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Meeting the Captain

Posted on Wed Feb 11th, 2015 @ 12:57am by Captain Enalia Telvan & Commander Sinek
Edited on on Sat Feb 28th, 2015 @ 11:07pm

Mission: Temporal Kickback
Location: Captain's Ready Room

The science ship USS Bacon slowed to impulse as it approached the much larger USS Hera. Aboard the Bacon, Lieutenant (soon to be Lieutenant Commander) Sinek was readying himself for transport to the larger vessel.

Sinek was taking on a new opportunity as the CSO of the Hera. The Hera was a reconnaissance ship that was assigned to explore the Klingon-Romulan border. Sinek was certain that his abilities would assist his new team. The opportunity to be a part of the command team was fascinating.

The human at the transporter controls asked with a chuckle, "Are you ready for transport Lieutenant Cynic?"

Sinek never understood human humor. It seemed illogical for person to laugh when addressing another human being. It seemed disrespectful, especially since no one shared what the joke actually was.

Commander Houston, the XO smiled at Sinek and in an effort to make peace stated, "Lieutenant, they are saying Cynic, C-Y-N-I-C. I thought you should know that."

"How illogical," the Vulcan replied. ""Commander, I have served this ship and its crew to the best of my abilities."

The XO grinned, "I understand Lieutenant, but you haven't exactly gotten to know the crew well."

Sinek remembered a meeting that occurred just a week before while the Bacon was resupplying at Starbase 119. His Uncle Tuvek brought an older Vulcan for him to meet. When the Vulcan removed his hood, Sinek recognized Ambassador Spock. Spock was known to have entered the ranks of Star Fleet as a Science Officer, achieving the rank of Captain and moving on to be an ambassador. He was a model for any Vulcan entering into Star Fleet service.

"One thing you lack to be successful," Spock had mentioned to him. "It is more logical to open up and truly know the individuals with whom you serve. Yours and their lives may depend on it some day."

Sinek never considered this truth before that moment. He stored it away in his mind to improve his relations with other crew members.

Coming back to the present, Sinek replied, "That is understandable, Commander. I now understand that relationship is a logical necessity."

The commander grinned as Sinek stepped onto the transporter pad. "Use that logic wisely, Lieutenant. It will be of good use to you in command."

Sinek nodded, the XO gave the command to energize. Just before he faded out, Sinek lifted his hand in the traditional Vulcan salute. "Live long and prosper," he said as he slowly disappeared.

The commander gave a nod at the empty pad, then whispered, "Peace and long life."

Over on the Hera, Lieutenant Sinek appeared in transporter room 1. The ensign at the controls informed him that the Captain was awaiting him in her Ready Room off of the bridge. Sinek immediately went to the turbo lift and gave the command to go to the bridge.

At the bridge, the turbo lift doors whisked open. The bridge to the Hera was a fascinating sight for the Vulcan. He had to suppress the emotion of pride as he entered, knowing he would soon be introduced to the Science team as their Chief Officer. Briskly, the Vulcan walked to the Ready Room and chimed to enter.

"Enter," Enalia called as she clicked her desk terminal off. She really needed to get someone to install more screens in her desk, but for now she'd have to make due with the one portable desk terminal and the small control cluster to her left. At least she had a good replicator, she thought as she sipped her tea and looked to the Vulcan entering through the now open doors. "Lieutenant Sinek, I presume?"

Sinek approached the Commander's desk and stood at full attention. He took a quick visual of his new Commanding Officer, her long hair, dark eyes, the spots identifying her as a trill. He could tell even with her behind the desk that she was very athletic.

"Reporting as ordered, Commander," the Lieutenant flatly affirmed.

"Please, have a seat," Enalia said as she motioned to the chair across her desk from her. "Would you like something to drink?" As she asked, she reached into one of the drawers of her desk and pulled out a small black box, setting it in front of her but not opening it.

Lieutenant Sinek considered the question for a brief moment then replied, "Thank you Commander, any type of fruit juice would be adequate."

The Lieutenant took a seat in the chair that the commander pointed toward. He sat straight, but looked relaxed, not tense.

Punching up her own favorite combination of passion fruit juices, Enalia slid the drink and the box over to the Vulcan. "Congrats on your promotion, by the way."

Sinek accepted the drink and box. "Thank you, commander," came the monotone reply.

The Lieutenant opened the box and removed the pips from inside. He placed them upon his collar and became recognizable as Lieutenant Commander. The work he had down to achieve this promotion had been satisfying indeed.

Sinek turned his attention to his current tasks. He was ready for his new tasks. "How may I best serve the Hera and her crew?"

"Well, you're the Chief Science Officer aboard a science vessel. We may work for Starfleet Intel, but our primary mission is still to explore. "You should have enough just with bridge duties and keeping your department running, but I'll expect you'll have a lot more on your plate soon enough." Enalia said as she leaned back in her chair.

"I understand, Commander," Lieutenant Commander Sinek intoned. "If I am dismissed, I would like to meet with my staff. Is there anything I need to be made aware of concerning the Science Department?"

"Sciences, no..." Enalia said with a bit of a pause. "I recommend getting to know the rest of the department heads at your leisure. And watch out for the civilians we have on board. A few of them are... Unusual... Oh and get the policies straightened out on the pod sensor systems with the Ops Chief. There's been some issues with not scanning for pirates in our wake."

The newly made Lieutenant Commander wondered what unusual civilians might be aboard the Hera. Perhaps it would be good to do some observation to discover just what makes another...unusual.

"Understood, Commander," Sinek expressed. "I will meet with the Chief of Operations. We will work together and resolve any issues with the sensors."

"Dismissed." Enalia said simply. "And welcome aboard."

"Thank you, Commander," Sinek intoned, "I look forward to be of service to the Hera and her crew."

The Lieutenant Commander straightened, turned and purposely left the Ready Room.


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