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Finding a Place

Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2019 @ 9:48pm by Az'Prel & Commander Rita Paris & Lieutenant Asa Dael
Edited on on Sat Mar 30th, 2019 @ 10:00pm

Mission: Detours
Location: USS Hera, Deck 12, Sickbay
Timeline: 2396

What in the universe was she even doing here? One day she was fighting for the lives and freedom of her and her fellow non-humans from the Terran Empire and now she's on some starship of the future in some other universe, the only survivor of her own universe, living it up in a veritable pleasure palace of a sickbay being waited on hand and foot and soon she would be escorted to her own private quarters where she could do literally anything she wanted to in them. How did she deserve this when the rest of the people in her universe did not? Why was she chosen out of the trillions upon trillions of other life forms?

Her meditations on this were constantly taking her in circles and leading her nowhere. There was no logical answer to it and there likely never would be. She was just here now and she would just have to learn to adapt somehow.

The sounds of activity outside of Az'Prel's medical suite alerted her to the possible intrusion of more medical personnel and rather than revealing that she was having a mental breakdown, she quickly composed herself and picked up the PaDD that was on her lap and turned it on to where she left off... The complete works of Surak of this universe.

The alarm sounding on Asa's desk indicated Az'Prel's blood pressure was up, and the increase in respiration combined to paint a story of someone having a good old fashioned freak out. Knowing this would likely embaress her, Asa decided it was time to give the newest shipmate some privacy in their own quarters.

The second surgery had gone well the day before, Az'Prel's bones and tissues now set in the proper positions, and all organ tissues properly regenerated. Her skin was healed and immune system recovered as well. There was no reason for Az'Prel to continue to reside in sickbay beyond maintaining consistancy to her still healing psyche.

After checking with Ensign Vimes to ensure Az'Prel's quarters had been prepared, Asa set off to comfort their patient. After a quick knock on the door, Asa called cheerfully, "Yoohoo! May I come in?"

"Yes, Doctor. I welcome the distraction." The displaced Vulcan looked up from the page on the PaDD she had read at least fifty times now to address her attending physician. She then tried to remember the appropriate thing to say in these circumstances. She felt she was learning, but still she felt out of place. "How may I... Help you?"

“Well, I was hoping you would accompany me to your new quarters. You are under no obligation to stay in them if you aren’t ready of course, just wanted to show you what we have put together. Your skin is healed, and you are doing excellent after your last procedure, so I thought you might like to stretch your legs and walk around a bit too. How about it? Wanna get out of here for a bit?” Asa said brightly.

Az'Prel nodded and slipped off of the biobed, for the first time in memory standing without discomfort or pain or issue of any sort. Once on her feet, she checked herself over, still in a medical gown, and nodded in readiness, the PaDD still in hand. "I believe I am ready, Doctor."

"That sounds like my cue," Commander Paris stepped in through the doorway, bearing a a smile and stack of neatly folded freshly replicated clothing. "I heard the discharge orders are today, so Sonak suggested that you might be comfortable in traditional Vulcan clothing, and I wanted to see what sort of quarters assignment the medical staff plans to offer."

Setting the clothing on the bed, Paris stepped back outside. "I'll give you your privacy, Az'Prel."

"Thank you, Commander," the displaced Vulcan added as she looked over the clothing. It was easy enough to figure out as it was similar enough to clothing from her own universe, but it covered her arms and belly, like armor. It would take some getting used to.

Once Az’Prel had dressed, Asa directed the trio towards the nearest turbolift. Once they had disembarked on Deck 8, the good doctor pointed towards a door seven down the corridor.

“Well, this is it, I hope you find peace in this environment, but of course if there is anything you would like changed, we are happy to help you do so. This is just what I could come up with after our last discussion,” the doctor said, nervous energy thrumming through them.

