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Death of a Sailor

Posted on Wed Oct 10th, 2018 @ 10:50am by Lieutenant Alex Sexton

Mission: Hera v Hera
Location: Security Office
Timeline: Day after cleared for full access

Alex had been cleared and now had full access of the ship and subspace communication. This gave him the leverage he needed to begin his preliminary investigation into the death of Lt Linden brock. After a considerable amount of hours talking to other Star Fleet Security Investigators in places he would rather not go, he was ready to get the captain his findings.


A proper investigation begins with knowing or finding answers to all of the following. Who, What, When, Where, How and Why. The answers we seek can not be found on the Hera. This is my Prelim, and I look to you for your further guidance as to how deep down this rabbit hole you wish to go.

Security Investors Log:

Preliminary Report:

Death of Lt. Jules Lindenbrock:

Investigation revealed that person or persons Unknown by means of placing a coated time delayed release neurotoxin device in the brain of Lt. Jules Lindenbrock, caused her untimely demise by shutting down her Neuro-pathways causing instantaneous death. The quick work of the First Officer and the EMH was able to find the cause of death. Which I believe was not supposed to be identified, due to the quick dispersal of the casing in which the neurotoxin was housed. The findings of the EMH are undisputable. In order to find the responsible party, I recommend a trip to Virgo to enquire about project Gemini. This line of enquiry would be the most effective avenue to finding who perpetrated this crime, why and when it was first initiated and how such a thing could be avoided in the future. It is highly unlikely that I will get any satisfaction or cooperation from Intel on this matter. Due to the nature of the Intelligence Industry itself.

I surmise that we are looking for an assassin of considerable skill, as the method of extermination would have had to be installed in the victim whilst she was incapacitated. There for I suggest someone with a level of medical expertise might be involved. There is also the possibility that other operatives might have been subject to the same sort of implants as a method of avoiding interrogation if captured. Like the old cyanide pills used by accent earth spy’s. I have examined the roster of personnel on the Virgo, the victims last duty station looking for known Assassins, I can see based on my own experience, none with the level of skills required to carry out the intricate details of this assassination. However, there are several high-ranking Star Fleet Intel Personnel on station that might be capable of doing so, but highly unethical and unlikely. However as the saying goes. When everything logical seems to point at the unlikely, there is where we must look.

This concludes my preliminary investigation based on what we know. With the Captains permission, upon completion of the upcoming mission. I would like to investigate this matter further.

Lt Alex Sexton


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Asa Dael on Mon Oct 15th, 2018 @ 8:58pm

Yay mystery!