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Everyone Comes From Somewhere

Posted on Mon Feb 18th, 2019 @ 5:13pm by Lieutenant Commander Mnhei'sahe Dox & Lieutenant Asa Dael & Death

Mission: Recovery Trek
Location: VIP Quarters of Death, Deck 8
Timeline: 2396

Aboard the U.S.S. Hera, there were only four sentients that could perceive the entity known as Death. Doctor Asa Dael, the Baroness Schwein von Alcott, the ships Emergency Medical Hologram, and Lieutenant Mnhei'sahe Dox.

Of the four, only Dox had asked for the privilege. And in knowing Death, the young part-Romulan pilot had become quite close. It was a bizarre friendship to be sure, but one Dox felt committed to. As the ship's technology didn't quite react properly to Deaths uncanny touch, the red-headed officer had taken it upon herself to stop by Death's guarded VIP Quarters regularly to provide both food and hopefully welcome company.

But tonight, Dox brought more than food. As she approached the quarters, she carried a covered tray in her arms. At her side, was Asa Dael, who carried an envelope tucked under one arm. Outside the door were two gold clad security officers. They were two of the women recruited during the Hera's recent shore leave in the Sol System and Dox gave them a respectful nod as she and the Doctor approached.

The two officers were expected and the security personnel stepped slightly aside as Dox addressed the ship's computer. "Computer, unseal hatch of VIP quarters number 14. Authorization Dox, M. Lieutenant. Access code 795-X9E."

With a chirp, the computer replied. =^=What was your first Assignment in Starfleet?=^=

Rolling her eyes slightly, Dox replied. "Waste reclamation vessel pilot. Starbase 634-B."

Then Dox turned to the young, El Aurian Doctor at her side. "Your turn, Doctor."

"Computer, please allow entry for me also, authorization Dael, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Access Code 314159."

The computer responded in a typical cheery tone, =^= What are you allergic to?=^=

With a slight blush for the absurdity of the answer, Asa responded, "Dandelions and bergamot."

With a woosh, the doors opened and the two young officers stepped in. Dox called out to announce their presence. "Good evening. It's Mnhei'sahe and Asa and we come bearing food."

The pale woman that was the embodiment of Death got up from where she was sitting and greeted the pair. "Hey! it's good to see both of you. So what are we having today? I smell something delicious."

Walking over to the mid-sized dining table, Dox placed the tray down with a light smile. "Well, I took a little initiative and had the officers mess put something together that I hope you'll like." She pulled the dome off the top of the tray and a wisp of steam swirled into the air. "It's... uh... Sharkfin Ramen. I hope you like it. All things considered, Japanese fare seemed to be a safe bet."

With a slightly embarrassed expression, Asa placed their tray on a nearby table, "I, um, went less......refined. Hope you like nachos?"

The pale woman clapped her hands together and smiled pleasantly as she took in the sight and smells. "I can't think of two better foods or two better people to eat them with." Slipping into one of the seats at the table, she picked up the chopsticks and motioned for them to also be seated before digging into the ramen first and making soft cooing sounds.

Smiling, Dox sat, happy that the selections were going over well and let Death enjoy for a few moments. "How have you been? I know I've been a little busy of late and haven't been in as often as I should to check." Dox commented, referring to her recent dates with Ensign Gonadie that Death had actually been instrumental in prodding the anxious pilot in pursuing.

"I've been well. I can do my job from essentially anywhere so having somewhere to actually stay is nice for once." She barely paused in her eating as she chowed down, reaching out for a nacho or two with her chopsticks as she munched on the ramen. "How are the two of you doing?"

Never being overtly comfortable talking about herself, Dox turned to Asa as if to indicate they could answer first. Plus, the anxious pilot didn't want to jump immediately into the contents of that envelope Asa had been carrying just yet. "I've been good. Keeping busy with work and stuff. Asa?"