The door whooshed open softly to reveal an open-floorplan layout with a bed in one corner. The bed was draped in a warm, heavy looking blanket in a soft earthy brown with sky blue piping along the edges. There were four pillows in matching blue along the headboard, and a heavy wooden nightstand on one side. The floor was covered in a rug blending greens, blues, and browns into a gradual ombre-like pattern. Directly next to the door was a large, heavy wooden desk and chair. A small oil-rubbed bronze brazier set on the desk, ready to be used in contemplative practice. The closet was ajar showing a few uniforms in Az’Prel’s size sans rank designation. The wall across from the bed showed a holo-projected rendering of Mount Seleya with a few plants blowing slightly in the programmed breeze.

The temperature was set to be Vulcan standard- so warm to Asa and Rita, but the controls were on a PaDD also sitting on the nearby desk. The door to the shower area revealed soft, plush towels, a robe, and slippers were waiting, all in soft browns with blue and green accents. The standard silver fixtures had been removed and Asa replaced them with oil-rubbed bronze. In fact, nothing in the room appeared metallic at all. There was not a hint of red or metallic materials anywhere in the room, and the table, chairs, desk, and nightstand were all of a similar rich mahogany.

Sitting on the table was a wicker basket filled with soaps, snacks, books, old fashioned pens, and an assortment of hodge podge items with a banner pinned to the side saying “Welcome Home Az’Prel!”. There was a card signed by each person in Sickbay who had helped treat Az’Prel, and some that only met her in passing.

Looking a bit embarrassed, Asa said, “I hope you like it. Everyone wanted to give you something, so I told them to put in what would make them feel welcome in a new place. So, well, it’s a bit of a….diverse….housewarming gift, but there’s a lot of affection in there too.”

Az'Prel wandered the room like a lost lamb, running her fingers over furniture as she did so, studying every last inch of the quarters. She wasn't sure if she was looking for traps or waiting for the other boot to drop, but this all seemed too much. Did they really expect her to believe that these massive quarters were all hers? She was used to living in a space the size of the refresher.

Turning to the pair, her pointed brow was furrowed. "I am grateful, but I am having trouble believing the size of these quarters. What is the price?"

"I know," Paris replied, arms sweeping expansively across the vast chamber. "We bring you to a room bigger than a barracks and tell you that this is your quarters, just you, all alone, and you are wondering how they can have that much space, how they can afford to be so wasteful, wondering what you are going to do with all of this space, expecting a few families to move into it with you. I get it, I honestly do."

"But this is the future. Within the Federation, there is no cost. It's all just matter, and the replicators can provide nearly anything, which really paved the way for our moneyless society, which kind of eliminated a lot of the negative aspects of humanity." This at least was something Rita understood from her own time to the modern, and she recalled the Terrans were still quite motivated by greed and used currency exchange. "Outside the Federation, there's an exchange rate of some sort. I'll be honest, I don't really understand it all that well either. But yes, this is all for you. Unless you would be cozier in something smaller, or you would prefer a roommate."

Az'Prel picked up one of the miscellaneous items in the gift basket and looked it over. Never before had she known such kindness and she felt as if she was undeserving of it. To top it all of, there was so much plenty in this universe, everything was free, which only compounded her feelings of guilt and remorse that she was trying to bury. Setting the item back in the basket, she turned to the pair, bowing slightly. "I will accept this with great humility. If you should have need of my fighting ability or tactical skills as a guerilla fighter, please do not hesitate to call upon me. I am here to serve."

"Everyone contributes as much or as little as they wish in this society. And I understand that life without purpose, after a lifetime of struggle, is its own trap. Have no fear, Ms. Az'Prel. When we have need of your skills, we will ask for your help. For now, just getting you healthy was job one. Good work on that front, Doctor- I've read the reports," Paris paused to pat the frail physician on the shoulder fondly.

"Now we need to acclimate you to the world in which you find yourself, and help you find your place. We're glad that you are here, and I know that trust doesn't come easily. I had an awful hard time believing there wasn't a catch or some sinister motivation myself- that's why I'm here with you today. Where you are, I too have been. Because I remember what it felt like, I'm here to tell you that you matter. You can contribute. You are welcome. And we wish for you to find harmony between yourself and the universe in which you now reside." It might be easier to disbelieve the woman, save that she was earnest and forthright, as she seemed to always be when speaking. A human she was, but no Terran could maintain a deception for this long this convincingly.

