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Is It Logical?

Posted on Wed Feb 11th, 2015 @ 1:22am by Commander Sinek & Lieutenant Commander Ethan Chaparral MD
Edited on on Sat Feb 28th, 2015 @ 11:03pm

Mission: Temporal Kickback
Location: Ship's lounge
Timeline: Current

Ethan had been released from sickbay, or more accurately, he had released himself. Being the ACMO had its privileges It would be some time before he was fitted with a prosthetic arm so in the meantime he was more or less off duty. Ian, his tormenter had been right about that, it was damn difficult to be a doctor with only one arm,

Dylan was sleeping in his room which gave Ethan an excuse to wander around, or at least try to wander. Getting dressed proved to be a real challenge. A chore he used to take for granted was anything but, in the end however he managed and he decided to revisit the lounge where everything had started.

Scrubs were the easiest to get on, so that's what he wore. Sea green scrubs and his com badge. He didn't bother with anything else. It wasn't worth it. Getting to the lounge was easy enough, the pain in his hands and feet almost completely gone. He needed the exercise, needed to be get used to the stares, needed to do it without Dylan by his side.

Just need to prove to himself he could function.

When he stepped inside, he wanted to sit at the table where he had met Ian, but the table was occupied. In retrospect that was probably a good thing. He sat at the bar and ordered a Brandy.

Sinek was in his quarters sitting crossed-legged by a meditation candle, hands resting on his knees. During his meditation, he could not help hearing Ambassador Spock's voice urging him the importance of know the individuals with whom he served. It was well known in Vulcan circles the relationship that Spock had forged with James Kirk.

Unsure of how developing lasting relationships aboard the Hera would help Sinek serve her and the crew better, the Lieutenant Commander made a decision to make the attempt. The logical place to meet the crew in a relaxed atmosphere would be the ships lounge, where groups of people would gather to unwind from their day's duties. Unwinding was a foreign concept to Sinek. However, he surmised this was the best place to begin developing relationships.

Sinek removed his hooded robe and put on his uniform. The uniform defined his role aboard the Hera as his pointed ears defined his proud heritage. Once in full uniform, Sinek headed for the lounge.

Arriving at the lounge, Lieutenant Commander Sinek entered. He stopped just inside the door to peruse the people. Scattered about, he saw several groups in various emotional states. He observed most appeared to be happy. One group seemed to be complaining about their workload. Sinek was cautious at approaching these groups, not wanting overwhelmed by the emotions so visible in them.

Glancing toward the bar, the Vulcan noticed a lone man who seemed to be missing an arm. He was in casual clothing, so Sinek could not identify how the man served aboard the ship. Sinek was briefed by the captain shortly after coming aboard about one of the Hera's doctors being abducted and tortured before the rescue team could get to him. He wondered if this could be the man.

The Vulcan walked straight and tall toward the bar. He sat two seats to the left of the man and ordered a glass of pomegranate and mango juice.

Fortunately Ethan was left handed, so drinking, the actual bringing the glass to his lips and sitting down again was pretty easy, maybe too easy if he weren't too careful. He noticed the Vulcan sit down a couple of chairs away from him and cocked his head in that direction. "Excuse me, "he said, "are you the one who helped rescue me?"

So this is the doctor that was abducted. He must have me confused with someone else.

Sinek rotated his seat to face the man to his right. "I was not part of the rescue party. I have only just arrived on the Hera as the Chief Science Officer. I am Sinek." There was no empathy or sympathy in his voice. The Vulcan realized that he could not do the traditional human greeting of shaking hands. He raised his right hand in the Vulcan salute. "Peace, and long life," he stated, matter of fact.

Ethan rather liked the fact that the Vulcan seemed to take no notice of his missing arm, or perhaps more accurately he simply chose to ignore it. He held out his hand and returned the gesture. " Peace and long life to you Sinek. It was a Vulcan that played a part of my rescue. I was in and out of consciousness at the time. Dylan, my, uh friend, had fill me in on the details of it. How are you finding the ship?"

"I am finding the Hera and her crew exemplary, from what I have observed thus far," the Vulcan's even-toned voice announced. "I am certain that my studies and skills will serve the ship, her Captain and crew adequately."