"I'm, coping I guess is the right word. I was kidnapped briefly, you probably remember, and I had a hard time recovering at first. But Mnhei'sahe and Rita and everyone have been so supportive. I started counseling and its going ok. I can sleep again most nights, I understand a very dangerous man is no longer at large, so it all works out in the end. Some...discomfort....on my part is a small price to pay for that. "

The look on Asa's face rapidly cycled between fear, determination, warmth, and hopefulness, and the young physician has unconsciously twisted their clasped hands in their lap. Shaking their head slightly to dismiss errant dark thoughts, Asa looked up with their customary grin. "But hey, we youngsters are notorious for never sleeping, right?"

Putting her own hand over top of Asa's, Dox smiled over at their friend. "Door's always open. You've got this and we've got you."

After smiling and squeezing Dox's hand in thanks Asa said, "Got you too, Min. So, how bored are you in here though, Death. Sitting still in even one dimension would drive me nuts, and you are in what, three?"

"Thirteen," the pale woman replied casually. "But it's easier to sit still here and now. I just keep watch over the rest of the universe subconsciously. When you came in I was... Ah... Nevermind..." Sheepishly, she lifted her ramen bowl and finished off her broth.

Setting aside the bowl, she pulled the rest of the nachos in front of her and eyed the other two. "So you two seem to have something planned. Should I be suspicious?"

Scrunching her face awkwardly, Dox rubbed her at nervously. "Well... I was... It's been in the back of my mind since we talked the other day about how you can't remember what your name used to be. And... I don't know if it's just because of me only recently learning my own given name... but it really kinda bothered me. It didn't seem... right."

As Dox spoke, she got less anxious. "So... I remembered everything you told me and I asked Asa for help trying to see what we could find out from Earth records." Dox gestured to Asa to pull out the envelopes he brought in.

Placing the folder on the table, Asa looked Death in the eyes and said softly, "There are some answers here....if you want them. And you don't have to face them alone. Whoever you were, just know you chose who you are now. And I think who you are now is pretty great. Just maybe don't tell Starfleet Medical that I think Death is neat, ok? Might be seen as a conflict on interest."

The last was said with a lightning fast wink to convey Asa honestly didn't give two figs what the brass might think, not so long as their friend knew she was loved.

Adding, Dox commented. "We just wanted you to have the option to know. There were details records on Earth from the year 740. The year of the Fujiwara no Hirotsugu Rebellion, you told me about. We cross-referenced family names that were affected by the Small Pox epidemic."

The Dox's tone shifted slightly, to a slightly more serious one. "There were 27 names of men implicated in the Rebellion with wives who fit the criteria. 26 of those wives were executed by the government for their husband's involvement."

Placing her hand on the table, Dox continued. "One woman was listed as having escaped that purge. And there were no records we could find for that woman afterwards, as if she simply vanished."

"I see..." Death said before slowly crunching into a few nachos, her eyes wide. Chewing slowly, she thought it over as she looked between her two guests. "So... You think this missing woman is me? And you have her name?"

"There was no way to be sure, of course." Dox looked back at her. He expression was calm and caring. "I already know who you are and I like her. But... this might be who you once were. And we just wanted you to have that option. The name... and..."

Turning to Asa, Dox continued. "And a photograph."

Drawing a photo from the folder, Asa slid it face down across the table. "Since we figured the EMH saw you as you are, he granted us access to his sensors and I printed out what he saw. If this is you, you are very beautiful."

The pale woman reached out and slid the photo towards herself. "You're not out for my job, are you? Because you're both spending a lot of time worrying about my past when you barely know your own histories." After eyeing the both of them for a moment, she lifted the photo and glanced at it before putting it back on the table face down. "And the name. I can read it all over the both of you. Masato Rei."

Feeling a bit awkwardly now, Dox sat back a little bit in her chair, nervously. "What? No." The detail of how Death had become death by killing her predecessor was not something she had told Asa.

"I was just... I worry. I worry about Asa and I worry about Rita and Schwein and the Captain. And I was worried about you." Dox's words were melancholy and her tone was sad. "I'm... I'm sorry if I overstepped my bounds."