"Your words ring of truth." Az'Prel thought on Rita's words for a moment, her fingers steepling in front of her. "Perhaps a return to my old training routine would help then. Modified to prevent any undue stresses and harm, of course. I doubt you would allow me to train with wild animals in dangerous terrain to hunt Terrans as I did in my old life. Until I was captured and enslaved, of course..."

“That’s a different conversation. Let’s tackle that one after the quarters… but yes. Oddly enough, we can accommodate that as well. The wonders of the future,” Paris chuckled, shaking her head. Just as the newcomer marveled at what the future held, so too did the traveler who had preceded her still feel that marvel and amazement for the universe in which they both found themselves, even as she worried over the past which included the words 'captured and enslaved'.

“I’ll set up a recommended exercise regimen for you, Az’Prel. One that will help you slowly ramp up your activity level back to what you are comfortable with. You’ve been through a heck of an ordeal, and there is no rush to be back in peak physical condition, so my professional recommendation is slow and steady improvement. We can look at some holodeck- projected environments which you can interact with that is- programs to simulate a variety of environments. Perhaps let’s start with some walking and running on Vulcan? I would be happy to join, if you like,” Asa said, beaming with pride at Az’Prel’s recovery, and with hope for seeing their patient embrace a full life.

"I would find that agreeable. Thank you both." The displaced Vulcan resumed looking around her new vast quarters, inspecting every inch and familiarizing herself with them. She was trying to tell herself she wasn't looking for spy equipment or hidden torture implements, but it came as second nature to her.

When she came upon her old armor hanging upon an armor rack, she lightly ran her fingertips across the chest plate and shoulder pads in memory of her one worldly possession remaining from her old universe. The wormhole aliens had stripped her of the remains of her small shuttle and her weapons so this was all she had left and it was in tatters from years of combat and held together with rivets and wrappings in some places.

Then she realized she was hungry and turned back to her pair of angels. "Where may I procure sustenance?"

“Right this way, please,” Asa said, walking towards the replicator.

“This is a replicator. It can give you food, drink, daily use items, really almost anything you might need save advanced powered weaponry. You can use it by either hailing the computer by saying “Computer” or press the button right….here,” Asa said, pressing said button and then continuing, “Three hot chocolates with marshmallows please.”

The shimmering lights in the replicator coalesced into three steaming mugs, and Asa handed one to Az’Prel and one to Rita before taking a sip and continuing, “Some people program recipes and preferences into their replicator. The instructions for that are on the PaDD on your desk, along with the environmental controls for the room. Personally, I tend to just ask for what I want and go with the programmed recipe. I’ve tried cooking and been….well, wildly unsuccessful is a nice way of saying almost burned my own hair off. Wanna give it a go?”

Stepping up to the replicator, Az'Prel pressed the button and spoke to the replicator. "Lightly honey glazed saffir." As the requested grain based Vulcan desert materialized, her eyebrows raised in mild surprise. She had not expected the sweet to have been such a close visual and olfactory match to what she remembered as a child.

Taking the plate with the round cake and fork, she retreated to the dining table, motioning for the others to join her. "Please, join me. It is... Comforting... To not eat alone."

“I understand, and we’d be happy to,” Rita replied as she placed the hot chocolate back into the replicator, sending it back to matter reclamation, then requested “Computer, one sliced honeycrisp apple and a bowl of corn flakes in milk, please.” As the requested items hummed into being, the full-figured first officer took them from the replicator and moved to take a seat at the table. “Nothing personal, I’m just not that big on sweets most of the time. This figure doesn’t maintain itself, you know…”

With a laugh, Asa took a deep drink of their cocoa, "I'm always up for something sweet! Young El-Aurians have the metabolism of a hummingbird anyway, so might as well enjoy it while I have it."

