolift with her to the main bridge. He smiled as he indicated the far side of the bridge. "Right over there Chief."

"Thanks," Duran-Yeager answered in the same quiet tone before she moved from next to the turbolift, she crossed the bridge in silence as she quickly realized that the personnel assembled and gathered here were just meeting her for the first time, it also dawned on Duran-Yeager that she had no idea whatsoever of who these people were and that fact, alone was what was bothering her more then anything else.

Duran-Yeager tapped the door chime once with her right hand, she then settled in to wait to be admitted.

"Come in," Called the captain, looking up from her desk terminal. Clicking it off as the doors opened, she stifled a sigh and leaned back in her chair. She really needed to get someone else to in-process all these inbound transfers. "You are Chief Duran-Yeager, right? My new Chief of the Boat? Welcome aboard. Have a seat."

"I am indeed Captain." as Duran-Yeager moved into the room. "Your new Chief of the Boat." the small Bajoran female grinned at the other female as she selected a chair before her, she made herself comfortable. "Commander Paris said that I was not to call you sir. Mind if I ask why?" she inquired.

"You call men sir. You call women ma'am. Take a guess which one I am." Enalia was dead serious on this point and it had been a point of contention throughout her career.

"Fair enough. Starfleet regs tend to be rather inflexible on silly things like that." Duran-Yeager answered evenly, clearly having gotten the answer she wished for.

"Now that that's out of the way, it's good to have you aboard. It seems your trip was rather eventful." Enalia still had to decide what to do with her new prisoners in the brig, but at least her crewmember was ok.

"Yessir. For all the wrong reasons but I'm okay. The Doctor has checked me over and has assured me that all is well with me." she paused. "Still. Thank you for all your efforts in rescuing me." she paused. "Does the USS Hera have an assignment and how may I be put to use aboard this ship?

Enalia stared at the woman for several long seconds, her glare deepening. Closing her eyes and rubbing her temple, she should have known this was coming. "You were warned not to call me sir, we talked about it... And then you did it... Consider this a warning." Reaching out and clicking her desk terminal, she brought up an image of the Goddess Hera. "This is our assignment. The Greek Goddess Hera has come back from wherever they go and she's pissed at Zeus and taking it out on the galaxy's denizens. We've sent diplomats but she's killed or polymorphed them. We're going in to strip her of her power. If she won't stop them, we're to kill her. I'll forward the recording of the staff meeting to your office terminal."

"Yes ma'am." Duran-Yeager paused as she considered what to say. "Wait. Is this a being masquerading as a god or an actual god?." she paused as she seemed to be having an issue adjusting to what she was hearing. "If you don't mind my asking ma'am?. How does one go about killing a god?"

Enalia figured the sir was just habit and slipped this time. Still... "She's one of the alien beings that portrayed herself as a deity on Earth twenty five hundred years ago. Kirk had an encounter with a being called Apollo from the same group. Their tech is still far more advanced than ours, but that's where we have an advantage - she's overconfident. We also have a few tricks and know a bit about how to disable it."

Duran-Yeager nodded, proceeding all the details. "My husband told me about Earth's various gods and goddesses. He said they were a bedtime story.. A fable... All just that, a story..." Duran-Yeager shifted her attention from the picture of Hera on the display. "What your telling me, isn't easy to accept. All this talk of gods and prophets... Its all just superstitious nonsense to me.." the small female seemed to really be having issues processing all of this.

Enalia chuckled softly, clicking the display off. "Well, I've met several others. Hermes, Danu, Odin... Just to name a few. They're not gods - I think Q or the wormhole aliens near Bajor would be closer, but they're certainly real and can be very dangerous."

"So, all the old stories. I thought they were just that, stories told to help others or give people something to believe in." Duran-Yeager paused as she took a moment to pull herself back together. "With the level of power that I assume they have, I can believe it." as she shifted her position in her chair ever so slightly. "How can I help the Hera and her crew face this threat?"

"Make sure everyone is up to speed and trained for now. We'll be facing off against a being far more advanced than us." Enalia would have more orders later, but for now, that's all she could really reveal at the moment.

Duran-Yeager thought the order was rather cryptic but she wasn't about to argue. "Yes, ma'am. I'll see to it they are ready for war." she commented evenly. "I assume time is a factor so with your permission. I will start immediately."

The Captain nodded, hoping for such a response. "Then please do so. Dismissed."

Duran-Yeager rose to her feet, did a quick about-face and marched out the door in silence.


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