"It's not that. You got it right." Death spoke softly like a whispered wind. "For literal ages I've been careful not to get caught... Not to leave traces... And now my first two actual friends as Death, you remind me of who I was in life... I don't know how to take it..." Reaching out, she slowly stuffed a few more nachos into her mouth and slowly chewed.

Looking slightly confused, Dox leaned back over as she thought for a second. "Everything we found out... It came from what information you told me. You gave me pretty big traces, actually. Does me knowing this put you in danger?"

"I don't know. I've never trusted anyone before." Peeling her eyes off of her two friends, she moved them back to the photo as she picked it back up and looked at it again. "So this is who I was..."

"That's how the EMH sees you. The kimono is correct for the period." Dox replied, nervously, worried that her and Asa's efforts might be doing more harm than good.

"Thank you," replied the pale woman somewhat vacantly. After sixteen hundred years she had forgotten what she looked like and what her name had been. Now there were two mortals to carry those memories with them and as long as they did, so could she. "I suppose I owe you both for this. Is there anything you'd like from me? Something I can answer or provide?"

"You already saved my life and gave me pretty solid dating advice. I think we're good." Dox smiled, relaxing a little bit more. "Besides... for me, friendship isn't quid pro quo. It just felt like something we needed to do."

In truth, Dox had many questions she knew the woman once known as 'Masato Rei.' could likely answer. But they were questions she also wasn't sure she wanted the answers to just get. So instead, she turned to Asa to let them respond.

“Friends don’t do things for one another with an expectation of a kindness in return. Please know I will always do for you whatever I can. I have a question I am curious about, but even if you know, you are under no obligation to answer, ok? Were my people more telepathic at one point? The gift Hera gave me keeps….growing, sometimes in strange ways, and I just wish I knew the history of it. Rumors have always been that El-Aurians used to be more than we are now, but they are only that…..rumors. I was able to use these whatever-they-are abilities to help keep Clemens whole. I can’t help but wonder how many others could be helped…..”

Asa was twisting their hands slightly, a bit afraid of the answer, and a bit ashamed of the question. The doctor was always happy being plain-jane-no-psionic-abilities before, but after the bast from Hera, they couldn’t help but think of the possibilities for healing.

"Well, yes... Your people were counted among the demi-gods at one point." The pale woman set aside the picture for now and reached up to scrawl a sigil into the air, leaving a darkly glowing mark that would resonate with any El Aurian. "Your people watched over time and fate and kept many higher beings honest as well as provided favors. When such beings fell from grace, your people found another way to live."

For a moment it was all Asa could do to keep their jaw from touching the carpet. The sigil, while never seen before, sent a shiver down their spine.

Sitting next to Asa, Dox's jaw was agape with surprise at the revelation.

“What…what is that?” they inquired, “It feels like something I should know but can’t recall…like when you forget how to spell a really common word, or a word that just won’t get past the tip of tongue….Well hells bells, Azrael, that is a lot to think on. Certainly explains why I bonded easily with Hera and yourself though…that feeling of kinship and otherness…..maybe it’s not just because I’m an incurable weirdo. Although that fact remains a constant.” Asa concluded with a crooked smile.

Turning to look at Asa, Dox's expression turned from one of surprise as a deep laugh at her friend's self-effacing joke as she smiled broadly. "And you doubted why Virildi liked you? You are an incurable weirdo."

"This sigil is a symbol of one of the building blocks of reality that binds my people to yours." With a wave of her hand, Death erased it from the air as if it was never there. "One of the building blocks beyond string theory and quarks and quasars. Once you understand them, you can take a Q and turn their powers back in on themselves. That's the power your people used to wield, and responsibly, I might add."

Asa tilted their head to the left, considering Death’s words.

“Well, that certainly would explain some of the legends around Guinan. Don’t suppose my forbearers left an instruction manual or anything useful lying around?”

