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Away Team: Thor

Posted on Sun Oct 21st, 2018 @ 1:09am by Commander Rita Paris & Captain Enalia Telvan & Lieutenant Commander Thex sh'Zoarhi & Lieutenant Commander Sonak & Lieutenant Asa Dael & Senior Chief Petty Officer Syal Duran-Yeager & Ahreva Malana

Mission: Hera v Hera
Location: USS Hera, Deck 4, Main Flight Deck
Timeline: 2395, approaching Meroset 347

Scheduled launch time was 22:00, but Lieutenant Commander Paris had requested that the away team meet in the experimental Gryphon class runabout while it was still being prepped for launch. Suited up in her customized MACO armor, the gold-clad commander's armor looked less like combat armor and more like exploratory gear, save for the assault rifle on her back and the anachronistic phaser at her hip. Sitting on the steps of the open hatchway, she awaited her team's arrival.

Internally, Rita was conflicted. The angry extraterrestrial entity known as Hera had declared war on many of the sentient humanoid races of the Federation, and was sending out warships to enforce her desire for destruction. She had callously and quite cruelly destroyed every diplomatic emissary mission sent her way. Suffering and sadism seemed to be her stock in trade.

Yet as the old-school officer studied the holographic representation of the planet with the mission objectives highlighted on the globe, no brilliant plan came to her mind of how to bring this conflict to a peaceable resolution. Supply lines had to be cut. Communications disrupted. Factories destroyed. Time and again it had been proven that Hera would not listen to reason, only force. Which was not her way. Surely the native population could be swayed to revolt. Surely if they could get down there and contact the resistance, the tide could be turned. Surely violence was not the answer.

Yet no answer save violence presented itself to the compassionate commander.

Watching the flight crew load load the torpedoes into the launcher hatch, Rita Paris was beginning to think that the plan to eliminate Hera's ability to make war might just be the only way to handle this crisis, this war she had declared on the galaxy. Diplomacy had been tried and failed- a vision of the harpies tearing apart the diplomatic envoy while the woman laughed mockingly flashed through her mind. The die had been cast, by a determined and angry goddess, and the desire for peaceful resolution was seemingly unrealistic.

"The greatest victory is that which requires no battle," Paris quoted to herself, but Sun Tzu had faced only armies of men, not an angry spiteful goddess with an army of mythological beings with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Studying the holographic global map projected from the comms unit on her left wrist, Paris waited for her away team, hoping one of them might have a better idea.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Asa Dael came entered the roundabout also clad in MACO armor, although theirs was white with a red cross and caduceus on the shoulders and back, the almost-universal symbol for a medic. They were carrying a med-bag slung over one shoulder, and had a phaser and medical tricorder on their hip. Hidden in the compartments of the armor were tissue knitters, a hypo and cartridges containing emergency meds, rope (which could be a tourniquet in a pinch), a spare universal translator, a PaDD, and throwing knives that were lined with a light sedative on some.

Their face was resolute. They had spent the day reviewing some gruesome data regarding what some of Hera's capabilities could do, and even seen the horrors Section 31 had visited on survivors of Hera's regime. They would not allow that to continue, from either side. No sentient being should be made to suffer, and they do everything possible to stop what they saw as a plague on the Galaxy.

It's just like my idiot father. One being with more power makes decisions for others, imposing their will and seeing themself as a god, and their supplicants always suffer. No more. The universe doesn't need gods. And we bloody well don't need Hera. Well, this Hera. Our USS Hera is good. they thought to themself.

Intermixed in the anger was fear...not of Hera, but of failure. This was the young doctors first away mission, and they feared letting down the crew. They were protective of the crew and refused to accept the possibility that any of them would perish. They were scared of what they would see, and what they would have to do to stop it. Nevertheless, only through fear could they show courage, and they wanted to show the courage others always told them they had.

"Good evening Ma'am, Doctor Asa Dael reporting for away mission," they greeted Rita, who offered a less than happy smile to the doctor in greeting.

The literally stone faced Ahreva Malana was right behind her in her own people's EVA suit since she was a civilian scientist assigned to the Hera. It was less bulky than the MACO suit, but it had thin armor plates styled similarly and painted blue and slate grey in a Federation pattern. On her belt she had a trio of different tricorders and on her back she had a rather unique looking sonic pulse rifle.

Giving a nod to Rita, she also reported in. "Federation Sciences Ahreva Malana, also reporting in, Ma'am."