Walking to the replicator again, Asa secured a cinnamon roll covered in icing and took a huge bite with a corresponding huge grin.

Using the fork, Az'Prel took a bite of the Vulcan desert and the flavor of it almost overwhelmed her with the memories it elicited. She then took a sip of the strange drink she had been given. It was considerably sweeter, but still palatable. As she ate, a hint of a smile graced her lips.

“Not bad for reformatted matter, right?” Rita smiled genially as she took a spoonful of crunchy flakes. “So… about the holodeck. There are rooms within the ship that can create a virtual environment using replication, holograms and forcefields which are practically indistinguishable from reality. There are safety protocols, and we can discuss those at a later date. But you can virtually visit Vulcan, or Earth, or most of the worlds of the federation. In some cases you can even get a real-time representation of the place in question, if it is currently actively scanned. A few times a week I jog the nature trail at Starfleet Academy, in realtime, because it helps me to feel connected to my home when I am so far from it.”

“Ah,” snapping her fingers, the ancient astronaut realized another briefing element needed to be mentioned. “Earth is the seat of the United Federation of Planets. Over 1600 world which have joined together for mutual support and peaceful cultural exchange. I’m honestly not sure who the president of the Federation is these days, but they are most likely a race other than human. So, as the seat of the Federation, it is also home to Starfleet, and that is where Starfleet Academy is located. In the city of San Francisco, and that’s where I grew up I suspect earth was a collection of horrors where you came from, but here it is the starting point for all of Starfleet personnel to begin their careers exploring, seeking and boldly going.”

"It is as I surmised then. The humans of this universe and those of mine have a completely polarized outlook on life and death. The spread across the galaxy is the same, but while the Terran empire does it through fear and conquest, the Federation does it through compassion and diplomacy." Az'Prel made a figure eight motion with her fork as she spoke before resuming eating.

The face of the extradimensional explorer split in a smile as she realized that the shell-shocked veteran was getting it. "Yes, Miss Az'Prel. Starfleet of this universe genuinely is a benevolent organization, with compassion and diplomacy as our watchwords. We really do come in peace."

"I know, coming from where you do, it'll take you a long time to trust us or anyone, and that's reasonable. Trust is earned. We're willing to put in the time. You are welcome to catch us at our best and our worst, and we're willing to be judged by our choices and actions." The earth girl shoveled another spoonful of cornflakes in and ate her crunchy breakfast with gusto and a goofy milk smile.

"Your actions have spoken immeasurably about the entire crew, particularly at the recent wake. I have never witnessed anything similar." Az'Prel consumed a few more bites of her saffir thoughtfully. "Plus the conversation with Sonak gave me much to consider."

“He’s a wise man… a master of Gol, a Kolinahr, and an admirable man of principle.” As she spoke, there was a hint of pride in the feisty first officer’s tone. “Mind you, I may be a bit biased, I’ll admit, but he’s the quite possibly the best person I’ve ever met. In our universe Vulcan was also destroyed, and he was the last Kolinahr, as the only one who was not on Vulcan when it was destroyed. Here, he revisited and reconnected with his homeworld. When we get a chance and all of the current madness has passed, we’ll see if we can’t give you the opportunity to do the same.”

Taking another bite of her cereal, the anachronistic astronaut added, “I know what it’s like to want to see home again, we all do. And here, you can see what your culture became without the antagonism of the Terrans while embracing the logical teachings of Surak. If you would like a teacher to help guide you through those philosophies, Sonak never turns away anyone wishing to learn. So don’t hesitate to ask him- I suspect he would welcome the opportunity.”

Realizing she was going on a bit, Rita blushed slightly as her thumb absently rotated the duranium grey band on her third finger. “Sorry. I go on a bit about him, but… he’s quite the heroic figure.”

The displaced Vulcan woman nodded solemnly. "I have found heroism to be quite subjective, though I will not say that your opinion is unfounded. He is... Accomplished. I respect that he has achieved a great many things through logic."

