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Recovery Trek Planning

Posted on Mon Mar 4th, 2019 @ 5:47pm by Rear Admiral Farenia Meowlith & Captain Enalia Telvan & Lieutenant Mona Gonadie & Petty Officer 2nd Class Ila Dedjoy & Emergency Medical Hologram (Adam Power) Mk X & Ahreva Malana & Alden Engstrom XIII & Death & Az'Prel & Maica III 47 & Hera & Baroness 2nd Class Schwein von Alcott & Baroness 3rd Class Sarika & Commander Rita Paris & Lieutenant Commander Thex sh'Zoarhi & Lieutenant Commander Mnhei'sahe Dox & Lieutenant Commander Sonak & Lieutenant Asa Dael & Lieutenant Samuel Clemens XV & Petty Officer 1st Class Cicero Delacroix & Ensign Tathaa & Crewman Sharonne Washington & The One & Jaeih Dox-t'Aan & Kodria Mizu

Mission: OOC Documents

Ok, so, the last mission was really short and fast, being only 11 days. But now we have a lot to recover from! We have 800+ displaced Romulans and Starfleet peeps aboard and we're taking them to DS9 for 'processing'. We're also going to be doing some side missions there. I've also heard there's going to possibly be a bonding ceremony. SO! Let's see what's on the docket over the course of our month long stay in the Bajor sector, shall we?

- Get these displaced Starfleet and Romulan peeps got!
- Asa's father is being a twatwomble and dying of something that can be cured with a magic hypo!
- Death and Taxes! What do you mean you can't escape?!
- The Tribunal gets some bad news via Baroness Sarika!
- Enalia asks a few crew for help with the Tribunal!
- Asgardian wedding planning!
- Andorian Bonding ceremony!
- Bajoran Religious Zealots Protest Hera!
- There's a wormhole! A Changeling goes home!


OOC Az: There's the docket that I have for now! What else is there that I'm missing?

OOC Az: Well, we didn't exactly meet Taxes, and we didn't do any planning for the Asgardian wedding... But there's still plenty of time for that. ^_^


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