Taking in the civilian scientist she'd never met, the armored astronaut extended a handshake in greeting. "Nice to meet you, Miss Malana. We appreciate you volunteering."

"If my people had emotions, I would consider it a pleasure," the woman replied, returning the handshake. "After the knowledge of Hera's powers includes turning people to stone reached me, I could do no less than volunteer, considering I evolved from granite."

The hatch opened and in walked senior chief petty officer Duran-Yeager Syal, she was wearing her armor minus the helmet which she carried in her left hand. her hair was tied back but her particular choice of hairstyle made it look like that she had shorn off all of her blonde locks. "Ma'am, senior chief petty officer Duran-Yeager Syal reporting for duty." she addressed Paris in a formal tone of voice.

When Sonak came in, all eyes were on him. He was not wearing the armor Rita had had made for him. He was wearing nothing but his standard uniform and a standard issue phaser and tricorder. The only discrepancy was his ahn woon inconspicuously worn as a decorative belt. Noticing without any surprise the stares of the others, he went straight to his wife, the away team commander. He did not wait for her obvious question.

"This planet is class M, requiring no special protection. More to the point, data has clearly shown that no amount of known protection can withstand the attacks of Hera's minions, let alone Hera herself. It's absence however, forces one to think on one's feet, as the human expression goes. With some ingenuity, my standard issue phaser and anh woon, which the enemy will both disdain, nevertheless will allow me to help my team mates effectively enough."

He looked straight into her eyes with his steely pupils as he spoke with calm resolution.

"More important than all that, one more warrior will not tip the balance. But just like heavy weaponry, armor signals a willingness to violence and significantly reduces the possibilities of peaceful resolution. Lacking military gear will show courage and conviction in our will for peace, especially in the classical view of this Hera being; something she has been known to admire in mortals."

The Vulcan straightened himself to attention.

"Lieutenant Commander, I volunteer myself to take the risk if there is even the smallest probability of getting through to her this way."

He could easily perceive her objections forming in her mind and intercepted them before she could voice them.

"The risk of loosing but one crewmember is definitively small compared to the possible benefit."

The message was clear; I am not your husband; I am but one specific asset in a mission where all tactical possibilities must be assessed and employed to succeed.

There was a moment of silence as the armed and armored adventurer considered the scientists words and choices. "I... have to admit, it is hard to come in peace when you are armed for war. But given what we know and what we've seen, I believe the Captain is right- in order to talk sense to her, we must remove her ability to make war, which means tactical strikes on our part. I've gone over and over it and I can't see any other way."

"I am not disputing orders, Lieutenant Commander; I am only volunteering an added alternative which will have no detrimental effect on the planned strategy."

"I respect your choice Lieutenant, and I won't order you to suit up," Paris nodded, then gestured broadly with her right hand as the holographic representation of Hera's World slowly rotated from her left wrist. "But this is a hostile war zone whose well armed denizens consider us enemy intruders. We can't negotiate with the locals from a fighter craft, and we can't sneak down to the planet short of riding down in stealth probes. I am open to suggestions, however."

Sonak pointed to the display.

"The local population are not our real opposition. We are not here to help this Hera entity exterminate them. A wide dispersal level 3 phaser beam, be it from the ship, the runabout or our hand weapons, will put them out of commission for a full standard hour and simplify the equation. In a similar fashion, just... slugging it out with her powerful minions will only deter us from the real objective; her power source. Doing it should be a diversion to allow a few of us to take control of it... or destroy it. Your stealth probe approach for the small sabotage team while the other comes more openly in this runabout would fit quite well with such a tactic."

As the two were talking the three tactical crewmen filed in and stowed their gear, getting ready for the mission as well.

Ahreva was also nodding along to the conversation. She could see both sides of it, but considering the hostility that had been shown so far, she was decidedly torn between her pacifism and her sense. "Both of you have compelling arguments. If the opportunity should arise, perhaps we can turn the locals against Hera's forces. Other than that, we have general orders to follow."

Sonak nodded to her.

"Negotiating with them would bring no benefit against the true adversary. They in all probability see us as part of her invasion and they are clearly powerless against her and meaningless to her. Once put out of commission, they will cease to be a threat to us and to be a priority target of Hera's minions. It should effectively divert them from attacking them as they concentrate on us, the only obvious threat left. We would thereby preserve the local population, at least for a while, and cause the intended diversion needed for our true mission to succeed."