Gently, Asa said, “I hope you find us a place where you can take pride in your own accomplishments. Shoot. Please, forgive me, I’m sorry, that was emotion based language. I hope we provide you an environment to thrive in. I truly do want to know if there is something you think would help with that, and I would be honored to learn martial arts from you, if you would like to teach? It would be good therapy for you in a few weeks to go through some forms, and I would very much like to be able to defend myself better. Would… that be agreeable? It’s perfectly okay to say no, of course.”

Of course what Asa had not said was that they were concerned Az’Prel would either push too hard to regain her health, or that exploring combat movement again might trigger a strong emotional response from her traumatic past. It was entirely true that Asa wanted to better be able to defend themself, but the larger drive was being able to watch over their patient for a bit longer.

Az'Prel bowed her head, her open hands spread wide in subservience. "I live to serve." The display of submission complete, she resumed eating, taking a drink of the super sweet drink before finishing off her Vulcan desert. "I am well versed in fourteen forms of martial arts, including the Klingon form of Mok'bara and Human art of Kama Sutra. There may also be differences in the forms from my time and universe and this one, which may lend to unpredictability that you and your security teams may find useful."

"Oh yes," Rita agreed around a mouthful of cornflakes. Swallowing, she pressed the point. "Once you are settled in, I plan to assign you as a civilian security trainer as a job position, so you can begin teaching our gals in gold the fine art of guerilla warfare and some exotic martial arts, if you feel that would be to your liking. It seems to take advantage of your skillset in a constructive manner, and enables you to share a lifetime of experience with those who are well-trained by inexperienced. Does that sound like something you would wish to entertain?"

"I would find that quite agreeable, yes." The displaced Vulcan woman nodded as she sipped at her chocolatey drink. "I can begin at your discretion."

"Tomorrow, 07:00, Deck 11, Gymnasium 1," the first officer replied promptly and decisively. "I'd like for you and Lieutenant Dox to square off. She's an expert in a Romulan martial art they call 'the laughing death'. As she's quite the combatant, I'd like for the two of you to spar, so we can gain some measure of your skill, then work up an education program from there. Nothing lethal, no weapons, just a skill demonstration is all I ask," she added, waving her hands palms up before her. "This isn't gladiatorial combat. Which seems excessive to say, but it can't hurt to make the point."

"I will be punctual," replied Az'Prel with a nod, taking note of the time and place. "Thank you."

"Um, I'll be there too, if you don't mind? Just to observe....and make sure everyone is ok...." the doctor said, a touch of caution in their voice. "I'm sure you will be of course, just, well, I guess I'm a bit over cautious."

"A training exercise is actually an excellent time for a safety inspection, Doctor. You're welcome to come and observe, and examine our safety protocols to see if we need shoring up anywhere. It would be most appreciated," Rita added with a smile, pleased to get the doctor involved sufficiently to ally their potential misgivings. While engaging the sole survivor of a lost universe best left forgotten with purpose and both a reason and an agency to engage with her shipmates. It would be important for Az'Prel to begin a new life here in the far-flung and friendly future which she could never have imagined in a thousand lifetimes.

"Great!" Asa enthused, "I can't wait to watch ya'll work. Cheering section, coming up!"

"As a guerrilla fighter, my best work is unseen so this will be an interesting change for me," Az'Prel replied. "After all, most of my operations involved hidden defense and infiltration over long periods of time."

“Oddly enough, we have a meeting scheduled with the Captain tomorrow afternoon in regard to that…” Paris explained. “I think we may just have a mission for you that plays to your strengths. But I’ll let her spell that out for you tomorrow. For today, we’ll get you settled in and acclimated, help you solve any immediate issues you encounter and get you ready to start a productive life in the closing days of the 24th century.”

“So….anything you would like added to your room here? Or anything that should go away?” Asa asked cautiously, not wanting to overwhelm Az’Prel at her new environs.

