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Quantum Disaster Averted

Posted on Sun Oct 7th, 2018 @ 10:52am by Captain Enalia Telvan & Petty Officer 2nd Class Ila Dedjoy

Mission: Hera v Hera
Location: Intel Pod Labs

Ila Dedjoy was running her normal scans of the ship as she waited on yet another quantum encapsulation lab experiment to finish when an alarm went off and the intel pod AI started talking. “Warning. Quantum barrier breach imminent. Localization inside the ship. Triangulating. Warp core dilithium chamber and transporter room four.”

Looking up from her scans, Ila was surprised to say the least. Tapping her comm badge, she called the captain. “Captain Telvan, we have an imminent quantum barrier breach.” Tapping at a nearby console, she brought up the scan data from the AI. “Less than a minute. Transporter room four and the warp core. It looks like Commander Paris is trying to transport somewhere but something in the core isn’t...”

Enalia’s voice came over the comms. “They’re doing experiments to figure out why she can’t. Sonak and Dael are...” A burst of static came over the comm line for just a second, drowning out whatever Enalia had to say.

Abandoning the Quantum Encapsulation Lab, Ila set off at a dead run towards the S31 Transport lab. “Captain, There’s a warp shadow in the core that’s entangled with Rita’s signature. I should have picked it up sooner. Permission to use the special transport room?”

“Permission granted. Just make sure they can get Paris ba….” Another, more solid, burst of static filled the comm channel.

As Ila made it to the Transport lab and got it unlocked, Lucky popped out with his calm British voice. “It seems the quantum interference is too high to continue communications with the rest of the ship. Sensors are functioning at around eighty three percent. If you don’t resolve the issue, the ship will be either destroyed or pulled across the quantum barrier and… Well, the whole ship and crew might end up as a quantum ghost.”

“Then let’s make sure that doesn’t happen,” Ila replied as she slid into he control console and started the lock-on procedure for that warp ghost in the ship’s warp core.

Checking the other sensors that Lucky had brought up, she saw that Rita was actually being consumed by a transporter beam very slowly. On top of that, she had one of those micro-transporters on her. “Are they trying to destroy the ship?” she grumbled as she tried to speed along the lock.

Suddenly, right as Rita was about to finish dematerializing, the lock finished. Slamming her hand down on the big red button, Ila held her breath for what seemed an eternity.

The chamber filled with particles.

An antique sample pod popped into existence, covered in film, inside the chamber.

Rita vanished on the sensors.

The ship was still there.

After a few seconds of silence, Lucky piped in cheerfully. “Quantum barrier disaster averted! Congratulations!”

Ila then let out the breath she’d been holding and watched the sensors as Sonak, Dael, and Fingerman worked to get Rita back safely. Once she knew the first officer was back in one piece, she cut the feed and tapped her comm badge. “Captain, this is Dedjoy. Crisis averted.” Grabbing her tricorder, she unsealed the transport booth and started scanning the old container.

“Excellent work, Ila. What exactly was it that was causing this?” Came the captain’s voice, once again crystal clear.

Ila scanned for a few seconds before replying. “I pulled some sort of twenty second century sample container out of the warp core. It was in the same state Rita was in when we found her. Captain, it has a planetary core sample in it… And it has Rita’s DNA embedded throughout it.”


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Comments (2)

By Commander Rita Paris on Sun Oct 7th, 2018 @ 12:45pm

See? Everyone forgot about that core sample from Ajilon Prime those 2268 scientists were so dead set on securing. Sure, there were solar flares and an ion storm, but that exotic core sample...

By Lieutenant Asa Dael on Sun Oct 7th, 2018 @ 5:38pm

Whoopsie, sorry for almost killing us all. Live and learn?