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Troubles & Troubles

Posted on Sun Feb 1st, 2015 @ 10:18am by Lieutenant Commander Ethan Chaparral MD & Captain Enalia Telvan & Lieutenant Dylan Santiago

Mission: Reman Z
Location: Crown Lounge/Pirate ship
Timeline: TBD

Ethan wasn't an athlete, at least not in the traditional sense. Tennis, baseball, football (of either variety), rugby, held little interest to him, though he would watch an occasional game if it were on. On the other hand, rock climbing, marathons, free running, hover-boarding, were things that he not only enjoyed, but was good at. He would never be mistaken for a weight-lifter, but it was clear he took care of himself. His frame was lean and sinewy and his muscles, while not bulging were taut and corded. He was by no means a vegan, but he did keep his diet balanced. He rarely splurged or binged on good food, but he did have a weakness or two in that regard.

He'd been getting mysterious entries on his PAaD for a couple of days now from someone named Ensign Ian Storm. Ian had indicated that he was attracted to Ethan and wanted to meet him. Ethan was a little reticent to do so, with Dylan back in the picture, but since it was still unclear what that picture was, and since Ian was insistent Ethan was slowly giving in. Then when Ian had suggested meeting in the ship's lounge, the Crown, for their midnight buffet, Ethan had finally agreed.

As Ethan approached the doors to the lounge, little alarm bells started going off in his head.~What in hell am I doing? I wasn't kidding when I told Dylan I still loved him that I wanted to start dating him. This is just so wrong, I can't do it, I won't do it.~ He turned on his heel ready to return to his cabin, and there right in front of him was Ian. He recognized him from the photo that had accompanied the invitation, although now Ian had all his clothes on.

"Whoa!" Ian placed a hand on Ethan's shoulder, "Not gonna stand me up were you?" he asked in a charmingly light hearted way, his eyes twinkling.

Part of Ethan wanted to push past Ian and just keep going. But, that would have been rude and probably necessary. Yes, it was still probably a bad idea. but what could possibly happen in a bar. Still he was undecided. His mouth moved for a few seconds with no words coming out. Then finally he said, "I uh, I guess not. But just one drink, okay?"

"One drink." Ian nodded as he put an arm loosely around Ethan and guided him back towards the bar, "That's all I ask." he added as he walked them over to the bar.

"Fine," said Ethan acquiescing. After all, it was just a drink. No connection, no going back to Ian's cabin, or having him come back to his, it was just going to be a libation. Colleagues do that all the time. Right? "Just out of curiosity Ian, why me?"

"Why not you?" Ian countered, then chuckled as he turned to look at Ethan, meeting his gaze and adding "I think it's those amazing blue eyes."

Ethan blushed slightly as he found a small round table, somewhat out of the way, that had two chairs. "Thanks," he said with a smile he could not help. You're pretty attractive yourself." ~Damn it Ethan what are you doing?~ he thought to himself.

"You think so huh?" Ian smiled warmly as they sat down, "I'm glad...I really didn't think that you'd noticed me."

"Well, its kind of hard to ignore the pictures you sent, but I must confess, I haven't seen you around before. Which is why I was surprised that you contacted me."

"I keep myself to myself unless I see a gorgeous guy." Ian grinned before adding "So you liked the pictures?"

"It was kind of hard not to, though I'm a bit surprised that you would send me ones that were so, uh explicate. But look, I need to tell you something before this goes any further. Yes you are cute, more than cute. And of course I was rather impressed by the size of , well I'd by lying if I didn't admit to being impressed.

But, and this is a big but. My ex, Dylan Santiago, is on the ship too. And I'm.... I'm still in love with him."

"Wow..." Ian sat back in his chair and shook his head as their drinks arrived and were set before them. Once they were alone again, he asked softly "So are you saying that there's no chance for you and I?"

Ethan smiled at him and shook his head, "You know, I think it took some balls, sending me an invitation like that and inviting me here, but to me honest I was getting ready to leave when you walked up. Even though we're no officially back together again, Dylan and I, this feels enough like cheating to me to make me fell guilty and we're just having a drink.

So no there really isn't. If he wasn't back in the picture then probably, but even then, even if this were really a date, date. It probably wouldn't be ending in sex, if that's what you had in mind."

"Well at least you're being honest with me." Ian sighed and sat back in his chair running a frustrated hand through his hair.

"Look, I'm sorry Ian, I really am, I just don't want to lead you on, or give you the wrong impression. I can't help how I feel. I want the chance to get back together with him and that won't happen if I'm involved with someone else." Then to soften the blow further he added,"even someone as good looking as you are."