Sinek took a sip of his fruit juice. He never understood the concept of consuming alcohol and losing the ability to reason. It seemed to him that alcohol only granted the emotions free reign. Of course, he understood that non-Vulcan's relied upon and used their emotions, many of them to the fullest.

"I deduce that you are Doctor Chaparral." It was a statement, not a question.

"You deduce correctly," Ethan stated taking a sip of his own drink. Though I am not sure how difficult it was. I am sure that you will prove yourself worthy and be an asset to the crew. Do you have a special field you practice?"

"I studied Astrobiology and Cryptozoology at Starfleet Academy," Sinek affirmed. "I have interests in other fields of Science and Mathematics as well."

"That is interesting, math was never my strong suit. But I enjoy biology and the forensic scientist. My father is a pathologist."

"It would seem you have somewhat followed your father's path in life," Lieutenant Commander Sinek observed. "Did you esteem your father?" It was the closest thing to love that the Vulcan's mind would allow.

Ethan cocked his head slightly and studied the other man, "Yes, I do. I esteem him a great deal. We are very close. Share some of the same interest. He, and my mother were not too keen on my joining Starfleet, but they respected my decision and eventually agreed with it. How about yourself? What does your father do? Do you esteem him?"

Sinek considered how best to answer. He did not understand the doctor's concept of closeness.

"Vulcan children are taught to respect and esteem our elders," he started. "My father may believe I do not esteem him because I did not follow his path, but he errs in his logic. My father is Ambassador Vesik. He is a great ambassador and a great Vulcan. I do esteem him."

It was not lost on the half Elasian that the Vulcan had side stepped his question. "So you're father was pissed that.... Sorry that is probably not an accurate term for Vulcans. So your father did not approve of the path you took, because it was different from the one he chose.

Wouldn't it be logical to let you decide for yourself the path that was best for you?"

"As I said," the Vulcan explained, "He erred in his logic. He had thought my career path should follow his, because I was his son. However, my interests were similar to his brother's and my uncle. Perhaps you've heard of Captain Tuvek of the USS Tesla."

Again, a statement and not a question. Sinek logically assumed everyone would know the exploits of the science ship and her captain.

"I think I heard the name of the ship but not much else I'm afraid. Of course I'm familiar with the 19th century scientist the ship was no doubt named for."

He wanted to ask if Sinek loved his father, but that would have been a rude thing to do and he didn't want to offend the other man."Well I hope your father has rethought his hypothesis and his flawed logic. But tell me, why are you hanging out in a bar. I mean it could just be me, but it doesn't seem like you've been in too many."

Sinek pause to compute the doctor's last statement. It is that obvious? Fascinating. The thought never crossed Sinek's mind that he would look out of place.

"I have been given some advice by another esteemed Vulcan ambassador. Actually, half-Vulcan." Sinek took another sip of his juice. "How does one appear to have been in a ...," he looked around, seeing emotions abound, "...lounge?"

"It's just that the experience seems new to you. And you're drinking fruit juice, something I really like myself. Just not in a bar. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but its just different. And whoever this other... Wait a minute. Half Vulcan? Do you mean Ambassador Spock? You know Spock?"

Lieutenant Commander Sinek flatly confirmed with a slight nod, "Indeed. I have met him."

The Vulcan took another sip of his juice and placed the half full glass on the bar. "As for the juice, I only partake of what is necessary to refuel my body. Alcohol feeds emotions and is not required to energize the body."

"Wow, that is really cool. I mean, I have always admired the man. I am half Elasian and not only was he one of the first hybrid species to be part of Starfleet, but he and Kirk helped bring my people into the 23rd Century.

As far as the juice is concerned, to each his own. But emotions are not a bad thing you know. It depends on whether you control them or they control you."

"Indeed," was the only reply from the Vulcan. Spock was admirable; he was one of the first hybrids to serve Star Fleet; what one drinks is his own choice; and, emotions must be suppressed.

Sinek thought about Spock a moment longer. One of those with whom the ambassador developed a relationship was also a doctor. Perhaps it would be the same with Sinek. Nodding at Chaparral's arm he asked, "What is your next course of action, Doctor?"

