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Gentlebeings- we can rebuild him..."

Posted on Wed Jan 16th, 2019 @ 12:49pm by Lieutenant Samuel Clemens XV & Lieutenant Asa Dael & Petty Officer 2nd Class Ila Dedjoy & Emergency Medical Hologram (Adam Power) Mk X

Mission: Section 31-B
Location: Sickbay of the USS Hera - Counseling Room
Timeline: Two weeks after The Incident, pre-

"...exactly how long will these last, again?" the Wiry Wizard inquired, knocking on his synthetic knee with his synthetic knuckles.

With a grin at the irascible Lieutenant, Asa replied, "As long as you want them too. You thinking about getting a fancy synthetic augmentation like the baroness? Or are you wanting us to re-grow natural tissues?"

The EMH was more practical in his assessment as he looked over some data on a PaDD. "These synthetic flesh versions should last a good... I'd say thirty to forty years with proper maintenance. On this ship though? We'll likely be replacing them within two months for one reason or another."

"Aw, hell, folks. It's not like ah kin git the o-riginals back. What we got a'vail'bul? Commadoah Rastuh t'just avoid anythin' label'd 'Vecna'. Dunno what that means." He chuckled, and added, "...but seriously, if they're gonna need to be replaced that often, may as well pick sumpin' above average."

"I agree," Dael replied, "And a long lasting bio-synthetic would get you the longest usage with the most mileage. We just need to find you a model that is......damage resistant shall we say? Doctor, what are your thoughts?"

"Hmmm..." The EMH thought it over a moment before replying. "Honestly, I would just get approval to use the biomimetic gel and regrow new limbs entirely and graft them on. It would be a hard surgery and a longer recovery, but the longevity would be the same as the originals at least."

Sam looked contemplative. "Gotta say, Doc- docs... ah like th'idea of 'durable'. Maybe sumpthin' with a toolbox."

The EMH tucked the PaDD under his arm. "Well then, we could go with a biosynthetic organelle material which would last a few hundred years. Or we could go full cybernetic. Yeoman Dedjoy mentioned having some stuff in the pod that's pretty advanced that looks like the real thing and is based on basic positronics. You could hide a toolbox in there."

The Man of Many Moustached Disguises developed a wistful air. "Then it looks like I'm not quite done with The Vault, then..."

"Then I suppose we'll need to coordinate with Yeoman Dedjoy for access to the medical and cybernetics lab on E deck in the pod." Seeing the slightly confused look on Asa's face, the EMH explained further. "During our last minor refit when we got the new mission pod, it included an intel deck full of labs and vaults that, for lack of a better phrase, don't exist in Starfleet. Most were leftovers from a group called Section 31. The lab I'm referring to specializes in cybernetic augmentation and enhancement of the humanoid form. Dedjoy and I theorized that it was designed to experiment on and with Borg drones, but some of the tech is far older than our first encounter with them. Either way, there's a small assembly and replication facility contained within that is able to create cybernetic limbs at current Starfleet Medical standards of technology for limb replacement, with hidden compartments. For an agent such as the Lieutenant's prestige, it may be the... creme de la creme? Is that the right saying?"

"Ah reckon it's close enuff fuh guv'mint work, son," the master of spooky action at a distance replied, clapping the holodoc on the back. He looked at Asa, with a twinkle in his eye.

"Myx Asuh...d'y'all reckon ah'm fit 'nuff t'handle some boosted strength n'speed on 'em? Might come in...handy."

"It depends on how boosted. Your heart is in excellent condition, but too much of a good thing may change that. With proper nutritional supplements I see no reason we can't achieve a 25 to 30 percent scalable increase though. I would say we fit them to you at your base performance levels and gradually increase over a period of six months, combined with physical therapy to make sure your ability and balance matches your new abilities." Asa replied.

Clemens nodded, understanding the necessities of matching materials equally based on stress profiles. "Let's talk engineerin' turkey, docs- assumin' ah'm usin' one of th'limbs on it's own, not riskin' th'rest of me, what sort of punishment could it handle, and of what type? Not that ah'm plannin' t'stick 'em in thuh warp core, or anythin', unnerstand. But it'd be nice t'know if ah kin thumb'n forefinger a bolt out of a panel."

The EMH grinned wryly, looking between Asa and Clemens. "Ah... Yes... That shouldn't be too far of a stretch, from what I remember of them. Some of the hidden attachment options included a cutting laser, a holdout phaser, a short blade, and some sort of multitool."

"Lieutenant, you are going to be a walking, talking utility tool," Asa said with a wink.

The Man With the Golden Tongue chuckled, and murmured, "...Phil Coulson, eat yuh haht out." A bit more loudly, he added, "...ah wunduh if'n Dedjoy's got a Sonic Foahfinguh attachment..."

"For some reason that feels more like his thing," Asa replied, pointing at the EMH running his hands theough his sticky-uppy hair.

"I much prefer sonic tools rather than attachments, thank you," replied the British accented EMH.

"By thuh way, Doc," Clemens noted, emphasizing with a waggled finger at the Holographic Hippocrat, "Ah wuz in better shape than ah had any right tuh be, aftuh Trelane carved me up. Ah wuz fascinated by thuh way he had muh body seal itself off so ah didn't bleed out, an' how he just turned off th' pain."

He paused, and put a hand on the holographic man's shoulder. "As a result, ah saw how yuh handled yerself when you saw me. You clamped down on yer own feelin's, and kept mah spirits up."

The Chief smiled a smile that wasn't for show in any way, and continued, "That's why ah put you in fer a speshul commendation for conspicuous bravery and valor on thuh battlefield, son. Ah'm aware that some folks regard AIs as questionable sentients. That's bullshit. You 'n Asa are some of the most dedicated medicoes ah've evuh had th'honuh of witnessin', an ah've been in some hairy messes. Thank you both," he finished, beaming a proud look back and forth.

With a slight blush at the unexpected praise, Asa turned to face the EMH, "Well done indeed, Doctor. And praise well earned."

The EMH just wandered off staring at a PaDD. "Nothing more than what I'm programmed to do." He then muttered something about efficiency and proceeded to start sterilizing some random tools. "When you've coordinated the lab time and surgery with Yeoman Dedjoy, please let me know."

Clemens just shook his head, and murmured, "So ya say, suh. So ya say." No accounting for AIs and social graces. Louder, he called out, "Computuh, compile a list of dee-tails about thuh suhg-ree just mentioned, an' ree-lay 'em t'Yow-man Dedjo-ah, if'n yuh please."

After a minute and a few chirrups from the computer, Dedjoy's voice came over the comms. "I just got a list of nonsense form the computer saying it's from sickbay. Are we prepping someone for limb replacement surgery?"

"Affirmative, Petty Officer Dedjoy, Lieutenant Clemens is having limb replacements and would like a little bit of extra stealth capabilities added on. Do we have what we need to accommodate him?" Dael inquired.

"Yeah, everything makes sense except for the sonic middle finger. I can have the cybernetic surgery center on E deck prepped and ready in about an hour, Doctor." Dedjoy sounded a bit mystified on the item she mentioned, but she'd do her job to the best of her abilities. That was her purpose as the Captain's Yeoman, after all.

"Copy that, and thank you," Asa replied. "Well Lieutenant Clemens, you ready to be a cyborg?"

"In fuh a penny, Doctuh," quipped the Loquacious Lieutenant of Legerdemain. "Bettuh, stronguh, an' fastuh."

At that point the EMH started singing softly as he worked. "Work it harder, Make it better, Do it faster, Makes us stronger..."


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