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Sensor Adjustments

Posted on Tue Mar 17th, 2015 @ 9:54pm by Lieutenant Ventarus Nosplet & Commander Sinek

Mission: Temporal Kickback
Location: Operations
Timeline: After Sinek meets the Commander

Lieutenant Commander Sinek exit the Commander's ready room and headed straight to Operations. He always set straight off to tackle the task at hand and resolve any issues. It was in his DNA.

It only took a few minutes of to get to Operations. Entering, he sought out the Chief of Operations. According to his PADD, it was a certain Lieutenant Ventarus Nosplet. THis task also gave Sinek the opportunity to work on the second task Commander Telvan gave to him: to get to know the other department heads.

Sinek pulled up a picture from Lieutenant Nosplet's Star Fleet file. He was struck by the Lieutenant's piercing violet eyes. Fascinating. A Xenexian.

Ven poped up from behind a crate in the messy office. The place really.looked more like a storage room then an office. It had wall to wall shelving that was packed with parts. The few tables in the room were used as work space for the many repairs that were going on.

Ven himself matched the room better then his profile picture. Messy hair that had a large pair of goggles resting in the nest of brown tangles. Little steaks of grease and grime covered his face, hands and uniform. He had a tool belt that hung low on his hips and was overlaiden with tools. But his eyes gave away who he was.

"Huh?" Ven said as he glanced over at who was entering.

Recognizing the set of eyes from the profile picture, the Vulcan introduced himself in his monotone way. "Lieutenant Nosplet, I presume. I am Lieutenant Commander Sinek. Commander Telvan sent me to assist with the sensors. What seems to be the malfunction?"

"Malfunction?" Ven asked glancing around. "I was not aware there was a malfuntion." he said stepping into the main part of the room. "You can call me Ven Commander." He added as he picked up a PaDD and swiped through the data on it. After a moment he handed the PaDD to the Commander with a pleased look on his face. "I recalabrated the entire system this morning. It took four hours to do but..." Ven trailed off noticing he had fineshed at three this morning. Had he even slept in the last twenty-four hours?

Sinek accepted the PaDD and gave it a quick scan. It didn't take much for the Vulcan's mind to accept all the information. According to the readings, the Operations Chief was correct.

"According to the data," Sinek reviewed, "Our sensors are running at 102% efficiency. Your hard labor is much benefit to the Hera. Continue the hard work. Is there anywhere that I may be of assistance?"

Ven's mind was a steal trap when it came to technical things, but he had no mind for even the simplest social things, like what position people held on the ship. "Yeah...what do you do again?" Ven asked as he scratched his head. "Would not want to ask you to vent a plasma manifold when you should be in sick bay ya know?"

Sinek understood the logic but not the humorous way it was presented. His face appeared to be stoic. "I am Lieutenant Commander Sinek," the Vulcan replied flatly. "I am the Chief Science Officer."

" it." Ven said "Well if I need anything I will gladly...THERE IT IS!" Ven suddenly exclaimed and bent down to scoop up a part from under a work table.

The Vulcan remained calm at the exclamation. He merely raised a brow, brought his hands together in a triangle before him and replied, "Indeed."

Ven looked up, almost shocked the man was still there. "Is there anything you need help with?" Ven asked nervously.

"It seems you have everything...," Sinek hesitantly responded, "...under control. I shall see where I am of more need."

Sinek nodded or bowed, he was not sure which, then turned to leave the operations area. He had never met one so eccentric as the COO. I probably never will in the future at that. Sometimes Sinek had trouble understanding how those of other races could complete tasks given to them. He didn't understand their system of doing things. It seems not highly logical that he could accomplish what he does. Yet he does. The thought brought another raised eyebrow to the Vulcan's face.

Once the door closed Ven shrugged and smiled. "Nice guy...needs to smile." Then his attention was drawn to the part in his hand. "Oh yeah!" He went to his work bench and started fitting pieces onto an old tricorder.


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