"Well, I'm still not fully recovered from my ordeal. I have had a few nightmares about it.So I guess that's the first thing. Then get a prosthetic arm. I've heard they are as good as a biological one, though I have my doubts. After that, well my ex has asked me to marry and I've agreed. After that I don't know.

And thanks for not making a big issue out of it, the arm I mean."

"I assure you, Vulcans do not make big issues of anything," came the emotionless response from Lieutenant Commander Sinek. "It is a mere obstacle, which we will help you to overcome."

The one comment - the term "ex" registered in Sinek's mind. In his culture, the mate is chosen for them by their families. Sinek had not sought his family's choice, knowing in choosing a Star Fleet career, he would not see her.

"What makes the choice of a mate significant in your culture?" Sinek inquired.

"Love does," Ethan replied, "when two people love each other they want to be with each other. To share their lives with another, the good and the bad. I don't know how I would get through all this sh, uh stuff I'm going through without him."

It seems that Lieutenant Commander Sinek still had a lot to learn about human culture. For the Vulcan, it seemed logical that mating would be for procreation. Sinek had managed to stay out of sexual unions, except for the pon farr episodes. Those times, it was logical to stay alive. Of course, the union could occur outside of pon farr. However, Sinek had devoted his life to his studies and his service in Star Fleet. He never took the time to develop a relationship with a female counterpart. The idea of love was as foreign to him as the Borg were.

"How does it work in Vulcan culture?" Ethan asked, "Do you have a mate? Some to care for you and you for them?"

"Our families arrange for our mates," Sinek flatly explained. "However, the relationships are not founded Our care is shown respect."

Sinek thought of the bond between his mother and father. It was logical they would be paired; they had being ambassadors in common. They were able to serve together most of the time. They showed respect and honored each other. Was that care? Was that the same as the human emotion of love?

Up until this time, Sinek had not sought out the mate his family chose for him. However, as he listened to the doctor, he was considering it. However, his mind would return to the fact that he had chosen his own path - Science and Star Fleet. Perhaps his chosen path would cross paths with a suitable mate.

"Your parents chose your mates for you?" Ethan asked incredulously. Such a concept to him was totally foreign to him. He had heard about that kind of thing of course, the practice had been common on Earth at one time, even more recently on his other home world, but it just didn't seem right to him.

"I'm sorry Commander, I just don't get it. A friend, a colleague, another officer, and I can all have mutual respect for each other, that doesn't mean I love them or they love me.

Dylan and I have been through a lot together. At one time, up until recently to be honest, we were apart. Physically and emotionally. But now we're back. Mutual respect couldn't achieve that. Only love could."

"Through observation, it seems emotions do not last," Sinek stated, trying to wrap his mind around the concept. He bent his elbows, his hands meeting before him, fingers forming a triangle.

"I don't know, " the doctor replied, "look at us, Dylan and me, it looked like things were over between us. Which would have proved your point, at least been some empirical evidence. But we are back together again. How do you explain that?"

The Vulcan thought of how better to pose his last statement. "Emotions seem to be up and down, either hot or cold. Logic is a constant. But I do understand that you and I will never come to an agreement on this matter. I do wish you well on your endeavors and look forward to serving aboard the Hera alongside you."

"Well, while I understand what you're saying about emotions being hot and and cold, and can't say I disagree with your assessment, I am willing to put up with the cold, because the hot is what we call passion. And passion, at lest in relationships seems so much preferable than cold logic, or mere reason.

You're right that we won't come to an agreement about this, I look forward to working with you too."

The Lieutenant Commander took the last sip of his fruit juice and affirmed the Doctor's words with a nod. He looked forward to future interactions with the Doctor, at least this one had a better bedside manner than Spock's Doctor McCoy. Sinek found the discussion on emotions fascinating and decided it may be intriguing to make further inquiries into them, although he would never come to apply them.

"Thank you for your information, Doctor. It was rather intriguing. May your recovery be quick and painless."

He nodded again to Doctor Chaparral, then stood up from his seat and exited the lounge. Sinek's mind registered an achievement never registered before. It seemed this was the most personal he had ever allowed a human to become in a conversation. Sinek wondered, as he walked to his office, if Spock's experiences with humans were similar.

A joint post by
Lt. Commander Sinek

Lt. Ethan Chaparral


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