He turned then back to the Hera's first officer.

"Something occurred to me while preparing for this away mission. Have we considered beaming the population away to isolated safer zones? If we neutralize them on the way, this would help protect them better from the entity's threat, again if only for a while."

"I don't think that's practical on a large scale, Mister Sonak. Besides, I wouldn't beam people without consent. I have strong opinions in that arena," Paris turned back to the display, which as she tapped a location the map zoomed in to report on the locale. "It seems we have three primary objectives. There is the forge, here on the edge of an active volcano. This is apparently the source of the 'chariot' starships. The facility is heavily shielded, but apparently the volcano is not. A few well-placed torpedoes should cause a catastrophe which should easily destroy the facility. Which is heavily guarded by said chariot patrols, unsurprisingly. So delivering a critical strike will be a challenge."

Duran-Yeager nodded. "We could beam a photon torpedo into the magma chamber, if it survives to detonation, even a minamum charge will cause an eruption which will at the least disable the forge and cause a major distraction." the small female knew she was being very polite regarding the matter, as she considered exactly what she was proposing.

"Last time I checked, torpedoes carry anti-matter, and you can't beam anti-matter." The anachronistic astronaut looked around at the nearly assembled landing party. "Wait, you can't, right? That's not something you can do in the future?" A silent shake of the head of the science officer confirmed that hypothesis. "But we can lay two of them strategically nearby and cause sufficient tectonic instability in the crust of the planet to cause an eruption." Which all sounds utterly barbaric, Paris added silently. But this was a mission briefing, not a platform for her feelings.

"The largest continent seems to be the domestication and farming centers, while the cities are in the southern regions. All supply lines this move through this mountainous region. Thus we can cut supply lines with a minimum application of force and loss of life." While she hadn't figured out a nonviolent solution Paris was still looking for a better way than just flat-out warfare.

"The final objective is here," Paris zoomed out then zoomed in again, this time on a sprawling metropolis of distinctly marbled Grecian appearance and design. "We believe this to be the capitol city, laid out below the mountain that holds Hera's temple and apparently a fortress within the mountain itself. Our objective is to cripple her armies, which are primarily concentrated here, as it doubles as the spaceport from which she sends them to the stars for conquest. Again, there will be strong aerial opposition, and short of bombing it to oblivion, this is far and away our most challenging objective."

"So, people. This is where we are, and this is what we're up against. And I am open to suggestions short of seeing if I can outfly every aircraft on the planet while we return Hera's declaration of war upon this world." There was a resignation in the commander's voice. She desperately wanted another way, and hoped her away team had some brilliant suggestions.

"Is there any way to produce the planet wide stun beam look like a side effect of us crashing?" Asa asked, seeing immediate disbelief on some of the parties faces, they continued, "I'm not suggesting we crash...I'm suggesting we make it look like we crash. Then when everyone is unconscious, slip into the hub of the supply lines. There is bound to be someone there who knows more than we do about the inner workings of the planet. As Hera is styling herself as a Goddess, this person will no doubt be dressed as some kind of priest. In my experience, once a priest has a crisis of belief, say from learning about all other life forms in the galaxy they didn't even know existed, they are highly likely to spill the beans on their former god. If that person isn't...there is always a second in command that hates their superior and is willing to share secrets just because the priest isn't."

The doctor shrugged slightly, not entirely confident in the success of the plan, but feeling strongly this would have the greatest chance to stop supply lines without a loss of life. "Once the supply lines are stopped, we can see if the locals will help take out the chariots while we continue to the Capitol. Workers are frequently mistreated and looking for a reason to turn things to their favor. I propose we give them that reason. If they are not willing, we will need to take out the chariots before continuing to the capital. Perhaps they can provide information on a less deadly way to do so," they concluded, hope on their face their words were heard.

"We could drive in an asteroid of appropriate size ahead of us, and that would most likely mask our approach and give us enough interference to do some low-altitude flying then stash the Thor and move in to engage the populace," Paris rubbed her chin as she considered the doctor's plan. "Catch a supply train incoming to the capital... time. Contacting the locals, earning their trust and swaying the hearts and minds takes time. I might be able to convince the captain to give us 48 hours- that might be enough time. Revolutions have happened faster, after all. And worship gives her strength, so this would definitely diminish her. Thoughts?"