So engrossed in his conversation with Ian, Ethan, normally pretty observant, did not see Dylan enter the lounge.

Still reeling from his encounter with Ethan, Dylan had gotten off of duty and headed straight for the bar in search of real alcohol. He had no idea if they served it on board this new ship but nevertheless, he figured it didn't hurt to ask. Taking a seat on one of the bar stools he flagged down the waiter and was pleased to hear that they had a bottle of real scotch stowed underneath the counter.

"So," Ethan continued, taking a sip of his glass of wine, "do you still want to have the drink with me?"

"Of course, might as well make sure this evening isn't an entire bust after all." Ian replied, spotting the man at the bar over Ethan's shoulder who had just looked their way and was frowning, the look on his face making it appear like he wanted to kill them. Putting two and two together, he smiled and leaned forward, "And given that it'll never happen again, how about just one kiss on the lips for good luck?" he leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips against Ethan's, well aware of their audience.

Ethan didn't want to make a scene, not here in front of others, but the truth was he resented the kiss. Ian was a good looking man, he'd never denied that, but despite his many attempts to make things clear, the other man didn't seem to get it. Still, he didn't push him away. He allowed the kiss. Brief as it was, it was good. Not quite chaste, but nothing too sensuous either. Had Dylan not been a factor he might have allowed it to linger longer than he did.

As enjoyable as it was, however immediately afterwards guilt flooded him. This was definitely crossing the line, even if he did not initiate it and his face no doubt reflected it. All he could say was, "Satisfied?"

"Very." Ian replied with a disarming smile as he watched the man at the bar, storm off, a thunderous look on his face. Not only had he accomplished that little feat, but the kiss had given him an opportunity to slip a little something into Ethan's glass unnoticed and now he just had to wait for its effect to kick in. "But it makes me sad because now I know what I'm missing." he sighed dramatically.

"I'm sorry," Ethan replied some his rising anger dissipating. He took a long swallow of his drink. It tasted funny to him now for some reason and wasn't quite sure why. It wasn't all that unpleasant of a taste, so he dismissed it. "So what department are you in?"

"Science." Ian replied quickly having memorised every detail of his life here on board the Hera, relief flooding through him that Ethan had sipped the drink. Now all he had to do was wait for the inevitable results. "It's kind of boring when you're a junior officer, they give you all the rubbish jobs." he shrugged, "But it'll get better as I climb the ladder." he took a sip of his own drink, glad that the man at the bar had decided not to make a scene.

Ethan nodded his head, suddenly feeling light headed. He didn't know why he was feeling that way, it was almost as if he were getting drunk, but that couldn't be possible. He blinked a couple of times, trying to concentrate on what Ian was saying. "I'm sure it will be," he agreed. He took another sip from his drink and sat it back down, or tried to set it back down, but misjudged where the table was and barely avoided sending the glass crashing to the ground. "What the hell?" he asked turning his eyes to Ian,"I'm feeling weird, I don't know what's going on."

"You alright there buddy? Can't take your alcohol huh?" Ian said amiably as he stood and moved to Ethan's side.

(you play a convincing conniving bastard) - LOL I can be when I want to be ;-)

The room had started to spin for Ethan and he didn't know what was going on. He couldn't be drunk, he told himself. He'd only had one drink not even that, more like half a drink. There were little alarm bells going off in his head, but they were fuzzy and coming from along way away.

Still something didn't seem right and he tried to push away from Ian, who suddenly didn't have the strength to do so. "Wh... who are you?" he asked his voice sounding funny even to himself.

"I'm Ian remember?" the other man smiled as a waiter passed by and he moved to help Ethan stand up, "Come on, let's get you back to quarters, you can sleep it off."

The doctor still felt as if something were wrong. He almost voiced his concern to the waiter, but was finding it more and more difficult to speak. He allowed himself to be half led, half carried out of the lounge.

"I've got you." Ian murmured as he led Ethan to the door. Once they were out of the lounge, he ducked around the corner of the next corridor and seeing it was empty let Ethan crumple to the floor, a sneer on his face as he said coldly "Guess you really are going to be mine now...say goodbye to your ship blue eyes." Ethan could feel himself hit the floor, but everything was moving in slow motion for him and he was feeling no pain. Somehow in the back of his mind, he knew he had to do something. So he rolled over and tore the necklace that Dylan had given him so long ago and dropped it in the hallway.

With a final smirk on his face Ian tapped his combadge and said "I have the package, get us off here right now before someone spots us."

In a shimmer of light, Ian and the ailing man at his feet disappeared off the Hera and just as the imposter had planned, not one person noticed.

A joint post by

Lt. Ethan Chaparral


Pirate Imposter


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