Death got up out of her seat and whistled. It was an eerie sound, like too many winds passing through a skull in a grave. The effect was immediate though, as a ghostly white horse seemed to gallop out of the far wall and into the middle of the room, sunken black pits for eyes and faded stumps that didn't touch the deck for hooves. The pale woman just walked up to the horse and pet its mane like an old friend. "There there... I know I've been a while. Everything is ok though."

Reaching into the saddlebags, she rummaged around a bit before pulling out an antique and massive tome almost the size of her torso. Carrying it back to the table, she set it down as gently as she could before returning to her horse. "I'll be a while longer, ok? Don't worry." With an ethereal neigh and a nod, the horse turned and trotted back off into nothingness. Death then returned to the table and slipped back into her chair. "It's almost a million years old... But it might be useful."

If Asa had been shocked before, the vision of the Pale Horse had the young El-Aurian positively floored.

“I….I don’t know what to say, thank you. I will treasure this always,” Asa finally said, reverently running their hands along the cover of the book.

"You're very welcome." The pale woman then turned to Mnhei'sahe. "And nothing for you? No hints at your family heritage? The truths that your parents keep hidden behind layers of lies like blankets wrapped around them for safety?"

"I already know what my father had done to me as..." Dox has simply started speaking as her brain caught up with what Death had actually said. The specific words began bouncing in her head as she paused. The specific words 'your parents'. Not, 'your mother'.

She thought of the vague memories of the Romulan man talking to her fondly as a child. The man she later learned from the Baroness von Alcott was former Tal Shiar named Dralath Tr’Rul.

As she thought, she looked up at Death. Then she looked at Asa. There was a mix of confusion and fear on her face. Her mother lied to her about who Dralath Tr’Rul was when she pressed her during shore leave. Her father, Declan Dox had not messaged her or answered any messages sent to her since his imprisonment over 15 years ago.

Looking back up, Dox formed the one question in her mind. The only question she needed to know. She thought it, but she couldn't make the words come out of her mouth. She turned to Asa. "I... don't know what to do?"

Clasping Mnhei'sahe's hand in their own, Asa said gently, "Yes you do, you are just scared to. But it's ok, you are with people who care for you and will help you process what you may learn. Nothing in your history changes anything about who my friend is. Either of my friends." With a smile at Death, Asa clasped her gloved in one their outstretched hand.

The young pilot hung her head and took a breath. Slowly, she rose her head back up, biting her lip. She looked across at Death and asked softly, "Dralath tr'Rul. He's... He's my father, isn't he?"

Death simply nodded silently, confirming Dox's suspicions.

Sitting back in her chair, Dox's face went blank as her eyes drifted past the room they were all in for a long moment. Quietly, she whispered back Death's own words, "layers of lies like blankets wrapped around them..."

"It was all lies, then. My... my entire life. Everything I am... I'm a lie." She muttered as her head hung, staring down at nothing.

"On the contrary. You are what was so important that they layered so many lies to protect," Death corrected. "You are the one truth they absolutely had to protect at all costs."

"Me?" Dox asked, but it wasn't really a question as it hung there as she paused. "T... Thank you. I guess I need to figure out what I'm going to do with this now. And she'll either tell me everything or she won't. I don't know."

Looking up, Dox's eyes were heavy as she tried to put on a false aire of confidence. But all she could manage was an awkward smile.

Sensing their friend’s inner turmoil, Asa lept from their chair to go to their knees in front of Dox, wrapping her in a fierce hug. With a strength some would be surprised the doctor's frail form could possess, Asa squeezed Mnhei’sahe and said in a whisper, “Remember when I felt like nothing? When I was convinced my life was one series of mistakes after another? What did you tell me? You said those were all lies. Guess what, any doubts you have of your own worth? Those are the only lies in this room. You are an amazing creature, no matter what your lineage. Who other than a fiercely kind person would not only befriend Death, but fight for her also? Who else would go into a den of kidnappers single-handedly to save one lost doctor? Would Mona choose someone unworthy of her affections? Would Rita call friend to someone who should never have been? Sounds to me like you are pretty wonderful, Mnhei’sahe. And I’ll be here to remind you of that until you believe it.”