"If we do this right, we only need to find the right heart and minds...the rest will follow. Spare an hour or two looking at them in action should tell us who we need, and who we can gain. Thank you for listening, I think 48 hours should do it, " Asa replied.

Duran-Yeager listened in silence, in truth she did not really have anything major to contribute so for now, she held her silence.

Sonak spoke with seriousness in his voice.

"If we divert an asteroid, it will undoubtedly be detected and alert the opposition. An effective decoy for the runabout approach but at the same time it will tell them we are here and attempting something. Moreover, calculation of the asteroid deviation will be complex; we divert one large enough and close enough to bring attention to it, but too close to the gravity well of the planet and it will crash and cause a mass extinction of all life on the planet."

"There are 347 planetoids and two asteroid belts in this system, Mr. Sonak. I feel we can secure one reasonably sized rock undetected. And we possess the capacity to precisely calculate the appropriate size and mass asteroid desired so that it will nearly all burn up during re-entry, thus avoiding the extinction level event, could we not?" Rita knew she was grasping at straws, but she really wanted an option other than wholesale destruction.

"Even crude scanning devices of four centuries back could effortlessly calculate and track the trajectory of a hundred times that number," Sonak reminded her. "It is most unlikely that the course change of one, especially towards their planet and one big enough to hide a runabout, would go unnoticed; especially now that they are aware that we tried to probe them already. We would not fall for such a simplistic trick; I think it dangerous to assume that they would. The worst tactical mistake is to underestimate the opponent."

The andorian engineer had been busy checking on the ship's systems as she listened to the vulcan and the human discuss the plan. She was wearing her own away gear something that may have once been MACO armour, but after several hundred alterations was truly one of a kind. " it shouldn't be hard for me to rig the engines to create a field so the asteroid would break up into small enough chunks for the planet to deal with. " She said calmly.

Again, Sonak objected.

"But mass would remain the same. Instead of one giant impact, you would have thousands of impacts on a wider area; unless you could fragment each and all of them small enough to have it all burn up in the atmosphere. That would certainly grab their attention and obfuscate their sensors for a short time; but it would also appear obviously unnatural and deliberate, alerting them to our active presence... unless again used as a decoy while we attempt something else somewhere else."

He turned again to Rita.

"If we want to approach and land with as little as possible chances of being detected, the easiest effective way is what we did initially with the probes; fly "into the sun" as Ensign McBain called it; in a straight line between the planet and the star and as fast as possible before the radiation and photonic cover moves to another angle. The speed and precision flying required would demand the best piloting skills available; but it could be done."

"If the science is solid, then sure, I'm in," Paris changed course fluidly. "I'm not married to piloting an asteroid. Are we in agreement to enter the southern trade route as it approaches the capitol? It gives us a chance to join a caravan to sneak into the city. Objections, alternate suggestions?"

"No ma'am," replied Doctor Dael.

"I can calculate for you the trajectory and time from the star's position to the targeted landing zone while maintaining sensor blindfold for the opposing force," Sonak proposed. "The asteroid displacement could still be used as a decoy to maximize our probability of success while coming in from a different direction."

"All right, then," Paris grinned, feeling the plan beginning to come together. They would adapt once they were on the ground, and figure out how to turn this around without wholesale slaughter. "We've got a stealth profile and a distraction, let's see if we can have the most crucial element- time."

Tapping the wrist comm unit, the away team leader called out, "Paris to Captain Telvan. We've got an idea, ma'am."

Enalia's voice came over the comm. "Telvan here, go ahead."

"Captain, we've figured out how to sneak onto the planet so we can connect with the locals and try to raise a grassroots uprising, as her worshipers are a source of her power. We need 48 hours- can we hold off on the attack until then?" Paris laid out the plan enthusiastically in front of the assembled away team.

There was silence on the line for a moment before the Captain replied. "Remember the Commodore I mentioned? She's done something like that and reported in. The next fleet to leave that planet is headed to Earth in less than two hours. You have your orders. Carry them out however you see fit but don't let that fleet leave the ground. Understood?"

Looking around at the assembled away team, Paris replied. "Can we contact the Commodore for coordinates, ma'am? Or do we have a last known location?"

"I'm forwarding her last known location and transponder code to you now," Enalia replied. "She mentioned something about the locals praying to Hera for salvation from their captors. That part wasn't too clear."

"It's a start. Thank you captain, we won't let you down!" Paris closed the channel, then looked around at the away team. "Load up, people- we've got two hours to make a revolution happen!"


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