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The hazards of dancing.

Posted on Tue Feb 19th, 2019 @ 6:26pm by Lieutenant Commander Thex sh'Zoarhi & Ensign Tathaa & Lieutenant Asa Dael

Mission: Recovery Trek
Location: Sickbay

If anyone was new to the federation starship know as the Hera the sight that was making it's way down the corridor would make you stop and do a double take. A trio of an andorian, anear and a betazoid females were making there way down the corridor the anear balanced between the other two.

All three were wearing a more modest orion dancing outfit with the cloth in the colors of Starfleets three departments with a white outline with grey letters saying USS Hera's Fly girls.

The trio paused outside of sickbay with Thex turning to the betazoid. " It's okay Rorra we can handle it from here." She said to the woman who nodded and hurried off.

" Sorry about all this love." The anear who was clearly in pain as she kept one leg off the ground

" Don't need to apologize my dearest it a simple mistake. " Thex said as she stepped through the doors. " Hello, there can we get a hand here. " Thex said with a polite smile to the receptionist.

“Oh goodness!” Nurse Vimes exclaimed, rushing to help Thex get Tathaa to the nearest biodbed.

Having heard the commotion from reception, Asa poked out of their office to check and see if all was well. Seeing Tathaa resting in a biobed with a strained expression, Asa grabbed a medical tricorder and went over.

“Hello there, looks like dance practice had a mishap?” Asa hazarded a guess.

" Yes, i misstepped and fell off the stage. " The anear said with an embarrassed smile on her face. " twisted my ankle and it hurts to put weight on it. "

"Well next time save yourself the effort of trying, silly and just beam here. Now let's take a look," Asa said while scanning.

"Yep, that's one heck of a sprain. No worries though, fix you right up. Now Thex has a much more serious problem. Horribly urgent to say the least."

The grin on Asa's face combined with the playfulness in their tone spoke to the joking nature of the last sentiment, they were simply hoping to get Tathaa to play along to be distracted from the itching sensation the tissue knitter tended to cause Anears.

" Wait what..." Tathaa said her attena flickering as her head turned to look at Thex who had been squeezing her hand.

“Isn’t it obvious? She must break all Federation law to delete the footage of your fall from grace. She clearly can’t have footage of you missing a dance step floating around the universe. Nothing for it now, delete the footage and life a life on the run. Isn’t that right, Lieutenant Commander?” Asa asked in a teasing tone with a wink.

" but we weren't...." the anear began before realizing she was realizing the doctor was joking. She let out a slight laugh to herself. " Very funny Dael. So how bad is it?"

“Nothing to worry about!” Asa said with a grin, “In fact, all better now. Try walking on it for me?”

The doctor offered a hand to Tathaa, anticipating some trepidation upon standing, but confident in their work.

The anear slowly stepped off the bed along with the help of Thex and the doctor. Her leg was feeling better now and she could put weight on it. " Thank you Dael it feels better now." She said as she let go of Thex and gave the doctor a slight hug.

Returning the hug with a vigor, Asa smiled while a mischevious glint began to shine in their eyes.

“So, um, I have a date in 300 years, and well, I was wanting to learn dance properly between now and then….the last time I danced with Virildi, well, the only time, I felt a wee bit awkward. Would you mind teaching me some moves?”

" Congrats on getting the date Asa. Are there any dancing stiles you'd like to learn in particular?" Thex said from the seat she was sitting on.

“Thanks!” Asa chirped, then paused a moment to think.

“I’m…not sure. The person I’m meeting is gaseous in nature- particulate that is, not someone with a bean eating habit, and when we dance they liked moving up and down my arms, legs, torso, head, the whole nine. Picture a big hula hoop that touches your skin the whole time and occasionally takes on the shape of a beach ball. Um, how would you dance with that person? Something tells me the old Earth Macarena just wouldn’t be right, but that’s about where my skills end.”

Both of the andorians paused for a moment as they tried to think of something that could work. " Hum, I'm not really sure if we know any that could work for. How about we go down to the holodeck next time your free and we can all look through some dance styles that could work for you?" the anear suggest as Thex kept thinking.

“Sure, that sounds lovely, “ Asa replied with a grin. “If it helps, we share a telepathic bond when dancing, so my partner will know what moves come next and anticipate them. I’m free tomorrow at 1600 if you are?”

" Yes, we should be free at that time. We'll see you there if there... " Thex said with a grin before pausing as he mates nudged her slightly.

" Well, I have something I'd like to ask you Asa. As you know we're going to conduct the part of the bonding ceremony soon, but we've run into a problem. My parents might not be able to make the trip and i need someone to be my witness for the ceremony. If they can't be here would you be willing to be my witness?" the anear asked her boss. "

Asa’s jaw dropped near to the floor as they hopped in excitement for a few small jumps.

“Are you kidding me? I would be honored to stand by your side! Heck, I’ll even let you dress me however you desire- bony knees and all!” Then in their excitement, Dael wrapped up both Andorians in a huge bear hug.

It took a few seconds for the two andorian to recover their breath from the hug, but both returned it. " Thanks and don't worry us dressing you up. Only people we're doing that to is each other. " Thex responded slowly as her breath returned.

“Of course, of course!” Asa continued to gush, “Just tell me what I need to do, and I am there for it! Oh wow, I gotta go watch recorded ceremonies now to learn what to expect so I don’t embarrass you two….Have you picked out a cake flavor? I know all about sugar, I can ask the replicator to send you some samples?”

" You just need to bring yourself, state that the love Tathaa has for me is true, cut a lock of her hair and hand it to her as well as the Shapla. It's an andorian locket the equivalent of a human wedding ring. " Thex explained.

" Hadn't thought about having cake. I'll see about making some." The anerar added.

"Ok, yeah, I can do that!" Asa enthused. "After all, not too many people more in love than you crazy kids."

" Thank you Asa. This means a lot to us." Thex said a warm smile on her face. " Oh one last thing. It's formal wear. Anythings allowed, but blue and white is the traditional color."

“I can do that!” Asa said, grinning widely. “Decorations? Do you need help setting anything up?”

" We may need help getting set up. We'll let you know if we do." Thex replied. " Now doc i should get this one home before she trips up again." She said playfully to her partner.

"Of course, of course, and don't remember to wipe that security footage!" Asa replied back, joking smile plastered on their face.


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