"You don't understand, Asa..." Dox muttered as she returned Asa's hug. "What this means... It's more than when you were looking for genetic damage and fixed it."

Pulling slightly back, Dox looked at Asa with a pained look on her face. "If both my parents are Romulan, I'm not part-human. But you found Declan Dox's DNA in me. Human DNA. That had to have been added in somehow. Manipulated or faked or spliced. It means I'm... genetically modified or worse. That's... that's Illegal in the Federation. Prohibited from serving in Starfleet. I... I have to tell the Captain."

With a start of surprise, Asa let the ships artificial gravity claim them and sat down cross-legged on the floor.

“I….I admit I didn’t think of that,” Doctor Dael replied, “That’s a really stupid rule by the way. You can’t help what was done to you as a child. But…that means there is pure Romulan blood in there somewhere, and there are plenty of Romulans serving in the fleet. If we cleanse the human additives to your DNA, wouldn’t that mean you are no longer disqualified? It would be no different than restoring someone who was illegally experimented upon to their original health, would it not? I’m so sorry Dox…I should have caught this the first time….”

"You were looking for damage and you found it. You fixed it." Dox scooched out of her chair to join Asa on the floor. "None of this is your fault. When you found out I was broken, you literally put me back together. But... we don't know what was done to me. Or if anything can be done. If you didn't find it before, it would have to have been damn advanced. I have to go to the Captain. I can't have you knowing about this come back on you. On your career."

“My career means nothing if I can’t help those I care about, Mnhei’sahe, you know that. Starfleet means we don’t leave our friends and crewmates behind. Ever. You aren’t talking to the Captain alone. If you will allow me, I will go with you and advocate for medical courses of action that might give us an out with the brass. There’s always a way, we just have to find it.”

Asa stood up, reaching a hand down to help Mnhei’sahe back to her feet. Sitting on the floor felt too much like moping, and now was not the time for that. Now was the time to get ahead of things, to plan for success. There were few things in life more stubborn than a determined Asa, and if Starfleet Command thought they could out-obstinate the young El-Aurian when it came to their friend, well, they had another thing coming.

Standing back up, Dox looked at Asa and knew better than trying to dissuade them from trying to help. She would have better luck arm wrestling Schwein. Instead, she turned to the woman once known as Masato Rei with an awkward smile. "I meant it... Thank you. And I'm sorry. We came here for you and I've been... vomiting my drama all over the place. But thank you for telling me. It might be hard, but I'd rather know the truth."

The pale woman nodded, a smile gracing her features. "The truth can be a dangerous thing among your people. The next time you meet your mother, promise me one thing. You won't show her that you know that truth in anger. You have precious little time left with her and words spoken in anger only reduce that time further. Instead, please try to use compassion and open-mindedness."

Pausing for a moment on the weight of the words 'precious little time left', Dox was stunned for a moment. As always, the enigmatic woman seemed to choose her words well, and regardless of how long that time was, she understood. "I promise."

She then turned back to Asa. "As for you and that giant book... If you can read it within a thousand years, I owe you a thousand of mine."

Asa laughed heartily, “Challenge accepted! I think you forget what an incurable bookworm you just bet on. Truth be told, I’d rather go for a ride with you on your horse….if such things are allowed? It must be incredible whizzing through the cosmos on the back of a mighty steed. Plus, not gonna lie Azrael, I really wanna pet the pony.”

All three people in the room knew that Asa meant every word, but was also hoping to bring some levity to the gathering. The doctor knew they were somewhat of a ridiculous being- too young to be away from home, too naïve to deal with life’s hardships at times, too clumsy to walk straight, and too goofy to not try to elicit a laugh, but Asa liked who they were, and these were friends. According to one Doctor Asa Dael, if you can’t be silly with friends, are they even your friends at all?