The displaced Vulcan woman glanced around and she realized what she missed most about her old life. "A sand box with meditation stones. One meter by half a meter and five centimeters deep. The frame made of Vulcan tique wood. My mentor kept one in the center of his living quarters when I was young."

"Computer," Asa said, "Can you please provide us with a holo-rendering of a Vulcan tique wood box, one meter by half a meter, five centimeters deep, filled with sand and meditation stones?"

With a soft whoosh sound, the box was projected into the center of the room. Looking to Az'Prel, Asa asked, "Is this to your liking? If not, simply say 'Computer' and let it know of any changes you would like."

"Computer, please add a seven centimeter wide sand brush." As the computer complied, Az'Prel moved from her place at the table to kneel before the sandbox to look it over. "This... Is perfect."

“You’ve a considerable matter allowance, so feel free to redecorate as you wish, to make this space your own,” Paris indicated, observing the serenity just seeing the box seemed to bring the refugee of a bygone reality. “Or if you would prefer not to live alone, we can certainly find you a roommate if you like. Your well-being is important to us, and we want you to feel secure and comfortable.”

"Thank you, Commander. I will consider it," Az'Prel replied in a zen-like state as she picked up one of the stones and moved it to another part of the box. It was obvious that she was no longer completely there.

Silently, Paris motioned to the doctor that they should depart, a finger to her lips as she recognized that the Vulcan was entering a mediatory trance. While she would be aware, the voices and conversation would become distant to her, and it was as good a cue as any for the first officer and chief medical officer to depart.

Following the first officer into the hallway, Asa said once the door had closed, “I think she’s ready.”

"I think you're right. You've worked wonder for her body, Doc. All we can do is provide some peace... it's up to her to heal her soul." Rita shook her head and smiled winsomely. "I guess that's why the Prophets sent her to us. As godlike non-linear cosmic entities beyond our comprehension go, they're pretty swell in my book."

With a snort of agreement, Asa replied, “If she decides she wants to, I think she will find a great place here. So, how do we go about having her join the crew officially, if that is the decision? This is my first inter-dimensional orientation, so I confess, I don’t know all the ins and outs. From a medical standpoint though, she is healthy enough to serve- provided she continues counseling.”

“Well, mine too, truthfully. I'm just doing what i wish had been done for me, and following my instincts on this one. To answer your question, to serve in the Fleet she would need to attend the Academy. I got grandfathered, although in truth I could probably use a refresher course myself, being so behind the times on, well, everything,” Rita admitted, spreading her hands palms up. “But in her case she will be a civilian attache. I can find work for her, and her status of not being a Starfleet officer will actually work in her favor, as there are some missions that need to stay off the books, like helping the captain with her family ties. I’ll set her to work with my security force and see how she does, and we’ll see where her interests lie. Ours is a society built on labor for those who wish to do so, leisure for those who choose. I’d like for her to be able to see and do with us so that she can decide what she would like to do, where she would like to go, and how she would like to spend her life now that she has the freedom to choose.”

Nodding, Asa said, “Agreed, Commander. Truthfully, I’m glad she will be staying with us. We both put a lot of heart into her case, and I know you are as anxious as I am to watch her prosper. I know her body is healed, but her mind, well, that’s going to take a while, and I’m glad she will be surrounded by the people here while she acclimates. I can’t think of a better crew to show patience and understanding to someone new to the universe.”

I suspect her mind will be easy enough- an actual master of logic at hand should easily deal with her questions. It’s her soul that concerns me… she was born into a world of horrors and endured things I’d rather not consider. To my mind, her soul is what needs healing, Doctor. And in that, I must agree.” Draping an arm about the slender shoulders of the ship’s surgeon, the fulsome first officer rattled the doctor a bit.

”Miss Az’Prel could not possibly be in better hands to heal, and find her place in this universe,” the extradimensional explorer grinned down at the young immortal. “After all, we’ve been there, eh?”

“Aye, we have indeed,” Asa said, returning the smile and leaning into the embrace. “But we need not suffer alone, nor standby while others do, and that is what matters.”


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