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This Life

Posted on Mon Oct 8th, 2018 @ 7:36pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Syal Duran-Yeager

Mission: Hera v Hera
Location: Duran-Yeagers Quarters - USS Hera
Timeline: Set just after - It's My Life

Duran-Yeager sighed softly as she finished reading the PADD in her hands before she set it aside, the ship she was was on was an improvement over the standard Nebula-class starships that were prevalent in the fleet. The small Bajoran female knew she was going to have nightmares about what happened to her, as she let out a soft sigh. Suddenly she looked up as she thought she heard something. "Computer?" Duran-Yeager inquired.

"Go ahead?" came the response from the computer system of the USS Hera.

"Are there any lifeforms in my quarters other than me?" Duran-Yeager asked, in a soft tone of voice.

"Negative." came the expected answer. "You are alone Senior Chief." the system explained.

"Okay, thank you computer," Duran-Yeager responded as she rose to her feet. Being around that Orion had left Duran-Yeager feeling violated and dirty, and while the small Bajoran was almost sure that no sexual assault had taken place, it was him taunting her while he held her captive that was the big issue she was dealing with at the present time, not what he had done or rather the lack thereof, to her best recollection, he had not laid a finger anywhere upon her person.

Regardless of intent, however, the damage was done and Duran-Yeager knew that she was going to have nightmares about this event for weeks to come, added to the fact that she was not used to sleeping alone, meant she was about to have a very long night ahead of her.

Duran-Yeager went over to the replicator as the petite Bajoran began peeling off her clothing, "Computer replicate me-" she rattled off her clothing request, ten pairs of underwear, tailored to her size and ten pairs of socks, six pairs of shirts and six t-shirts without collars on them, two pairs of boardshorts and two new uniforms. One with a shirt and one with pants. Duran-Yeager picked up the items before she began folding them up and placing them into small piles for easy transportation into her bedroom.

Duran-Yeager was nude and she was sure she stank so a shower was in order, which she moved to the next thing to do in her rather lengthy to-do list before the small Bajoran female picked up her ruined clothing, she quickly removed the rank pip and combadge before she recycled everything, as she had a smile on her face while she did so.

Duran-Yeager tapped the display twice as her clothing vanished in a haze of bluish-white energy, the small female smiled as she padded back over to where her clothing was stacked so she began putting her clothing away, in her dresser next to her new bed. A few moments later she was finished sorting out her clothing before the small Bajoran padded into the bathroom.

Duran-Yeager activated the sonic shower and while she hated the things she did understand that they were more efficient than the old style water showers, she stepped in and closed the door behind her, just once she wished for an old style water shower. Syal frowned as she decided to hurry this along so the sooner she could be finished, the better as the small Bajoran decided to look into getting an older style shower installed.

Duran-Yeager sighed as she mentally began turning out the noise of the shower as it did its work on her body. Soon, however, she was finished and she stepped out, still as dry as ever but she felt clean. Duran-Yeager tapped the display once before she tapped the 'STOP' button, marked with a large red marking. The shower mercifully fell silent as she padded into the bedroom where she began to don her new clothing.

A few moments later, Duran-Yeager was wearing a new fresh uiniform as she placed her rank insignia onto her collar, she smiled as the small Bajoran began to tug on her boots before she departed her quarters, he next stop was sickbay.


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