Death had to laugh at that declaration, letting loose more of a human laugh than the dark Death-like chuckle that she'd come to use over the generations. "Oh goodness. I think I'd forgotten what friends were like. Ok, someday I'll take you for a ride on my Pale Horse. Of that, I promise."

In spite of her anxiety, Dox joined in the authentic laughter of her friends. And while she couldn't imagine how she ended up the friend of the descendant of Demi-gods or the cosmic embodiment of Death, she was grateful for them.

Death then turned more serious all of a sudden, one hand touching the picture of herself. "Do you mind if I ask for a frame for this next time you come by? Maybe something in bamboo? Yes? No? Maybe?"

Turning back to her friend, Dox smiled broadly. She looked at Asa, then back to Death. "Of course. Anything."

"Speaking of photos....would it be possible for we three to take one?" Asa inquired.

"If you can take this one... I suppose so..." the pale woman mused.

With a quizzical look on her face, Dox replied. "The ship's sensors can detect you, but not with great accuracy. The EMH can, however, see you clearly and interact with you. It might be because he's sentient, I don't know. But if we were to ask him to basically observe us together and allow us to make a print from that data, it should be a fairly easy thing to get. Do you think he would be okay with that, Asa? You know him a lot better than I do."

“I mean, he’s going to look at me like I’m crazy, but that’s becoming a default of late. But yeah, I think he would do it, he’s a good guy, generally just wants to help. I’m trying to not summon him places when he’s off duty though….he works himself too hard, he’s sacrificing his own personal development and goals to be available to the crew. I don’t want his programming to degrade from overuse, so I’m asking him to keep hours, same as everyone else, and honoring his off time off. I’ll ask him on next shift when he can swing by though.”

"That sounds good. And in the meantime, we can find a nice frame for this picture. I think the arboretum has real bamboo, not replicated, we can work with to make something." Dox smiled, keeping her own anxiety aside for the time.

"And what does everyone think of pasta, next time?" Dox added.

"Ooh, maybe some nice yakisoba? No... How about... Chicken alfredo? Or maybe cheese and spinach tortellini? Oh, just bring a variety and surprise me." Death was once again excited about the food and looking forward to her next meal. "Lasagna carbonara? Bring extra garlic!"

Smiling back, Dox nodded. "Consider it done..." Then she trailed off. "I've been calling you Azrael. Just saying 'Death' feels... impersonal. But... I think it's now appropriate now to ask what you would prefer."

"Actually, as part of my job, that's on you." Death placed one gloved hand gently on Dox's hand. "Whatever you call me needs to come from the heart and be meaningful to you in defining my existence and being. That's all I ask."

“Well that’s easy then, “ Asa replied, realizing this was a question they had needed to ask also, “I think I will call you Cara Anam,” looking at Dox, Asa said simply, “It means friend of my soul. What about you, Mnhei'sahe?”

Smiling, Dox replied with a chuckle. "You never quite make it east., do you?" Then she got a bit thoughtful.

"To me, you're all of the things that make you you. You're Azrael Thanatos, the Rider of the pale horse. You're the Rihannsu, Llai'hr. But... I may not see the face in that picture when I see you, it's the face I think of when I think about you. I suppose that means you're Masato Rei to me. So long as that's okay with you."

"I think that might be the most romantic notion of me yet," the pale woman replied with a soft smile.

"Masato Rei it is, then." Dox replied, returning the smile as a bit of the melancholy of earlier returned to her tone. "But for tonight, I think I have a report to make. Thank you again." Dox nodded, as she prepared to leave to deal with whatever ramifications would come from what she learned.

"Thank you for visiting." The pale woman stood as well, to see them out.

"Anytime." Dox replied as she walked with the two towards the door. As her stomach continued to twist on itself, she smiled in spite of herself. Regardless of what was to come next, she had real friends supporting her and in that moment, that made her happy.


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